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Last active September 29, 2022 16:58
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Testing program with PID to control the Cytron MD30
* Calculate the error between current direction and the desired direction
* Use a MAP function to convert the error to a value 0-255
* Use that value to feed into a PID and use the output as the power level for the motor controller
#include <Arduino.h>
/* Credit:
* Very hard left - 3492
* soft hard left - 2941
* middle - 1885, 1900, 1906 - so lets use 1906-1885 = 21/2 = 10 + 1885 = 1895
* soft hard right - 856
* very hard right - 368
//#include <Wire.h>
///////////////////////Functions Below///////////////////////
float get_angle(int n);
double computePID(double inp);
float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max);
float convert_pot_to_angle(int inp);
float remap_Kp(int inp);
int steer_angle_pin = 38; // pin for steer angle sensor
int Kp_pot_pin = 39; // MODE pin position for Kp
int Ki_pot_pin = 36; // THROTTLE pin position for Ki
int Kd_pot_pin = 34; // LED pin position for Kd
int target_pot_pin = 37; // STEERING pin position for Kp
int PWMPin = 25;
int DIRPin = 12; //pin 36, and 12 works; 32 does not work, compiles but signal is misinterpreted
//int Read = 0;
float steering_angle = 0;
int mtr_speed = 50; // range is 0-255, 255=12.8V; 250=12.5V; 101=5V; 50=2.5V; 25=1.2V;
/////////////////// PID variables ///////////////////////
float kp=0; //Mine was 8
float ki=0.0; //Mine was 0.2
float kd=0; //Mine was 3100
long Kp_pot, Ki_pot, Kd_pot;
unsigned long currentTime, previousTime;
double elapsedTime;
double error;
double lastError;
double output, setPoint;
double cumError, rateError;
///////////////////Steering variables///////////////////////
long left_limit = 3100; // really the limit is ~3500 this would be say -45 degrees
long right_limit = 700; // really the limit is ~350 this would be say +45 degrees
long middle_steer = 1895; // this would be angle 0 degrees
long steer_range = (3500-500);
long steering_target;
int steer_effort = 0;
int tolerance = 50;
void setup() {
pinMode(PWMPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIRPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
Kp_pot = remap_Kp(analogRead(Kp_pot_pin));
Ki_pot = analogRead(Ki_pot_pin);
Kd_pot = analogRead(Kd_pot_pin);
steering_target = convert_pot_to_angle(analogRead(target_pot_pin));
steering_angle = get_angle(50);
kp = Kp_pot; // note: this is moving an INT into a FLOAT
ki = Kp_pot/1000;
kd = Kp_pot/1000;
Serial.print(", cur_pos: "); Serial.print(steering_angle);
Serial.print(", steering_target: "); Serial.print(steering_target);
Serial.print(", steer_effort: "); Serial.print(steer_effort);
Serial.print(", steer error: "); Serial.println(error);
setPoint = steering_target;
output = computePID(steering_angle);
steer_effort = mapfloat(output, 0, steer_range, 0, 255);
// if the steering pos > beyond a certain direction - set the motor power to zero
//clamp the values of steer_effort between -255 to 255
if (steer_effort < -255){steer_effort = -255;}
if (steer_effort > 255){steer_effort = 255;}
if(error < (tolerance*-1)){
digitalWrite(DIRPin, HIGH); // steer right
analogWrite(PWMPin, abs(steer_effort));
else if(error > tolerance){
digitalWrite(DIRPin, LOW); // steer left
analogWrite(PWMPin, steer_effort);
else {
analogWrite(PWMPin, 0); // Turn the motor off
float get_angle(int n){ // read the steering angle and average readings (i.e. pot value)
long sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
float adc=sum/n;
double computePID(double inp){
// ref:
currentTime = millis(); // get current time
elapsedTime = (double)(currentTime - previousTime); // compute time elapsed from previous computation
error = setPoint - inp; // determine error
cumError += error * elapsedTime; // compute integral
rateError = (error - lastError)/elapsedTime; // compute derivative
double out = ((kp*error) + (ki*cumError) + (kd*rateError)); // PID output
Serial.print("p: "); Serial.print(kp);
Serial.print(", i: "); Serial.print(ki);
Serial.print(", d: "); Serial.print(kd);
//Serial.print(", cErr: "); Serial.print(cumError);
//Serial.print(", error: "); Serial.print(error);
//Serial.print(", rErr: "); Serial.print(rateError);
//Serial.print(", Output: "); Serial.println(out);
lastError = error; //remember current error
previousTime = currentTime; //remember current time
return out; //have function return the PID output
float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max){
return (x - in_min)*(out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
float convert_pot_to_angle(int inp){
// the input of the steering target potentiometer is 0-4095; This needs to be converted to 3500 (left) to 500 (right)
// how to convert 0-4095 to an angle?
// convert to -45 to 45 (these would be degrees (i.e an angle))
// conver the angle into the angle_sensor
int out;
out = mapfloat(inp, 0, 4095, left_limit, right_limit);
return out;
float remap_Kp(int inp){
// the input of the steering target potentiometer is 0-4095; This needs to be converted to 3500 (left) to 500 (right)
int out;
out = mapfloat(inp, 0, 4095, 0, 20);
return out;
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