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Created June 19, 2020 15:03
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Reads the AS5048B, calculates speed and distance traveled and publishes the values using ROS
Reads AS5048B using a Teensy 3.2 and I2C communiction
This reads the sensor, calculates speed and distance travelled and publishes the values using ROS to output the data.
The frequency at which the AS5048B is read is set using: poll_AS5048B_Interval
The frequency at which the RPM is displayed as a ROS info statement is set using: infoInterval
AS5048B_RESOLUTION is 16384 ticks in one revolution
The way the physcial sensor is mounted there is variation in whether the vehicle is moving forward or reverse. For my configuration
I have the following scenarios. The meters_travelled calculation will have to be adjusted based on the instalation.
This version of the program is installed on the left side of the vehicle. The calculation for meters_travelled would have to be
swapped if installed on the right side.
#include <ros.h>
#include "std_msgs/Float32.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#define AS5048B_ANGLMSB_REG 0xFE //bits 0..7
#define AS5048B_RESOLUTION 16384.0 //14 bits
#define AS5048_ADDRESS 0x40
const int infoInterval = 10000; // 100 = 1/10 of a second (i.e. 10 Hz)
const int poll_AS5048B_Interval = 100; // 1000/10 or 10 Hz
const float wheel_circumfrence = 1.59593; // the wheel has a diameter of 20" or 0.508 meters
uint16_t current_position;
uint16_t last_position;
int16_t position_movement;
int32_t rotational_position;
uint16_t bitshift_cur_pos;
uint16_t bitshift_last_pos;
int16_t bitshift_pos_delta;
unsigned long prev_time_stamp_info = 0;
unsigned long prev_time_poll_AS5048B = 0;
float time_traveled = 0;
float mins_travelled = 0;
float meters_per_second = 0;
float meters_travelled = 0;
float meters_travelled_prev = 0;
float revolutions = 0;
float RPM = 0;
char buffer[250];
ros::NodeHandle nh;
std_msgs::Float32 left_speed;
ros::Publisher as5048b_speed_left("/left_speed", &left_speed);
std_msgs::Float32 left_meters_travelled_msg;
ros::Publisher as5048b_mtrs_trvld("/left_meters_travelled_msg", &left_meters_travelled_msg);
uint16_t AMS_AS5048B_readReg16() { //reference:
byte requestResult;
byte readArray[2];
uint16_t readValue = 0;
requestResult = Wire.endTransmission(false);
if (requestResult){
Serial.print("I2C error: ");
Wire.requestFrom(AS5048_ADDRESS, 2);
for (byte i=0; i < 2; i++) {
readArray[i] =;
readValue = (((uint16_t) readArray[0]) << 6);
readValue += (readArray[1] & 0x3F);
return readValue;
void setup() {
current_position = AMS_AS5048B_readReg16();
last_position = current_position;
rotational_position = 0;
nh.advertise(as5048b_speed_left); // used for m/s - can be negative - defined as Float
nh.advertise(as5048b_mtrs_trvld); // used for meters travelled - can be negative - defined as Float
void loop() {
if (millis() - prev_time_poll_AS5048B >= poll_AS5048B_Interval) {
current_position = AMS_AS5048B_readReg16();
//reference: next 5 lines are based on magic code from Jeff Sampson - thank you!
bitshift_cur_pos = current_position << 2; //Bitshiftleft - The leftmost 2 bits in current_position are shifted out of existence
bitshift_last_pos = last_position << 2;
bitshift_pos_delta = (bitshift_cur_pos - bitshift_last_pos);
position_movement = bitshift_pos_delta >> 2; //BitshiftRight 2 bits
rotational_position += position_movement; // Update the absolute position values. (Position of this encoder since CPU reset.)
meters_travelled_prev = meters_travelled;
meters_travelled = ((rotational_position / AS5048B_RESOLUTION) * wheel_circumfrence);
time_traveled = millis() - prev_time_poll_AS5048B;
revolutions = (meters_travelled - meters_travelled_prev)/wheel_circumfrence;
time_traveled = time_traveled / 1000; // convert time travelled which is in millis to seconds
mins_travelled = time_traveled / 60; // calculate the number of minutes travelled based on the number of seconds travelled
RPM = (revolutions / mins_travelled); // Rpm = (revolutions / ((seconds/60))
meters_per_second = (RPM * wheel_circumfrence) / 60; // m/s = distance (meters) traveled during the time period * amount of time in seconds
// publish ROS topics = meters_per_second;
as5048b_speed_left.publish(&left_speed); = meters_travelled;
last_position = current_position;
prev_time_poll_AS5048B = millis();
if (millis() - prev_time_stamp_info >= infoInterval) { // provide an informational message
sprintf (buffer, "left_speed sensor - meters_travelled: %f RPM: %f m/s: %f", meters_travelled, RPM, meters_per_second);
prev_time_stamp_info = millis();
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