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Created October 24, 2019 01:08
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Scraper for
const cloudscraper = require('cloudscraper'); // Bypass cloudfare
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'); // DOM access in Node
const async = require('async'); // async utils
const animeIdRegex = /anime-id="(\d*)"/; // Regex to find the anime ID for the site
const sourceRegex = /file: "(.*)"/g;
const iframeRegex = /iframe .* src="(.*)"/;
// URL list
const URL_BASE = '';
const SEARCH_URL = `${URL_BASE}/search?search`;
const EPISODE_LIST_URL = `${URL_BASE}/api/episodeList?animeId`;
// Main function
async function scrape(kitsuDetails, episodeNumber=1) {
const streams = []; // This will be populated with streams
// Movies don't have multiple episodes
if (kitsuDetails.attributes.showType === 'movie') {
episodeNumber = 1;
// Search endpoint uses a specific version of the titles
const {en_us, en, en_jp, jp} = kitsuDetails.attributes.titles;
const title = (en_jp || en || jp || en_us || ja_jp);
const search = await cloudscraper.get(`${SEARCH_URL}=${title}`); // Get the search page HTML
let dom = new JSDOM(search);
const searchResults = [...dom.window.document.querySelectorAll('.anime-box')] // Map the HTML elements to objects for easier use later
.map(element => ({
title: element.querySelector('a').getAttribute('title'),
href: element.querySelector('a').href,
//has_dub: (element.querySelectorAll('.anime-meta span.tooltip').length > 1) // 2nd tooltip indicates a dub (no longer used)
const anime = searchResults.find(anime => anime.title.includes(title)); // Search for the requested anime
if (!anime) { // Return nothing if not found
return null;
There is another potential way to scrape this site that does NOT require using the API or search endpoints
This site accepts URLs in the form of "[sub/dub]" which will
redirect to the other URL format of "[sub/dub]"
This means we do NOT need to know what those additional 2 IDs are in order to directly request an episode
link, and it also cuts out the need to use the search endpoint to filter series and cuts out the API for
episode listing
However, the "SLUG" is NOT reliable or standard. It seems to accept Kitsu slugs for some shows and not others.
For example it accepts `boku-no-hero-academia-2nd-season` for My Hero Season 2, which is the slug provided by
Kitsu. But it does NOT accept `spirited-away`, the slug provided by Kitsu, for Spirited Away. In the case of
Spirited Away it expects `sen-to-chihiro-no-kamikakushi` which is the en_jp title converted to lowercase and
with spaces replaced by dashes. But even this does not stay reliable, as seen with My Hero Season 4 where the
slug from Kitsu is `boku-no-hero-academia-4` and the en_jp slug is the same, but yet it expects the slug to be
So if you can figure out where this site is getting the slugs from, you can potentially skip all steps needed
to find the anime and jump directly to episode pages
// The url `${anime.href}/episode-${episodeNumber}-sub` also redirects correctly but throws 404 errors when using CF scrapers
// Maybe different request modules better support this? It would remove the need for the API and animeId requests below
const animePage = await cloudscraper.get(anime.href); // Request the main anime details page
const animeIdData = animeIdRegex.exec(animePage); // Look for the ID
// If ID was not found, return nothing
if (!animeIdData || !animeIdData[1]) {
return null;
// Extract the anime ID
const animeId = animeIdData[1];
// Get the episode list and search for the requested episode
const episodeList = await cloudscraper.get(`${EPISODE_LIST_URL}=${animeId}`, { json: true });
const { episodes } = episodeList;
const episode = episodes.find(({ episode_num }) => Number(episode_num) === episodeNumber);
// If episode was not found, return nothing
if (!episode) {
return null;
const { urls } = episode;
const url = urls.sub; // Even if there's multiple URLs (for sub and dub), each URL actually has links to both sub and dub (if exist)
const episodePage = await cloudscraper.get(url);
dom = new JSDOM(episodePage);
// Get a list of embeds
const embeds = [...dom.window.document.querySelectorAll('.server-selector .mirror-selector option')]
.map(element => {
const url = element.value;
const serverType = element.innerHTML.toLowerCase().split(': ').pop(); // Server type determines where to make the following request(s)
const langAndId = url.split('-').pop(); // Get the episode Id and language values
const [lang, episodeId] = langAndId.split('/'); // split the values for use
return {
dub: lang === 'dub', // check if the episode is dubbed
server_type: serverType, // store the server type
// If the server type is for the site ("au"engine and "au".ch = "a"nime"u"ltima) then store the embed
// "faststream" also seems to be stored on the AU website, but under a different embed location (I noticed this with newer series)
// If it matches neither, assume it's an iframe to a different service
url: (
(serverType === 'auengine' || serverType === '') ? `${URL_BASE}/e/${episodeId}` :
(serverType.includes('faststream') ? `${URL_BASE}/faststream/${episodeId}` : url)
// Loop over all the URLs in parallel
return new Promise(resolve => {
async.each(embeds, (embed, callback) => {
.then(html => {
// If the server type is AU or faststream then pull the source directly. The source is stored in a JSON object in-line
if (embed.server_type === 'auengine' || embed.server_type === '' || embed.server_type.includes('faststream')) {
const matches = [...html.matchAll(sourceRegex)];
// there can be multiple streams be embed, so loop over all of them (always at least 2, one standard and one HLS)
for (const match of matches) {
stream: match[1],
server: embed.server_type,
dub: embed.dub
} else {
// Assume it's an iframe if above check fails
const iframeMatch = iframeRegex.exec(html);
if (!iframeMatch || !iframeMatch[1]) {
} else {
const iframeUrl = iframeMatch[1];
// Pass iframeUrl to a specific embed scraper. These URLs are for services like Streamango and mp4upload
}, () => {
return resolve(streams);
(async () => {
console.time('Scrape Time');
const streams = await scrape({ // Fake Kitsu response
attributes: {
titles: {
en_jp: 'Clannad',
showType: 'TV'
}, 3);
console.timeEnd('Scrape Time');
Copy link

Getting this error:

(node:11618) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: CaptchaError: captcha at validateResponse (/Users/alexandresantos/animeflix-addon/node_modules/cloudscraper/index.js:273:11) at onCloudflareResponse (/Users/alexandresantos/animeflix-addon/node_modules/cloudscraper/index.js:222:5) at onRequestResponse (/Users/alexandresantos/animeflix-addon/node_modules/cloudscraper/index.js:205:5) at Request.<anonymous> (/Users/alexandresantos/animeflix-addon/node_modules/cloudscraper/index.js:149:7) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:300:26) at Request.emit (events.js:210:5) at Request.<anonymous> (/Users/alexandresantos/animeflix-addon/node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10) at Request.emit (events.js:210:5) at Gunzip.<anonymous> (/Users/alexandresantos/animeflix-addon/node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:299:28) at Gunzip.emit (events.js:215:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1184:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21)

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