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Created November 16, 2022 21:47
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Macintosh SE screen capture from VSync, HSync and Video measurements (LeCroy 7200A)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as img
import h5py
folder = "/data/jonathan/Projekte/Elektrotechnik/Computerbasteln/Macintosh/MacSE_screencap/screencap/"
#folder = "C:/Users/Jonathan/data/Projekte/Elektrotechnik/Computerbasteln/Macintosh/Macintosh SE/screencap/"
# read HDF5 file
# timebase are equal, since LeCroy 7200A plugins were synced during acquisition
f = h5py.File(folder+"MacSE.h5", "r")
VSync = f["VSync_sig"][()]
#VSync_time = f["VSync_time"][()]
t = f["VSync_time"][()]
HSync = f["HSync_sig"][()]
#HSync_time = f["HSync_time"][()]
Video = f["Video_sig"][()]
#Video_time = f["Video_time"][()]
# for now, trigger only on falling edge
def trigger(time, signal, threshold = 1.0, holdoffIdx = 0):
n = len(time)
for i in range(holdoffIdx, n-1):
if signal[i] > threshold and signal[i+1] <= threshold:
#tTrig = time[i]
# compute accurate intersection of connecting line with trigger level line
dt = time[i+1] - time[i]
dy = signal[i+1] - signal[i]
tTrig = time[i] + (threshold - signal[i]) * dt / dy
return tTrig, i
return np.nan, -1
# look for first falling edge in t vector
# and set this as zero of timebase
tTrig, iTrig = trigger(t, VSync)
print("triggered on VSync falling edge at index %d, time %g"%(iTrig, tTrig))
# find next frame
tNextFrame, iNextFrame = trigger(t, VSync, holdoffIdx = iTrig+1)
print("triggered on VSync falling edge at index %d, time %g"%(iNextFrame, tNextFrame))
# find all HSync falling edges in this frame and count how many lines are in this frame
nLines = 0
lineStartIndices = []
lineStartTimes = []
holdoffIdx = iTrig+1
while holdoffIdx < iNextFrame:
tNextLine, iNextLine = trigger(t, HSync, holdoffIdx = holdoffIdx)
if iNextLine < 0 or iNextLine > iNextFrame:
print("found line %d at t=%g"%(nLines, tNextLine,))
nLines += 1
holdoffIdx = iNextLine+1
print("found %d lines"%(nLines,))
##f, ax=plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
##ax[0].plot(t, VSync)
##ax[1].plot(t, HSync)
##for l in lineStartTimes:
## ax[1].axvline(l)
##ax[2].plot(t, Video)
##ax[-1].set_xlabel("t / s")
##ax[-1].ticklabel_format(axis='x', scilimits=(-2,2))
##ax[0].set_title("Macintosh SE Video Capture")
# 27 to skip in the beginning
# 1 to skip in the end
# --> 370 - 27 - 1 = 342 actual lines
actLines = 342
# extract individual lines and put them on relative timebases
lineTime = []
lineSigs = []
for i in range(27, 27+actLines):
print("work on line %d/%d"%(i-27, actLines))
idxStart = lineStartIndices[i]
idxEnd = lineStartIndices[i+1]
lineTime.append(t[idxStart:idxEnd] - lineStartTimes[i])
# define pixel times within line
pixelsPerLine = 512
pixelStart = 0
#tPixelStart = 1.16645e-5 # 1.1377e-5
tPixelStart = 1.13911e-5
#tPixelEnd = 4.3503e-5
tPixelEnd = 4.4e-5
dt = (tPixelEnd - tPixelStart) / (pixelsPerLine-1 - pixelStart)
tPixelStart -= dt * pixelStart
tPixel = np.linspace(tPixelStart, tPixelEnd, pixelsPerLine)
##for tP in tPixel:
## plt.axvline(tP, color="k", linewidth=0.5)
##for i in range(actLines):
## plt.plot(lineTime[i], lineSigs[i])
# interpolate video signal onto pixels
image = np.zeros([actLines, pixelsPerLine])
for i,t in enumerate(lineTime):
s = lineSigs[i]
image[i,:] = np.where(np.interp(tPixel, t, s) > 0.5, 1, 0)
img.imsave("screencap.png", image, cmap="Greys")
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