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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Caesar's entrances and exits - using sliding windows
declare default element namespace "";
declare function local:is-person($s as element(stage), $who as xs:string)
as xs:boolean
$s/@who ! tokenize(., "(#)|( #)") = $who
declare function local:enter-and-exit($act as element(div1), $scene as element(div2), $who as xs:string)
for sliding window $onstage in $scene//stage
start $entrance when local:is-person($entrance, $who) and $entrance/@type='entrance'
end $exit when local:is-person($exit, $who) and ($exit/@type = 'exit' or ($exit/@type = 'business' and $exit/w = 'dies'))
<window act="{$act/@n}" scene="{$scene/@n}">
<enter>{ $entrance/@n, $entrance/@who, $entrance//(w | c | pc)/text() }</enter>
<exit>{ $exit/@n, $exit/@who, $exit//(w | c | pc)/text() }</exit>
for $act in //div1[@type='act']
for $scene in $act//div2[@type='scene']
return local:enter-and-exit($act, $scene, 'Caesar_JC')
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Query from workshop, June 2014. Input is Folger's edition of Julius Caesar.

This query has the same functionality as, but is made simpler and more optimizable by using sliding windows.

Obviously, you can get a synopsis of other characters by changing the 'Caesar_JC' to the name of another character, e.g. 'Brutus_JC'. Looking at the characters with the most lines, how does each character exit the last time?

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