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Created February 15, 2019 16:38
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diff --git a/src/main/resources/windup-realm/windup-realm.json b/src/main/resources/windup-realm/windup-realm.json
index 9950d85..e327674 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/windup-realm/windup-realm.json
+++ b/src/main/resources/windup-realm/windup-realm.json
@@ -1,922 +1,790 @@
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- }, {
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- } ],
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- }, {
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- }, {
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- }, {
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- }, {
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- }, {
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- }
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
+ ],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "description": "${role_realm-admin}",
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+ "composite": true,
+ "composites": {
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+ "realm-management": [
+ "manage-authorization",
+ "manage-users",
+ "view-users",
+ "manage-realm",
+ "manage-events",
+ "view-clients",
+ "view-events",
+ "manage-clients",
+ "create-client",
+ "impersonation",
+ "view-realm",
+ "manage-identity-providers",
+ "view-identity-providers",
+ "view-authorization"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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- "clientRole" : true,
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+ "composite": false,
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+ },
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+ "composite": false,
+ "clientRole": true,
+ "containerId": "9ea825ad-0fab-4946-bc9a-43d7823e6a32"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a6a4b219-15ef-4b5d-875a-5c41a448164b",
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+ "clientRole": true,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "description": "${role_view-identity-providers}",
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+ "composite": false,
+ "clientRole": true,
+ "containerId": "9ea825ad-0fab-4946-bc9a-43d7823e6a32"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a3f6a29c-97d9-445b-937e-f4cc98ce1e16",
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+ "description": "${role_view-authorization}",
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+ "composite": false,
+ "clientRole": true,
+ "containerId": "9ea825ad-0fab-4946-bc9a-43d7823e6a32"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "admin-cli": [],
+ "broker": [
+ {
+ "id": "1959a922-7e48-4e0d-add4-ba4b74831e3c",
+ "name": "read-token",
+ "description": "${role_read-token}",
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+ "composite": false,
+ "clientRole": true,
+ "containerId": "18fc5aaa-acb0-4c20-b555-f9ddf21803df"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
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+ },
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+ "description": "${role_view-profile}",
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+ "composite": false,
+ "clientRole": true,
+ "containerId": "8ad07d06-b9cf-4905-9267-ddec6a8aa09a"
+ }
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- },
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- "" : "preferred_username",
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"redirectUris": [
@@ -938,27 +806,64 @@
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"saml_force_name_id_format": "false",
"saml.client.signature": "false",
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"saml.authnstatement": "false",
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"nodeReRegistrationTimeout": -1,
"protocolMappers": [
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"protocol": "openid-connect",
"protocolMapper": "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
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+ "": "preferred_username",
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"consentRequired": false,
"config": {
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+ "single": "false",
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+ "": "Role"
+ }
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@@ -967,12 +872,13 @@
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"access.token.claim": "true",
@@ -981,12 +887,68 @@
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+ "/auth/admin/rhamt/console/*"
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+ "config": {
+ "single": "false",
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+ }
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"id.token.claim": "true",
"access.token.claim": "true",
@@ -995,378 +957,472 @@
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"config": {
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"protocolMapper": "oidc-usermodel-property-mapper",
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"consentRequired": false,
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"config": {
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"jsonType.label": "String"
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+ }
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- ],
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- "offline_access"
- ],
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- "description" : "Handle what to do if there is existing account with same email/username like authenticated identity provider",
- "providerId" : "basic-flow",
- "topLevel" : false,
- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- "priority" : 10,
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
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- "priority" : 20,
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- }, {
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- "builtIn" : true,
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
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- "topLevel" : true,
- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority" : 10,
- "userSetupAllowed" : false,
- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
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- }, {
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- "builtIn" : true,
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- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- } ]
- }, {
- "id" : "a381df9e-f8e5-49d7-9c86-a04e46086168",
- "alias" : "first broker login",
- "description" : "Actions taken after first broker login with identity provider account, which is not yet linked to any Keycloak account",
