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Created March 11, 2014 19:40
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Save jonathansick/9493443 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SConstruct file for imfit 1.0.1 mac with home-brew gcc-4.7
# Scons "makefile" for imfit and related programs
# To use this, type the following on the command line:
# $ scons <target-name>
# where <target-name> is, e.g., "imft", "imfit_db", etc.
# "scons" by itself will build *all* targets
# To clean up files associated with a given target:
# $ scons -c <target-name>
# To clean up all targets (including programs):
# $ scons -c
# To build a version with extra, experimental functions
# $ scons --extra-funcs <target-name>
# To build a version *without* OpenMP enabled
# $ scons --no-openmp <target-name>
# To build a version *without* FFTW threading:
# $ scons --no-threading <target-name>
# To build a version with full debugging printouts:
# $ scons define=DEBUG <target-name>
# To build export version ("fat" binaries, all libraries statically linked):
# $ scons --fat --static <target-name>
# MacOS X fat binaries
# $ scons --static --fat
# To add one or more directories to the header or library search paths:
# $ scons --header-path=/path/to/header/dir
# OR $ scons --header-path=/path/to/header/dir:/alt/path:/another/path
# $ scons --lib-path=/path/to/lib/dir
# etc.
# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Peter Erwin.
# This file is part of Imfit.
# Imfit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# Imfit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Imfit. If not, see <>.
# Operating-system determination via os.uname:
# First element of tuple is basic OS; 3rd element is version number;
# 5th element is processor architecture (e.g., "i386", "sun4u", "i686")
# os.uname()[0] = "Darwin" --> Mac OS X
# os.uname()[0] = "SunOS" --> Solaris
# os.uname()[0] = "Linux" --> Linux
import os, subprocess, platform
# Version definition for imfit + makeimage
# the following is for when we want to force static linking to the GSL library
# (Change these if the locations are different on your system)
STATIC_GSL_LIBRARY_FILE_MACOSX = File("/usr/local/lib/libgsl.a")
STATIC_GSL_LIBRARY_FILE1_LINUX = File("/usr/lib/libgsl.a")
STATIC_GSL_LIBRARY_FILE2_LINUX = File("/usr/lib/libgslcblas.a")
# the following is for when we want to force static linking to the NLopt library
# (Change these if the locations are different on your system)
STATIC_NLOPT_LIBRARY_FILE_MACOSX = File("/usr/local/lib/libnlopt.a")
STATIC_NLOPT_LIBRARY_FILE1_LINUX = File("/usr/local/lib/libnlopt.a")
FUNCTION_SUBDIR = "function_objects/"
os_type = os.uname()[0]
cflags_opt = ["-O2", "-g0"]
cflags_db = ["-Wall", "-g3"]
# libraries needed for imfit, makeimage, psfconvolve, & other 2D programs
lib_list = ["fftw3", "cfitsio", "m"]
# libraries needed for profilefit and psfconvolve1d compilation
lib_list_1d = ["fftw3", "m"]
include_path = ["/usr/local/include", FUNCTION_SUBDIR]
lib_path = ["/usr/local/lib"]
link_flags = []
# system-specific setup
xcode5 = False
if (os_type == "Darwin"): # OK, we're compiling on Mac OS X
# Note: if for some reason you need to compile to 32-bit -- e.g., because
# your machine is 32-bit only, or because the fftw3 and cfitsio libraries
# are 32-bit, use the following
# cflags_opt.append("-m32")
# link_flags = ["-m32"]
cflags_db = ["-Wall", "-Wshadow", "-Wredundant-decls", "-Wpointer-arith", "-g3"]
if (os_type == "Linux"):
# change the following path definitions as needed
# lib_list.append("pthread")
if os.getlogin() == "erwin":
# When compiled under Linux, -O3 causes mysterious "invalid pointer" error at end of run
cflags_opt = ["-O3", "-g0"]
cflags_db = ["-Wall", "-Wshadow", "-Wredundant-decls", "-Wpointer-arith", "-g3"]
# silly Linux doesn't have OpenBSD string routines built in, so we'll have to include them
base_defines = base_defines + ["LINUX"]
# lib_list.append("gslcblas")
defines_opt = base_defines
#defines_db = base_defines + ["DEBUG"]
defines_db = base_defines
extra_defines = []
