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Last active April 4, 2018 04:08
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My failed attempt to Debug Xamarin.Android

Step 1

I started with a fresh clone of xamarin-android and checked out the d15-7 branch.

Need to specify MSBUILD=msbuild if we plan on using VS for Mac:

make prepare all MSBUILD=msbuild

Otherwise, it will build with xbuild and all our IDEs use msbuild now.

Troubleshooting Step 1

Because why would it be that easy?

Java.Interop Troubles

If you have difficulty getting external/Java.Interop's prepare step to work, place the following in external/Java.Interop/bin/BuildDebug/JdkInfo.props

<Project xmlns="">
    <When Condition=" '$(JdkJvmPath)' == '' ">
        <JdkIncludePath Include="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/include" />
        <JdkIncludePath Include="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/include/darwin" />
    <JavaCPath Condition=" '$(JavaCPath)' == '' ">/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/javac</JavaCPath>
    <JarPath Condition=" '$(JarPath)' == '' ">/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_152.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/jar</JarPath>

Make sure to change these paths as needed for your system.

Mono Bundle Troubles

Make sure you also see something like this:

  Downloading `

Xamarin.Android's CI system caches builds of mono and a few other native libraries. They are quite time consuming to build.

If it lists a 404 error, than means the build is about to attempt to build mono. You don't want to mess with this, so check and see if a recent commit is bumping mono and/or modifying mono-runtimes.csproj. You may prefer to back up a commit or two:

#NOTE: this will clear changes in your working copy, too!
git reset --hard HEAD~1

Change the number 1 to specify how many commits you want to back up to. git pull will move back forward to the latest if you mess up.

Installed Mono Troubles

You might also see:

build-tools/scripts/RequiredPrograms.targets(35,5): warning : Please download `` into `~/android-archives/MonoFramework-MDK-`.
build-tools/scripts/RequiredPrograms.targets(40,5): error : Could not find required program 'mono'. Please run: installer -pkg "~/android-archives/MonoFramework-MDK-" -target /

You can fix this by running:

wget -P ~/android-archives/
sudo installer -pkg ~/android-archives/MonoFramework-MDK- -target /

Make sure the URL and paths match the error message, and retry the build.

Step 2

I opened VS Code, and opened src/Mono.Android/Android.App/Activity.cs.

I added some nonsense method:

public int Add (int x, int y)
    return x + y;

Then built again, making sure to use MSBUILD=msbuild:

make MSBUILD=msbuild

Not passing make a target implies make all.

Step 3

I opened VS for Mac and created a blank Xamarin.Android app (latest and greatest).

I opened the csproj and modified the reference to Mono.Android.dll (Right Click | Tools | Edit File):

<Reference Include="Mono.Android">

I also made sure TargetFrameworkVersion is set to v8.1 in the csproj.

After modifying the csproj, I had to restart VS for Mac.

Step 4

I opened MainActivity.cs in my project and added this line:

int result = Add(1, 2);

I added a breakpoint and ran the project.

Step 5

MissingMethodException, now that's embarrassing.

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