- "providerId" : "basic-flow",
- "topLevel" : true,
- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- "priority" : 10,
- "userSetupAllowed" : false,
- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
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- "priority" : 20,
- "userSetupAllowed" : false,
- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
- "requirement" : "ALTERNATIVE",
- "priority" : 30,
- "flowAlias" : "Handle Existing Account",
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- "autheticatorFlow" : true
- } ]
- }, {
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- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- } ]
- }, {
- "id" : "b0c83f86-f064-42c7-8977-a7b2191ff71c",
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- "topLevel" : true,
- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- "autheticatorFlow" : true
- } ]
- }, {
- "id" : "69729d6b-94da-4406-ad51-ca13327f75f5",
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- "topLevel" : false,
- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- "priority" : 20,
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
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- "priority" : 40,
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- }, {
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- "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
- "priority" : 50,
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
- "authenticator" : "registration-recaptcha-action",
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- "priority" : 60,
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- } ]
- }, {
- "id" : "a9be1d9f-5953-43e3-a0c4-633b72b7ad0f",
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- "topLevel" : true,
- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
- "authenticator" : "reset-credentials-choose-user",
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- "priority" : 10,
- "userSetupAllowed" : false,
- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
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- "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
- "priority" : 20,
- "userSetupAllowed" : false,
- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
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- "requirement" : "REQUIRED",
- "priority" : 30,
- "userSetupAllowed" : false,
- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- }, {
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- "autheticatorFlow" : false
- } ]
- }, {
- "id" : "c58e7cd1-edf2-4a09-b55a-6652401ccc14",
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- "builtIn" : true,
- "authenticationExecutions" : [ {
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- "require.password.update.after.registration" : "false"
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+ {
+ "id": "8aa331c3-466d-4ee8-9ab5-8734ff6b2d53",
+ "alias": "Handle Existing Account",
+ "description": "Handle what to do if there is existing account with same email/username like authenticated identity provider",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": false,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "idp-confirm-link",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "idp-email-verification",
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 30,
+ "flowAlias": "Verify Existing Account by Re-authentication",
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "db80545f-f433-4897-a471-4b38b98e12bd",
+ "alias": "Verify Existing Account by Re-authentication",
+ "description": "Reauthentication of existing account",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": false,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "idp-username-password-form",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "auth-otp-form",
+ "requirement": "OPTIONAL",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "12c53355-8c71-4d6b-873b-431a00bec116",
+ "alias": "browser",
+ "description": "browser based authentication",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": true,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "auth-cookie",
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "auth-spnego",
+ "requirement": "DISABLED",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 30,
+ "flowAlias": "forms",
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ca196226-3b47-4b6d-9d7b-f0628a87f938",
+ "alias": "clients",
+ "description": "Base authentication for clients",
+ "providerId": "client-flow",
+ "topLevel": true,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "client-secret",
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "client-jwt",
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "4cd34261-5d3e-4b4a-8bf3-625c2812332a",
+ "alias": "direct grant",
+ "description": "OpenID Connect Resource Owner Grant",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": true,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "direct-grant-validate-username",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "direct-grant-validate-password",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "direct-grant-validate-otp",
+ "requirement": "OPTIONAL",
+ "priority": 30,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a381df9e-f8e5-49d7-9c86-a04e46086168",
+ "alias": "first broker login",
+ "description": "Actions taken after first broker login with identity provider account, which is not yet linked to any Keycloak account",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": true,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticatorConfig": "review profile config",
+ "authenticator": "idp-review-profile",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticatorConfig": "create unique user config",
+ "authenticator": "idp-create-user-if-unique",
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "requirement": "ALTERNATIVE",
+ "priority": 30,
+ "flowAlias": "Handle Existing Account",
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "0f469e0d-ae88-436b-84f6-425f9c99803c",
+ "alias": "forms",
+ "description": "Username, password, otp and other auth forms.",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": false,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "auth-username-password-form",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "auth-otp-form",
+ "requirement": "OPTIONAL",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "b0c83f86-f064-42c7-8977-a7b2191ff71c",
+ "alias": "registration",
+ "description": "registration flow",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": true,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "registration-page-form",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "flowAlias": "registration form",
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "69729d6b-94da-4406-ad51-ca13327f75f5",
+ "alias": "registration form",