# Default settings for compilation
useGSL = True
useNLopt = True
useFFTWThreading = True
useOpenMP = True
useExtraFuncs = False
useStaticLibs = False
buildFatBinary = False
# Define some user options
AddOption("--lib-path", dest="libraryPath", type="string", action="store", default=None,
help="colon-separated list of additional paths to search for libraries")
AddOption("--header-path", dest="headerPath", type="string", action="store", default=None,
help="colon-separated list of additional paths to search for header files")
AddOption("--no-threading", dest="fftwThreading", action="store_false",
default=True, help="compile programs *without* FFTW threading")
AddOption("--no-gsl", dest="useGSL", action="store_false",
default=True, help="do *not* use GNU Scientific Library")
AddOption("--no-nlopt", dest="useNLopt", action="store_false",
default=True, help="do *not* use NLopt library")
AddOption("--no-openmp", dest="noOpenMP", action="store_true",
default=False, help="compile *without* OpenMP support")
AddOption("--extra-funcs", dest="useExtraFuncs", action="store_true",
default=False, help="compile additional FunctionObject classes for testing")
# Define some more arcane options (e.g., for making binaries for distribution)
AddOption("--static", dest="useStaticLibs", action="store_true",
default=False, help="force static library linking")
AddOption("--fat", dest="makeFatBinaries", action="store_true",
default=False, help="generate a \"fat\" (32-bit + 64-bit Intel) binary for Mac OS X")
if GetOption("headerPath") is not None:
extraPaths = GetOption("headerPath").split(":")
print "extra header search paths: ", extraPaths
include_path += extraPaths
if GetOption("libraryPath") is not None:
extraPaths = GetOption("libraryPath").split(":")
print "extra library search paths: ", extraPaths
lib_path += extraPaths
if GetOption("fftwThreading") is False:
useFFTWThreading = False
if GetOption("useGSL") is False:
useGSL = False
if GetOption("useNLopt") is False:
useNLopt = False
if GetOption("noOpenMP") is True:
useOpenMP = False
if GetOption("useExtraFuncs") is True:
useExtraFuncs = True
if GetOption("useStaticLibs") is True:
useStaticLibs = True
if GetOption("makeFatBinaries") is True:
buildFatBinary = True
if useFFTWThreading: # default is to do this
lib_list.insert(0, "fftw3_threads")
lib_list_1d.insert(0, "fftw3_threads")
if (os_type == "Linux"):
if useGSL: # default is to do this
if useStaticLibs:
if (os_type == "Darwin"):
# assuming we're on a Linux system
# and stuff for 1D programs:
if (os_type == "Linux"):
if useNLopt: # default is to do this
if useStaticLibs:
if (os_type == "Darwin"):
# assuming we're on a Linux system
if useOpenMP: # default is to do this (turn this off with "--no-openmp")
if useExtraFuncs: # default is to NOT do this; user must specify with "--extra-funcs"
if buildFatBinary and (os_type == "Darwin"):
# note that we have to specify "-arch xxx" as "-arch", "xxx", otherwise SCons
# passes "-arch xxx" wrapped in quotation marks, which gcc/g++ chokes on.
cflags_opt += ["-arch", "i686", "-arch", "x86_64"]
cflags_db += ["-arch", "i686", "-arch", "x86_64"]
link_flags += ["-arch", "i686", "-arch", "x86_64"]
# if key == 'mode':
# if value == "export": # "scons mode=export" [for compiling "export" versions]
# # build a fat Intel (32-bit/64-bit) binary (works on Mac OS X)
# cflags_opt.append("-arch i386 -arch x86_64")
# cflags_db.append("-arch i386 -arch x86_64")
# link_flags.append("-arch i386 -arch x86_64")
# useStaticLibs = True
defines_db = defines_db + extra_defines
defines_opt = defines_opt + extra_defines
# "Environments" for compilation:
# "env_debug" is environment with debugging options turned on
# "env_opt" is an environment for optimized compiling
env_debug = Environment( CPPPATH=include_path, LIBS=lib_list, LIBPATH=lib_path,
CCFLAGS=cflags_db, LINKFLAGS=link_flags, CPPDEFINES=defines_db )
env_opt = Environment(CC="gcc-4.7", CXX="g++-4.7", CPPPATH=include_path, LIBS=lib_list, LIBPATH=lib_path,
CCFLAGS=cflags_opt, LINKFLAGS=link_flags, CPPDEFINES=defines_opt )
