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Last active February 12, 2021 00:32
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## Database tables and fields:
accounts(primaryKey: address)[
address (type: string, maxLength: 50),
type (type: string, maxLength: 30, possibleValues: ['sig', 'multisig']),
balance (type: string, maxLength: 20),
?forgingPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextForgingPublicKey(type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextForgingKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?multisigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextMultisigPublicKey(type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextMultisigKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?sigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextSigPublicKey(type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextSigKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?requiredSignatureCount (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?lastTransactionTimestamp (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?updateHeight (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991)
- address
- balance
- The `balance` field is a string but needs to be sorted numerically (not alphabetically) inside the database.
transactions(primaryKey: id)[
id (type: string, maxLength: 40),
type (type: string, maxLength: 30, possibleValues: ['transfer', 'vote', 'unvote', 'registerSigDetails', 'registerMultisigDetails', 'registerForgingDetails', 'registerMultisigWallet']),
?recipientAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50),
amount (type: string, maxLength: 20),
fee (type: string, maxLength: 20),
timestamp (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
message (type: string, maxLength: 256 but should be configurable via DAL option passed to its 'init' method),
senderAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50),
?sigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextSigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?nextSigKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?delegateAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50),
?newForgingPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?newNextForgingPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?newNextForgingKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?newMultisigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?newNextMultisigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?newNextMultisigKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?newSigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?newNextSigPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
?newNextSigKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?memberAddresses (type: an array of wallet address strings; can be stored as JSON array string, variable length, the maximum number of member addresses is flexible based on config so there should not be a maximum)
?requiredSignatureCount (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?senderSignatureHash (type: string, maxLength: 44),
?signatures (type: an array of JSON object containing transaction signature strings; this cannot change and is not searchable so the entire JSON could be stored as serialized text of variable length; expected length is over 34K characters),
blockId (type: string, maxLength: 40),
indexInBlock (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991)
- id
- timestamp
- blockId
- senderAddress
- recipientAddress
- The `amount` and `fee` fields are strings but needs to be sorted numerically (not alphabetically) inside the database.
- A transaction must either have a `senderSignatureHash` (if it is a sig transaction) or a `signatures` array (if it is a multisig transaction).
blocks(primaryKey: id)[
id (type: string, maxLength: 40),
height (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
timestamp (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
?previousBlockId (type: string, maxLength: 40),
forgerAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50),
forgingPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
nextForgingPublicKey (type: string, maxLength: 64),
nextForgingKeyIndex (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
forgerSignature (type: string, maxLength: 32984),
signatures (type: Can be either an array of JSON object containing block signatures in base64 format or can be stored as binary blobs to save space),
numberOfTransactions (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991),
synched (type: boolean)
- id
- height
- timestamp
- forgerAddress
- The `synched` field is private and is only kept in the database; it should not be returned as part of the block by any DAL methods because it is not accounted as part of the block's signature.
ballots(primaryKey: id)[
id (type: string, maxLength: 40),
type (type: string, maxLength: 20, possibleValues: ['vote', 'unvote'])
voterAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50),
delegateAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50),
active (type: boolean)
- id
- type
- voterAddress
- delegateAddress
- active
- id matches the underlying transaction id
- There should only be one active ballot for each unique (voterAddress + delegateAddress) combination.
- Inserting a new 'vote' ballot should cause all active 'unvote' ballots to have their active fields set to false.
- Inserting a new 'unvote' ballot should cause all active 'vote' ballots to have their active fields set to false.
delegates(primaryKey: address)[
address (type: string, maxLength: 50),
voteWeight (type: string, maxLength: 20),
?updateHeight (type: integer, maxValue: 9007199254740991)
- address
- voteWeight
- The `voteWeight` field is a string but needs to be sorted numerically (not alphabetically) inside the database.
multisigMemberships(primaryKey: [multsigAccountAddress, memberAddress])[
multsigAccountAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50),
memberAddress (type: string, maxLength: 50)
- [multsigAccountAddress, memberAddress]
- multsigAccountAddress
- memberAddress
- Composite primary key of multsigAccountAddress and memberAddress - Each combination of these must be unique.
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