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Created March 8, 2018 23:03
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Create phrases from entities to describe a post
const describePostTexts = texts => {
const postTitle = texts[0]
const postIntro = texts.slice(1, 4).join('.\n')
const intro = `The post is titled "${postTitle}" and it reads as it follows:\n`
return intro + postIntro
const describeEntityCounts = counts => {
const top = counts[0]
const intro = `We find a total of ${counts.length} entities mentioned. `
const topCount = `Mainly "${}" which appears ${top.count} times, followed by `
const topCounts = counts.slice(1, 4).map(({name, count}) => `"${name}" mentioned ${count} times`).join(', ')
const rest = counts.slice(4, 7).map(({name}) => name).join(', ')
const others = `. Some other mentions include ${rest} plus many others`
return intro + topCount + topCounts + others
const describeTypesCounts = counts => {
const intro = `Regarding the types of entities, it includes `
const other = counts.find(({name}) => name = 'OTHER')
const noOther = counts.filter(({name}) => name != 'OTHER')
const body ={name, count}) => `${count} ${plural(cleanName(name), count)}`).join(', ')
const closing = `, and also some other ${other.count} things`
return intro + body + closing
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