# Checks for libraries and headers -- if we're not doing scons -c:
# WARNING: This is NOT a good idea for us at the moment, because
# 1. It fails to work on our Linux VM installation
# 2. It automatically inserts "-l<libname>" if it finds the libraries, which ends
# up forcing the linking of dynamic-library versions even if we're trying to
# do static compilation
# if not env_opt.GetOption('clean'):
# conf_opt = Configure(env_opt)
# cfitsioFound = conf_opt.CheckLibWithHeader('cfitsio', 'fitsio.h', 'c')
# fftwFound = conf_opt.CheckLibWithHeader('fftw3', 'fftw3.h', 'c')
# fftwThreadsFound = conf_opt.CheckLib('fftw3_threads')
# nloptFound = conf_opt.CheckLibWithHeader('nlopt', 'nlopt.h', 'c')
# gslFound = conf_opt.CheckLib('gsl')
# libsOK = False
# if cfitsioFound and fftwFound:
# libsOK = True
# else:
# print("ERROR: Failed to find one or more required libraries and/or header files (cfitsio and/or fftw3)!")
# print("\tMake sure they are installed; if necessary, include correct path to library with --lib-path option")
# print("\tand correct path to header with --header-path option")
# exit(1)
# if useFFTWThreading and not fftwThreadsFound:
# print("ERROR: Failed to find fftw3_threading library!")
# print("\tSuggestion: include correct path to library with --lib-path option")
# print("\tOR run SCons with --no-threading option")
# exit(1)
# if useGSL and not gslFound:
# print("ERROR: Failed to find gsl library!")
# print("\tSuggestion: include correct path to library with --lib-path option")
# print("\tOR run SCons with --no-gsl option")
# exit(1)
# if useNLopt and not nloptFound:
# print("ERROR: Failed to find nlopt library!")
# print("\tSuggestion: include correct path to library with --lib-path option")
# print("\tOR run SCons with --no-nlopt option")
# exit(1)
# env_opt = conf_opt.Finish()
# We have separate lists of object names (what we want the .o files to be called) and
# source names (.cpp, .c) so that we can specify separate debugging and optimized compilations.
# Pure C code
c_obj_string = """mp_enorm statistics mersenne_twister"""
c_objs = c_obj_string.split()
c_sources = [name + ".c" for name in c_objs]
# C++ code
# ModelObject and related classes:
modelobject_obj_string = """model_object convolver"""
modelobject_objs = modelobject_obj_string.split()
modelobject_sources = [name + ".cpp" for name in modelobject_objs]
# Function objects:
functionobject_obj_string = """function_object func_gaussian func_exp func_gen-exp
func_sersic func_gen-sersic func_core-sersic func_broken-exp
func_broken-exp2d func_moffat func_flatsky func_gaussian-ring
func_gaussian-ring2side func_edge-on-disk_n4762 func_edge-on-disk_n4762v2
func_edge-on-ring func_edge-on-ring2side"""
if useGSL:
# the following modules require GSL be present
functionobject_obj_string += " func_edge-on-disk"
functionobject_obj_string += " integrator"
functionobject_obj_string += " func_expdisk3d" # requires integrator
functionobject_obj_string += " func_brokenexpdisk3d" # requires integrator
functionobject_obj_string += " func_gaussianring3d" # requires integrator
if useExtraFuncs:
# experimental extra functions for personal testing
functionobject_obj_string += " func_broken-exp-bar"
if useGSL:
functionobject_obj_string += " func_brokenexpbar3d"
functionobject_obj_string += " func_boxytest3d"
functionobject_objs = [ FUNCTION_SUBDIR + name for name in functionobject_obj_string.split() ]
functionobject_sources = [name + ".cpp" for name in functionobject_objs]
# Base files for imfit:
imfit_base_obj_string = """commandline_parser utilities image_io levmar_fit mpfit
diff_evoln_fit DESolver config_file_parser add_functions print_results
bootstrap_errors imfit_main"""
if useNLopt:
imfit_base_obj_string += " nmsimplex_fit"
imfit_base_objs = imfit_base_obj_string.split()
imfit_base_sources = [name + ".cpp" for name in imfit_base_objs]
# Base files for makeimage:
makeimage_base_obj_string = """commandline_parser utilities image_io config_file_parser
add_functions makeimage_main"""
makeimage_base_objs = makeimage_base_obj_string.split()
makeimage_base_sources = [name + ".cpp" for name in makeimage_base_objs]
# imfit: put all the object and source-code lists together
imfit_objs = imfit_base_objs + modelobject_objs + functionobject_objs + c_objs
imfit_sources = imfit_base_sources + modelobject_sources + functionobject_sources + c_sources
# makeimage: put all the object and source-code lists together
makeimage_objs = makeimage_base_objs + modelobject_objs + functionobject_objs + c_objs
makeimage_sources = makeimage_base_sources + modelobject_sources + functionobject_sources + c_sources
# Finally, define the actual targets
# specify ".do" as the suffix for "full-debug" object code
imfit_dbg_objlist = [ env_debug.Object(obj + ".do", src) for (obj,src) in zip(imfit_objs, imfit_sources) ]
env_debug.Program("imfit_db", imfit_dbg_objlist)
imfit_opt_objlist = [ env_opt.Object(obj, src) for (obj,src) in zip(imfit_objs, imfit_sources) ]
env_opt.Program("imfit", imfit_opt_objlist)
makeimage_dbg_objlist = [ env_debug.Object(obj + ".do", src) for (obj,src) in zip(makeimage_objs, makeimage_sources) ]
env_debug.Program("makeimage_db", makeimage_dbg_objlist)
env_opt.Program("makeimage", makeimage_sources)
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