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Created May 13, 2023 18:32
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  • Save jonchurch/46a24e8ffd46aa41b0e08e8ba3db00cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jonchurch/46a24e8ffd46aa41b0e08e8ba3db00cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. factions from May 13th 2023 reset
"data": [
"symbol": "COSMIC",
"name": "Cosmic Engineers",
"description": "The Cosmic Engineers are a group of highly advanced scientists and engineers who seek to terraform and colonize new worlds, pushing the boundaries of technology and exploration.",
"headquarters": "X1-ZA40-15970B",
"traits": [
"symbol": "INNOVATIVE",
"name": "Innovative",
"description": "Willing to try new and untested ideas. Sometimes able to come up with creative and original solutions to problems, and may be able to think outside the box. Sometimes at the forefront of technological or social change, and may be willing to take risks in order to advance the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding."
"symbol": "BOLD",
"name": "Bold",
"description": "Unafraid to take risks and challenge the status quo. Sometimes willing to do things that others would not dare, and may be able to overcome obstacles and challenges that would be insurmountable for others. Sometimes able to inspire and motivate others to take bold action as well."
"symbol": "VISIONARY",
"name": "Visionary",
"description": "Possessing a clear and compelling vision for the future. Sometimes able to see beyond the present and anticipate the needs and challenges of tomorrow. Sometimes able to inspire and guide others towards a better and brighter future, and may be willing to take bold and decisive action to make their vision a reality."
"symbol": "CURIOUS",
"name": "Curious",
"description": "Possessing a strong desire to learn and explore. Sometimes interested in a wide range of topics and may be willing to take risks in order to satisfy their curiosity. Sometimes able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to challenges."
"symbol": "VOID",
"name": "Voidfarers",
"description": "The Voidfarers are a group of nomadic traders and adventurers who travel the galaxy in search of riches and adventure, willing to take risks and explore the unknown.",
"headquarters": "X1-DC54-63290D",
"traits": [
"symbol": "DARING",
"name": "Daring",
"description": "Willing to take risks and challenges. Sometimes unafraid to explore new and unknown territories, and may be willing to take bold and decisive action in order to achieve their goals. Sometimes able to overcome challenges that would be insurmountable for others."
"symbol": "EXPLORATORY",
"name": "Exploratory",
"description": "Dedicated to exploration and discovery. Sometimes interested in mapping new territories and uncovering the secrets of the universe. Sometimes able to overcome obstacles and challenges in order to advance the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding."
"symbol": "RESOURCEFUL",
"name": "Resourceful",
"description": "Known for their ingenuity and ability to make the most out of limited resources. Able to improvise and adapt to changing circumstances, using whatever is available to them in order to overcome challenges and achieve their goals."
"symbol": "FLEXIBLE",
"name": "Flexible",
"description": "Able to adapt to changing circumstances and environments. Sometimes able to quickly switch between different strategies and tactics in order to respond to new challenges or opportunities. Sometimes able to improvise and think on their feet, making them difficult to predict or outmaneuver."
"symbol": "GALACTIC",
"name": "Galactic Alliance",
"description": "The Galactic Alliance is a coalition of planets and factions that have banded together for mutual protection and support, working together to defend against external threats and promote cooperation.",
"headquarters": "X1-YP35-08710A",
"traits": [
"symbol": "COOPERATIVE",
"name": "Cooperative",
"description": "Willing to work together with others in order to achieve common goals. Sometimes able to coordinate and cooperate effectively, using their collective strengths and resources to overcome challenges and achieve success. Often prioritize collaboration and teamwork over individual achievement."
"symbol": "UNITED",
"name": "United",
"description": "Strongly united and cohesive, often with a strong sense of shared identity and purpose. Sometimes able to work together effectively and efficiently, and may be difficult to divide or conquer. Sometimes able to overcome challenges that would be insurmountable for a less united group."
"symbol": "PEACEFUL",
"name": "Peaceful",
"description": "Dedicated to maintaining peace and harmony. Sometimes reluctant to engage in conflict, and may prefer to resolve disputes through negotiation and diplomacy. Sometimes able to create a sense of community and belonging, and may be able to build strong and lasting relationships with others."
"symbol": "STRATEGIC",
"name": "Strategic",
"description": "Skilled in the art of strategy and planning. Sometimes able to think ahead and anticipate the actions of others, and may be able to develop effective plans to achieve their goals. Sometimes able to make calculated risks and sacrifices in order to gain a strategic advantage."
"symbol": "QUANTUM",
"name": "Quantum Federation",
"description": "The Quantum Federation is a group of planets and factions that have joined together to share knowledge and technology, using their collective expertise to advance the science and technology of the galaxy.",
"headquarters": "X1-ZS60-98730D",
"traits": [
"symbol": "INTELLIGENT",
"name": "Intelligent",
"description": "Possessing a high level of intelligence and analytical ability. Sometimes skilled in a wide range of fields, including science, technology, and engineering. Often have a strong curiosity and a desire to understand the mysteries of the universe."
