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Created December 17, 2013 00:57
Show Gist options
  • Save jonathanpeterwu/7998108 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Command Line Challenge Gist
2031 git clone
2032 git clone
2033 ls
2034 mkdir CLI-Obstacle-Course
2035 mv 789c8d69344bd3c62f13
2036 mv 789c8d69344bd3c62f13 source CLI-Obstacle-Course
2037 ls
2038 mkdir CLI-Obstacle-Course/
2039 ls
2040 cd CLI-Obstacle-Course
2041 ls
2042 cd 789c8d69344bd3c62f13
2043 ls
2044 .
2045 cd..
2046 ls
2047 rm 789c8d69344bd3c62f13
2048 rv 789c8d69344bd3c62f13
2049 rm 789c8d69344bd3c62f13
2050 ls
2051 rm 789c8d69344bd3c62f13
2052 git clone
2053 ls
2054 cd CLI-Obstacle-Course
2055 ls
2056 mv images source app/assets
2057 ls
2058 cd app/assets/
2059 ls
2060 cd images
2061 ls
2062 deafults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
2063 defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
2064 ls
2065 killall Finder
2066 ls
2067 cd
2068 ls
2069 cd CLI-Obstacle-Course
2070 ls
2071 cd app
2072 ls
2073 cd views
2074 ls
2075 cd static_pages
2076 ls
2077 cd
2078 ;s
2079 ls
2080 cd CLI-Obstacle-Course/CLI-Obstacle-Course/app/views/static_pages
2081 ls
2082 mb this_is_the_annoying_ping_pong_text\!.txt source views
2083 mv this_is_the_annoying_ping_pong_text\!.txt source views
2084 mv this_is_the_annoying_ping_pong_text\!.txt source ..
2085 ls
2086 ..
2087 ls
2088 cd static_pages
2089 ls
2090 cd ..
2091 mv this_is_the_annoying_ping_pong_textsource static_pages
2092 ls
2093 cd static_pages
2094 ls
2095 cd ..
2096 ls
2097 mv this_is_the_annoying_ping_pong_text\!.txt source static_pages
2098 ls
2099 mv his_is_the_annoying_ping_pong_text\!.txt
2100 mv this_is_the_annoying_ping_pong_text\!.txt static_pages
2101 ls
2102 mv
2103 cd static_pages
2104 ls
2105 for f in *.txt; do mv ./"$f" "$where_am_you?.txt"; done
2106 ls
2107 for f in*.txt; do mv ./"$f" "where_am_you?.txt"; done
2108 for f in *.txt; do mv ./"$f" "where_am_you?.txt"; done
2109 ls
2110 for f in *.txt; do mv ./"$f"' "where_am_i?.txt";\ndone\nlf\n\n"\nend\nexit\n'\ndone
2111 for f in *.txt; do mv ./"$f" "where_am_i?.txt";\ndone
2112 pwd
2113 nano pwd
2114 nano /Users/Jwu/CLI-Obstacle-Course/CLI-Obstacle-Course/app/views/static_pages/where_am_i\?.txt
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