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Last active April 7, 2017 13:58
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Shipping a Docker Container's Logs to ELK


  • Without leveraging a broker, Logstash shouldn't be used as a shipper but it still has a place in the stack.
  • Logtash acts as an ETL agent to normalize and parse your events.
  • Additionally, Logstash can be used to pull from sources such as S3 buckets and CloudWatch logs.

Sidecars, Agents, and Drivers

  • Filebeat is the way to go if you plan to use a sidecar or ship from a mount point on your host machine.
    • Filebeat uses a back pressure-sensitive protocol that prevents your stack from being over loaded and thus events from being dropped.
  • You could leverage one of the Docker logging drivers.
    • Since your logs are streamed, the file system won't fill up with log files.
    • I'm PoCing a solution to stream logs from an AWS ECS task via the awslogs Docker logging drivers to Sumplogic.
    • Docker Container ~> CloudWatch Log Group <~ Sumo Lambda ~> Sumologic
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