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Created May 8, 2014 20:54
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Haskell Protocol Buffers
Implements binary encoding and decoding of protocol buffers
as specified in:
Handle [packed=true]
Parse .proto file
Define "nice" proto object spec
Produce nice proto object code from parsed .proto file
import qualified Data.String.Utils as Utils
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Char
import Data.List.Split
import Text.Printf
import Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
data Foo = Foo { bar :: Int32 } deriving Show
type RawPB = [(Int32, Value)]
data Value =
{- Wire type 0 -}
PBInt32 Int32 | PBInt64 Int64 |
PBUInt32 Word32 | PBUInt64 Word64 |
PBSInt32 Int32 | PBSInt64 Int64 |
PBBool Bool | PBEnum Int32 |
{- Wire type 1 -}
PBFixed64 Word64 | PBSFixed64 Int64 | {- Float64 -}
{- Wire type 2 -}
PBBytes [Word8] | PBString String| PBMessage RawPB |
{- Wire type 5 -}
PBFixed32 Word32 | PBSFixed32 Int32 {- Float32 -}
deriving Show
wireType :: Value -> Int32
wireType (PBInt32 _) = 0
wireType (PBUInt32 _) = 0
wireType (PBSInt32 _) = 0
wireType (PBInt64 _) = 0
wireType (PBUInt64 _) = 0
wireType (PBSInt64 _) = 0
wireType (PBBool _) = 0
wireType (PBEnum _) = 0
wireType (PBFixed64 _) = 1
wireType (PBSFixed64 _) = 1
wireType (PBString _) = 2
wireType (PBBytes _) = 2
wireType (PBMessage _) = 2
wireType (PBFixed32 _) = 5
wireType (PBSFixed32 _) = 5
{- ***** ENCODING ***** -}
encodePb :: RawPB -> [Word8]
encodePb pb = concat field_codes
field_codes = encode_field pb
header :: Int32 -> Value -> [Word8]
header k v = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral $ shiftL k 3 .|. fromIntegral (wireType v)
encode_field :: (Int32, Value) -> [Word8]
encode_field (k,v) = header k v ++ encodeValue v
encodeValue :: Value -> [Word8]
{- Wire type 0 -}
encodeValue (PBInt32 n) = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral n
encodeValue (PBUInt32 n) = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral n
encodeValue (PBSInt32 n) = encodeSigned $ fromIntegral n
encodeValue (PBInt64 n) = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral n
encodeValue (PBUInt64 n) = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral n
encodeValue (PBSInt64 n) = encodeSigned $ fromIntegral n
encodeValue (PBBool True) = [1]
encodeValue (PBBool False) = [0]
encodeValue (PBEnum n) = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral n
{- Wire type 1 -}
encodeValue (PBFixed64 n) = encodeFixed 8 (fromIntegral n)
encodeValue (PBSFixed64 n) = encodeFixed 8 (fromIntegral n)
{- Wire type 2 -}
encodeValue (PBBytes bs) = encodeLength bs ++ bs
encodeValue (PBString str) = encodeLength str ++ char_to_byte str
char_to_byte ch = fromIntegral $ ord ch
encodeValue (PBMessage msg) = encodeLength bs ++ bs
bs = encodePb msg
{- Wire type 5 -}
encodeValue (PBFixed32 n) = encodeFixed 4 (fromIntegral n)
encodeValue (PBSFixed32 n) = encodeFixed 4 (fromIntegral n)
encodeSigned :: Integer -> [Word8]
encodeSigned n | n >= 0 = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral $ shiftL n 1
encodeSigned n | n < 0 = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral $ 1 + shiftL (abs n) 1
encodeLength :: [a] -> [Word8]
encodeLength xs = encodeVarint $ fromIntegral $ length xs
encodeVarint :: Integer -> [Word8]
encodeVarint n | n < 0 = encodeVarint (2^70 + n)
encodeVarint n | n < 128 = [fromIntegral n]
encodeVarint n = (first_byte .|. bit 7) : encodeVarint (n `div` 128)
first_byte = fromIntegral $ n `mod` 128
encodeFixed :: Integer -> Integer -> [Word8]
encodeFixed 0 _ = []
encodeFixed i n = fromIntegral (n `mod` 256) : encodeFixed (i-1) (n `div` 256)
{- ***** DECODING ***** -}
{- TODO(paulson): There should probably be a monad threading the [Word8] around -}
decodePb :: [Word8] -> RawPB
decodePb [] = []
decodePb b1 = (tag, v) : decodePb b3
(header, b2) = decodeVarint b1
(tag, wireType) = decode_header $ fromIntegral header
(v, b3) = decode_value wireType b2
decode_header :: Int32 -> (Int32, Int32)
decode_header n = (shiftR n 3, n .&. 0x7)
decode_value :: Int32 -> [Word8] -> (Value, [Word8])
decode_value 0 b1 = (PBUInt64 $ fromIntegral v, b2)
(v, b2) = decodeVarint b1
decode_value 1 b1 = (PBFixed64 $ fromIntegral v, b2)
(v, b2) = decodeFixed 8 b1
decode_value 2 b1 = (PBBytes v, b3)
(len, b2) = decodeVarint b1
(v, b3) = (take (fromIntegral len) b2, drop (fromIntegral len) b2)
decode_value 5 b1 = (PBFixed32 $ fromIntegral v, b2)
(v, b2) = decodeFixed 4 b1
decodeFixed :: Integer -> [Word8] -> (Integer, [Word8])
decodeFixed len b1 = (bytes_to_integer b2, b3)
(b2, b3) = (take (fromIntegral len) b1, drop (fromIntegral len) b1)
bytes_to_integer :: [Word8] -> Integer
bytes_to_integer [] = 0
bytes_to_integer (b:bs) = fromIntegral b + 256 * bytes_to_integer bs
decodeVarint :: [Word8] -> (Integer, [Word8])
decodeVarint stream = f stream (0::Integer) (1::Integer)
done :: Word8
done = 0x80 {- 1000 1000 -}
mask :: Word8
mask = 0x7f {- 0111 1111 -}
final :: Word8 -> Bool
final byte = (byte .&. done) == 0
val :: Word8 -> Word8
val byte = byte .&. mask
f :: [Word8] -> Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, [Word8])
f (b:bs) n p128
| final b = (newn n b p128, bs)
| otherwise = f bs (newn n b p128) (p128*128)
newn n byte p128 = n + fromIntegral (val b) * p128
{- *** DEBUGGING *** -}
printBytes :: [Word8] -> IO ()
printBytes bs = putStrLn $ Utils.join " " $ chunksOf 4 str
str = concat strs
strs = to_binary bs
to_binary n = bit_to_string (to_bits n)
to_bits :: Bits a => a -> [Bool]
to_bits n = f n (bitSize n - 1)
f n (-1) = []
f n i = testBit n i : f n (i-1)
bit_to_string :: Bool -> Char
bit_to_string True = '1'
bit_to_string False = '0'
test1 = [(1 :: Int32, PBInt32 (150 :: Int32))]
test2 = [(1 :: Int32, PBInt64 (150 :: Int64))]
test3 = [(1 :: Int32, PBFixed64 (150 :: Word64))]
test4 = [(1 :: Int32, PBBytes ([150] :: [Word8]))]
test5 = [(1 :: Int32, PBFixed32 150)]
test6 = [(1 :: Int32, PBString "testing")]
test7 = [(3 :: Int32, PBMessage [(1, PBInt32 150)])]
test8 = [(3 :: Int32, PBMessage [(1 :: Int32, PBInt32 (-1 :: Int32))])]
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