"name": "Research-Focused",
"description": "Dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding through research and experimentation. Often have a strong focus on scientific and technological development, and may be willing to take risks and explore new ideas in order to make progress."
"symbol": "COLLABORATIVE",
"name": "Collaborative",
"description": "Known for their ability to work well with others. Sometimes willing to share resources, knowledge, and expertise in order to achieve common goals. Often have a strong sense of community and cooperation, and may prioritize the needs of the group over those of the individual."
"symbol": "PROGRESSIVE",
"name": "Progressive",
"description": "Open to new ideas and change. Sometimes willing to embrace new technologies and ways of thinking, and may prioritize the advancement of knowledge and understanding over tradition and established ways of doing things."
"symbol": "DOMINION",
"name": "Stellar Dominion",
"description": "The Stellar Dominion is a powerful, expansionist faction that seeks to conquer and control as many systems as possible, using their advanced technology and military might to dominate their rivals.",
"headquarters": "X1-GZ13-43390C",
"traits": [
"symbol": "MILITARISTIC",
"name": "Militaristic",
"description": "Focused on building and maintaining a strong military force. Often prioritize military power and readiness over other concerns, and may be quick to engage in conflict or aggression in order to achieve their goals."
"symbol": "AGGRESSIVE",
"name": "Aggressive",
"description": "Quick to engage in conflict or aggression, often without provocation. Sometimes unpredictable and difficult to negotiate with, and may prioritize their own interests over the needs of others."
"symbol": "IMPERIALISTIC",
"name": "Imperialistic",
"description": "Dedicated to expanding their territory and influence. Often seek to conquer or subjugate other factions, and may have a hierarchical and authoritarian structure. Often prioritize the interests of their own faction over the needs of others."
"symbol": "INDUSTRIOUS",
"name": "Industrious",
"description": "Known for their hard work and dedication. Highly productive and efficient, with a focus on maximizing their output. Sometimes able to produce large quantities of goods or resources, but may also be vulnerable to exploitation or overwork."
"symbol": "ASTRO",
"name": "Astro-Salvage Alliance",
"description": "The Astro-Salvage Alliance is a group of scavengers and salvagers who search the galaxy for ancient artifacts and valuable technology, often combing through old ship battlegrounds and derelict space stations.",
"headquarters": "X1-AC10-43560F",
"traits": [
"symbol": "SCAVENGERS",
"name": "Scavengers",
"description": "Skilled at finding and salvaging valuable resources and materials from abandoned or derelict ships, space stations, and other structures. Resourceful and able to make the most out of what others have left behind."
"name": "Treasure Hunters",
"description": "Always on the lookout for valuable artifacts, ancient relics, and other rare and valuable items. Curious and willing to take risks in order to uncover hidden treasures and secrets of the universe."
"symbol": "RESOURCEFUL",
"name": "Resourceful",
"description": "Known for their ingenuity and ability to make the most out of limited resources. Able to improvise and adapt to changing circumstances, using whatever is available to them in order to overcome challenges and achieve their goals."
"symbol": "DEXTEROUS",
"name": "Dexterous",
"description": "Skilled in the use of their hands and able to perform complex tasks with precision and accuracy. Known for their manual dexterity and ability to manipulate objects with ease, making them valuable in a wide range of tasks and activities."
"symbol": "CORSAIRS",
"name": "Seventh Space Corsairs",
"description": "The Seventh Space Corsairs are a feared group of pirates and raiders who operate throughout the galaxy, preying on merchant ships and plundering valuable cargo.",
"headquarters": "X1-T47-44290A",
"traits": [
"symbol": "UNPREDICTABLE",
"name": "Unpredictable",
"description": "Difficult to predict or anticipate, with a tendency to act in unexpected or chaotic ways."
"symbol": "BRUTAL",
"name": "Brutal",
"description": "Fierce and ruthless, with a willingness to use violence or intimidation to achieve their goals. Often feared or respected by others, but may also be viewed as a threat or enemy by those who oppose their methods."
"symbol": "FLEETING",
"name": "Fleeting",
"description": "Not permanently settled in one place, with a tendency to move frequently or unpredictably. Sometimes difficult to find or track, but may also be able to take advantage of opportunities or evade threats by moving quickly or unexpectedly."
"symbol": "ADAPTABLE",
"name": "Adaptable",
"description": "Quick to adapt to changing circumstances, with the ability to adjust their plans or strategies in response to new information or challenges. Sometimes able to thrive in a wide range of environments or situations, but may also be vulnerable to sudden or unexpected changes."
"meta": {
"total": 7,
"page": 1,
"limit": 10
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