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jonemo / simpsons.basic
Created November 4, 2018 22:50
BASIC program for Hackaday Supercon badges that plays the Simpsons theme
1 tune 72,0,0,0
2 tune 67,0,0,0
3 tune 76,0,0,1439
4 tune 0,0,0,0
5 tune 60,0,0,0
6 tune 55,0,0,0
7 tune 52,0,0,480
8 tune 0,0,0,0
9 tune 0,0,0,0
10 tune 0,0,0,0
jonemo / bohrha.basic
Last active November 5, 2018 01:16
BASIC program for Hackaday Supercon badges that plays Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody
223 tune 62,53,0,4
224 tune 62,34,0,192
225 tune 62,53,0,192
226 tune 62,58,0,192
227 tune 62,62,0,192
228 tune 62,67,0,192
229 tune 62,53,0,192
230 tune 62,65,0,192
231 tune 62,53,0,8
232 tune 58,53,0,176
jonemo / seinfeld.basic
Last active November 5, 2018 01:10
BASIC program for Hackaday Supercon badges that plays the Seinfeld theme
1 tune 0,0,0,1440
2 tune 55,0,0,48
3 tune 0,0,0,72
4 tune 53,0,0,40
5 tune 0,0,0,80
6 tune 50,0,0,64
7 tune 0,0,0,16
8 tune 48,0,0,20
9 tune 0,0,0,20
10 tune 46,0,0,104
jonemo / iwtbf.basic
Created November 4, 2018 22:23
BASIC program for Hackaday Supercon badges that plays Queen's "I want to break free"
0 tune 0,52,0,180
10 tune 0,0,0,60
20 tune 0,52,0,60
30 tune 0,0,0,60
40 tune 0,52,0,60
50 tune 0,0,0,60
60 tune 0,52,0,180
70 tune 0,0,0,60
80 tune 0,52,0,180
90 tune 0,0,0,300
jonemo /
Created September 17, 2017 04:51
Python script to check which Python 3.6 standard library package names are registered on PyPI
import sys
import requests
print(f"Package Name,exists?,HTTP code,Author,Maintainer,registered by op?")
for package_name in sys.stdin:
package_name = package_name.strip()
resp_json = requests.get(f"{package_name}/json")
exists, sstagg, author, maintainer = False, False, '', ''
exists = resp_json.status_code == 200
jonemo / stdlib-modules.txt
Created September 17, 2017 04:13
All Python 3.6 standard library modules as per
jonemo / .bash_profile
Created September 13, 2017 03:34
bits of dotfiles
# kill program hogging given port number
function killport {
lsof -ti :$1 | xargs kill
# clean up docker volumes and images
function dclean {
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)
docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk "{print $3}")
jonemo /
Last active September 13, 2017 03:27
Compress AAABBCCCC into A3B2C4 with regular expressions
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
def compress_iter(instr):
"""Generate one compressed chunk at a time, e.g. "A3"""
for match in re.finditer(r'(.)\1{0,}', instr):
yield[0] + str(len(
jonemo /
Last active September 24, 2021 02:09
Factory Automation with Python (PyCon 2017)