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Last active June 18, 2018 16:49
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newrelic varnish python plugin
#!/usr/bin/env python
# python 2.6.6 compatible
# Goes through list of customizable varnish metrics and reports to newrelic
# requires config in /etc/newrelic/newrelic_varnish_agent.ini
# sample config:
# [varnish]
# instance: ___varish_instance_name___
# metrics: sess_conn,client_req,backend_fail,cache_miss,threads,threads_created,threads_failed,threads_limited,sess_drop,n_lru_nuked,esi_errors,n_expired
# [newrelic]
# license_key: ___key___
# appname: ___newrelic_app_name___
# sudo pip install newrelic
import subprocess, json, os
import newrelic.agent
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
class VarnishMetrics():
creates an instance to call metrics from varnishstat
def __init__(self, metrics=[], instance="lcache6"):
self.instance = instance
self.metrics = metrics
def load_metrics(self):
load stats from varnishstat json output
returns a dict
p = subprocess.Popen(["varnishstat", "-1", "-j", "-n", self.instance], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, err = p.communicate()
return json.loads(stdout)
#with open('example.txt', 'r') as myfile:
# out =
# return json.loads(out)
def parse_metrics(self):
takes an itemized list of desired metrics to report and returns as list of dicts
returns a list
raw_metrics = self.load_metrics()
pstat = []
for metricname in self.metrics:
jsonmetric = "MAIN." + metricname
metric = raw_metrics[jsonmetric]['value']
pstat.append({metricname: metric})
return pstat
def read_config():
loads the ini file
varnish_instance = varnish instance to access with the stats command
newrelic_appname = the appname to report in customo newrelic metric
returns dict
parser = SafeConfigParser({'environment': 'development'})'/etc/newrelic/newrelic_varnish_agent.ini')
config = {
'newrelic_license_key': parser.get('newrelic', 'license_key'),
'newrelic_environment': parser.get('newrelic', 'environment'),
'newrelic_appname': parser.get('newrelic', 'appname'),
'varnish_instance': parser.get('varnish', 'instance'),
'varnish_metrics': parser.get('varnish', 'metrics').split(','),
os.environ["NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY"] = config['newrelic_license_key']
return config
def report_custom_metrics(label, value, application=None, appname="varnish"):
reports customized newrelic metrics
returns none
print("Reporting metric {label} value {value} appname {appname}".format(label=label, value=value, appname=appname))
metric = "Custom/{appname}/{label}".format(appname=appname, label=label)
newrelic.agent.record_custom_metric(metric, value, application)
if __name__ == "__main__":
config = read_config()
application = newrelic.agent.register_application(name=config['newrelic_appname'])
m = VarnishMetrics(instance=config['varnish_instance'], metrics=config['varnish_metrics'])
varnish_metrics = m.parse_metrics()
for metric in varnish_metrics:
label, value = metric.items()[0]
report_custom_metrics(label, value, application, config['newrelic_appname'])
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