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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Plone: Remove versions of deleted objects
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from pprint import pprint
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IPloneSiteRoot
from Testing.makerequest import makerequest
from import setSite
app = globals()['app']
user = None
while not user:
user = app.acl_users.getUser(raw_input('Admin user ID (Zope level): ').strip())
user = user.__of__(app.acl_users)
newSecurityManager(app, user)
app = makerequest(app)
overview_view = app.restrictedTraverse('plone-overview')
print 'SITES:'
for site in overview_view.sites():
print '-', '/'.join(site.getPhysicalPath())
while True:
site_path = raw_input('Path to Plone site to update: ').strip().strip('/')
site = app.restrictedTraverse(site_path)
except Exception, exc:
print 'ERROR:', exc
print 'FOUND:', site
if not IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(site):
print 'ERROR: not a Plone site:', site
historiesstorage = getToolByName(site, 'portal_historiesstorage')
hidhandler = getToolByName(site, "portal_historyidhandler")
shadowstorage = historiesstorage._getShadowStorage()._storage
versions_repo = historiesstorage._getZVCRepo()
print 'Gathering statistics..'
statistics = historiesstorage.zmi_getStorageStatistics()
print ''
print 'Deleting', statistics['summaries']['deletedHistories'], 'histories', \
'and', statistics['summaries']['deletedVersions'], 'versions.'
for historyinfo in statistics['deleted']:
history_id = historyinfo['history_id']
history = historiesstorage._getShadowHistory(history_id)
for zvc_key in set([
historiesstorage._getZVCAccessInfo(history_id, selector, True)[0]
for selector in history._available]):
if zvc_key in versions_repo._histories:
del versions_repo._histories[zvc_key]
shadowstorage.pop(history_id, None)
import transaction
print 'All done.'
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jone commented Apr 21, 2015

@buchi thanks, updated 😉

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