+ "description": "registration form",
+ "providerId": "form-flow",
+ "topLevel": false,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "registration-user-creation",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "registration-profile-action",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 40,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "registration-password-action",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 50,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "registration-recaptcha-action",
+ "requirement": "DISABLED",
+ "priority": 60,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a9be1d9f-5953-43e3-a0c4-633b72b7ad0f",
+ "alias": "reset credentials",
+ "description": "Reset credentials for a user if they forgot their password or something",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": true,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "reset-credentials-choose-user",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "reset-credential-email",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 20,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "reset-password",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 30,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ },
+ {
+ "authenticator": "reset-otp",
+ "requirement": "OPTIONAL",
+ "priority": 40,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c58e7cd1-edf2-4a09-b55a-6652401ccc14",
+ "alias": "saml ecp",
+ "description": "SAML ECP Profile Authentication Flow",
+ "providerId": "basic-flow",
+ "topLevel": true,
+ "builtIn": true,
+ "authenticationExecutions": [
+ {
+ "authenticator": "http-basic-authenticator",
+ "requirement": "REQUIRED",
+ "priority": 10,
+ "userSetupAllowed": false,
+ "autheticatorFlow": false
+ }
+ ]
- }, {
- "id" : "c5c57489-988a-4b74-93ca-4d30835f173e",
- "alias" : "review profile config",
- "config" : {
- "update.profile.on.first.login" : "missing"
+ ],
+ "authenticatorConfig": [
+ {
+ "id": "ce5e33be-7e2d-4653-9d68-4a47c22dab42",
+ "alias": "create unique user config",
+ "config": {
+ "require.password.update.after.registration": "false"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "c5c57489-988a-4b74-93ca-4d30835f173e",
+ "alias": "review profile config",
+ "config": {
+ "update.profile.on.first.login": "missing"
+ }
- } ],
- "requiredActions" : [ {
- "alias" : "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
- "name" : "Configure OTP",
- "providerId" : "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
- "enabled" : true,
- "defaultAction" : false,
- "config" : { }
- }, {
- "alias" : "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
- "name" : "Update Password",
- "providerId" : "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
- "enabled" : true,
- "defaultAction" : false,
- "config" : { }
- }, {
- "alias" : "UPDATE_PROFILE",
- "name" : "Update Profile",
- "providerId" : "UPDATE_PROFILE",
- "enabled" : true,
- "defaultAction" : false,
- "config" : { }
- }, {
- "alias" : "VERIFY_EMAIL",
- "name" : "Verify Email",
- "providerId" : "VERIFY_EMAIL",
- "enabled" : true,
- "defaultAction" : false,
- "config" : { }
- }, {
- "alias" : "terms_and_conditions",
- "name" : "Terms and Conditions",
- "providerId" : "terms_and_conditions",
- "enabled" : false,
- "defaultAction" : false,
- "config" : { }
- } ],
- "browserFlow" : "browser",
- "registrationFlow" : "registration",
- "directGrantFlow" : "direct grant",
- "resetCredentialsFlow" : "reset credentials",
- "clientAuthenticationFlow" : "clients",
- "keycloakVersion" : "2.1.0.Final"
+ ],
+ "requiredActions": [
+ {
+ "alias": "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
+ "name": "Configure OTP",
+ "providerId": "CONFIGURE_TOTP",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "defaultAction": false,
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "alias": "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
+ "name": "Update Password",
+ "providerId": "UPDATE_PASSWORD",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "defaultAction": false,
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "alias": "UPDATE_PROFILE",
+ "name": "Update Profile",
+ "providerId": "UPDATE_PROFILE",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "defaultAction": false,
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "alias": "VERIFY_EMAIL",
+ "name": "Verify Email",
+ "providerId": "VERIFY_EMAIL",
+ "enabled": true,
+ "defaultAction": false,
+ "config": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "alias": "terms_and_conditions",
+ "name": "Terms and Conditions",
+ "providerId": "terms_and_conditions",
+ "enabled": false,
+ "defaultAction": false,
+ "config": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "browserFlow": "browser",
+ "registrationFlow": "registration",
+ "directGrantFlow": "direct grant",
+ "resetCredentialsFlow": "reset credentials",
+ "clientAuthenticationFlow": "clients",
+ "keycloakVersion": "2.1.0.Final"
diff --git a/ui/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml b/ui/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
index 95919ca8..4a16013e 100644
--- a/ui/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
+++ b/ui/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@
- <!--<security-constraint>-->
- <!--<web-resource-collection>-->
- <!--<web-resource-name>secured</web-resource-name>-->
- <!--<url-pattern>/authenticated.jsp</url-pattern>-->
- <!--<url-pattern>/app/*</url-pattern>-->
- <!--</web-resource-collection>-->
- <!--<auth-constraint>-->
- <!--<role-name>user</role-name>-->
- <!--</auth-constraint>-->
- <!--</security-constraint>-->
+ <security-constraint>
+ <web-resource-collection>
+ <web-resource-name>secured</web-resource-name>
+ <url-pattern>/authenticated.jsp</url-pattern>
+ <url-pattern>/app/*</url-pattern>
+ </web-resource-collection>
+ <auth-constraint>
+ <role-name>user</role-name>
+ </auth-constraint>
+ </security-constraint>
- <!--<login-config>-->
- <!--<auth-method>KEYCLOAK</auth-method>-->
- <!--</login-config>-->
+ <login-config>
+ <auth-method>KEYCLOAK</auth-method>
+ </login-config>
diff --git a/src/main/cli/setup-windup-keycloak-properties.cli b/src/main/cli/setup-windup-keycloak-properties.cli
index ec70f06..64f50fe 100644
--- a/src/main/cli/setup-windup-keycloak-properties.cli
+++ b/src/main/cli/setup-windup-keycloak-properties.cli
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
/subsystem=keycloak/secure-deployment=api.war:add(realm=rhamt, realm-public-key="${keycloak.realm.public.key}", auth-server-url="${keycloak.server.url}", ssl-required="NONE", resource=rhamt-api, public-client=true)
+/subsystem=keycloak/secure-deployment=rhamt-web.war:add(realm=rhamt, realm-public-key="${keycloak.realm.public.key}", auth-server-url="${keycloak.server.url}", ssl-required="NONE", resource=rhamt-web, public-client=true)
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