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Created August 16, 2016 19:08
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Write Raspbian to an SD card script
# Check to see if raspbian exists on hard drive
ls *raspbian*.img >/dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "1" ]; then
# file not found
# file found
raspbianFileName=$(ls *raspbian*.img | head -n1) > /dev/null
if [[ -e $raspbianFileName ]]; then
echo "Raspbian found in $raspbianFileName"
# the file does not exist
echo -e "Raspbian not found. Download? \c"
read shouldDownload
case "$shouldDownload" in
Y|y|yes|Yes|YES) # regex for anything starting with Y
echo "Attempting to download..."
downloadURL='' # needs redirects
curl -L -o
if [ "$CURLcode" -eq "0" ]; then
echo "Download successful"
echo "File download not successfully."
echo "Curl returned code $CURLcode. For more details type 'man curl'"
exit 1 # exit this program with error code 1
# Attempt to unzip the file
$raspbianDownloadFileName = ls
unzip "$raspbianDownloadFileName"
mv *.img "$raspbianFileName"
# TODO: Check success in script
# TODO: Check to see if unzip exists on system and propose alternatives (Linux doesn't have I know)
N|n|no|No|NO) # regex for anything starting with N
echo "Aborting install"
exit 3 # exit program with exit status 3. TODO: Ask user for other file
ls -lh $raspbianFileName # for verification
echo -e "Is this the correct file? \c"
read correctFile
case $correctFile in
echo "Using $raspbianFileName"
echo -e "Enter full path to raspbian.img: \c"
read raspbianFullPath
if [[ -e $raspbianFullPath ]]; then
echo "Raspbian found in $raspbianFullPath"
echo "Raspbian not found. Try running script again."
exit 2 # exit program with exit status 2.
# We now assume that the raspbian image is at $raspbianFullPath
echo '
Please select a disk from the following output to write raspbian to. Be warned
that this will OVERWRITE all data on the disk. Check and double check.
Note, the name should be (example) /dev/disk1, not /dev/disk1s1 for MacOS,
and (example) /dev/sdb, not /dev/sdb1 for Linux.'
diskutil list #this has been texted only on MacOS, not on Linux
echo -e "Disk identifier?: \c"
read diskname
# Fix diskname for common errors
diskname=$(echo $diskname | sed -e 's/\(disk[0-9]\)s[0-9]/\1/g')
diskname=$(echo $diskname | sed -e 's/\(sd[a-z]\)[0-9]/\1/g')
diskname=$(echo $diskname | sed -e 's/\(\/dev\/\)*\(.*\)/\/dev\/\2/g')
if hash pv 2>/dev/null; then
filesize=$(wc -c "$raspbianFileName" | cut -f2 -d' ')
command="cat $raspbianFileName | pv -s $filesize | sudo dd of=$diskname bs=1m"
command="pv $raspbianFileName | sudo dd of=$diskname bs=1m"
command="dd if=$(pwd)/$raspbianFileName bs=1m of=$diskname"
# check if running as root
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Type or copy/paste the following command."
echo -e "Note, (On some systems running coreutils you may need '1M' instead of '1m')\n"
echo sudo $command
elif [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Unmounting $diskname..."
diskutil unmountDisk "$diskname"
echo $command
sleep 2
eval $command
exit 0 # exit this program with error code 0 (success)
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