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Jon Camfield joncamfield

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joncamfield /
Last active August 12, 2017 15:57
Almost All I Know About Git

All I know about git

(it's actually not that much!)

Please note - this remains a first draft stage document; and will forever be so. It's main goal is to give you some of the core phrases you will need to search out answers on your own! Searching around for answers to git will almost, if not actually always, lead to a solution. Comments, improvements, and especially links to more and more different types of introductory git guides (videos! interactive sites! gifs!) are welcomed.

Git in a simple view is like a really fine-tuned track-changes process. To painfully extend the word processor analogy, you know when you're trying to just move an image in a document a teensy bit, but you can't touch it without it going crazy, moving to the next page, or overlapping text, and you really wish (if you're a bit of a nerd) that you could just edit manually the setting, like an HTML/CSS stylesheet or similar? Git is like that, but for changes.

Of course, it is built for and around software development - and has a

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joncamfield / The PGP
Last active March 23, 2023 12:48
A way to explain PGP (and/or public key crypto more broadly) using a hotel/apartment metaphor.

This is a draft!

Please give feedback, especially where the description is confusing or breaks the mental model of a hotel/apartment setup. As written, this is mean for fellow digisec trainers to leverage in their explanations, and is not (yet) a document to help people learning PGP by themselves.

There are a ton of ways people have described PGP in specific and public key cryptography more generally - from mixing paint (, to magic lock-boxes and Romeo and Juliet ( I present another, which uses the experience of a hotel (or, alternatively, apartment buildings with front desk staff) as an analogy which can stretch to cover not just cryptography, but also digital signatures. This is written to explain PGP, but could be adapted for S/MIME and other public key crypto approaches.

The PGP Hotel

You an