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Created April 14, 2012 05:54
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jquery AJAX QUEUE : Quick Ajax Queue Manager
* Quick Ajax Queue Manager
* Inspired by jAndy at Stackoverflow
var AjaxQ = Class.extend
// Default options
defaults: {
requests : []
// Initializing
init: function(options)
// initializing variables
this.o = jQuery.extend({},this.defaults,options);;
// Method is constantly searching for ajax requests
run: function()
if( this.o.requests.length )
this.stall = this.o.requests[0].complete;
this.o.requests[0].complete = this.complete.bind(this);
setTimeout(function() {, []);
}.bind(this), 50);
complete: function()
if( typeof this.stall === 'function' ) this.stall();
this.o.requests.shift();, []);
queue: function(opt)
add: function(opt)
return this;
remove: function(opt)
if( jQuery.inArray(opt, this.o.requests) > -1 )
this.o.requests.splice(jQuery.inArray(opt, this.o.requests), 1);
return this;
stop: function()
this.o.requests = [];
var a = new AjaxQ();
url : this.o.url,
data : this.inputs,
beforeSend : this.beforeSend.bind(this),
success : this.success.bind(this)
url : this.o.url,
data : this.inputs,
//beforeSend : this.beforeSend.bind(this),
success : this.success1.bind(this)
url : this.o.url,
data : this.inputs,
//beforeSend : this.beforeSend.bind(this),
success : this.success2.bind(this)
url : this.o.url,
data : this.inputs,
success : this.success3.bind(this)
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Nice work! I just looking for sth like this. It will be nice to modify the script, that the queue will be triggered just once. Without the setTimeout. It can be made in some parameter like listener mode or sth.

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Note, that Simple JavaScript Inheritance code by John Resig is required for using Class.extend():

/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
 * By John Resig
 * MIT Licensed.
// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
(function() {
  var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
  this.Class = function(){};

  Class.extend = function(prop) {
    var _super = this.prototype;
    initializing = true;
    var prototype = new this();
    initializing = false;

    for (var name in prop) {
      prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" && 
        typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?
        (function(name, fn){
          return function() {
            var tmp = this._super;

            this._super = _super[name];

            var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);        
            this._super = tmp;

            return ret;
        })(name, prop[name]) :

    function Class() {
      if ( !initializing && this.init )
        this.init.apply(this, arguments);

    Class.prototype = prototype;

    Class.prototype.constructor = Class;

    Class.extend = arguments.callee;

    return Class;

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