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Created June 7, 2020 02:15
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using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
public static class GraphicsDeviceExtensions
public static Resolution GetScreenResolution(this GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
var pp = graphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;
return new Resolution(pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight);
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
public readonly struct Resolution
public int Width { get; }
public int Height { get; }
public Resolution(int width, int height) =>
(Width, Height) = (width, height);
public Matrix ScaleTo(Resolution target, Vector2 offset = default)
var targetX = Width;
var targetY = Height;
var scaleX = target.Width / targetX;
var scaleY = target.Height / targetY;
var scale = scaleY * targetX > target.Width
? scaleX
: scaleY;
var actualX = scale * targetX;
var actualY = scale * targetY;
var offsetX = (target.Width - actualX) / 2;
var offsetY = (target.Height - actualY) / 2;
return Matrix.CreateTranslation(offset.X, offset.Y, 0)
* Matrix.CreateScale(scale, scale, 1)
* Matrix.CreateTranslation(offsetX, offsetY, 0);
public Rectangle ClipLetterbox(Resolution target)
var targetX = Width;
var targetY = Height;
var scaleX = target.Width / targetX;
var scaleY = target.Height / targetY;
var actualX = scaleX * targetX;
var actualY = scaleY * targetY;
var offsetX = (target.Width - actualX) / 2;
var offsetY = (target.Height - actualY) / 2;
return new Rectangle(
target.Width - offsetX * 2,
target.Height - offsetY * 2
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