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Last active October 7, 2022 15:57
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Save jones2126/d3ac3f058bc44a184c722357dd052d44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Used to control a DC steering motor powered by a Cytron MD30C. Currently this is a testing program to determine the PID values. To make that process faster this program reads 3 potentiometers to allow changing the Kp, Ki and Kd values. The current MCU is a TTGO LoRa ESP32 OLED board. The motor is producing a high pitched whining sound. Further r…
* Calculate the error between current direction and the desired direction
* convert the error to a value 0-255 to drive the Cytron motor controller connected to a steering motor.
* Ref:
* Thank you Jeff Sampson for guidance and corrections
#include <Arduino.h>
///////////////////////Functions Below///////////////////////
float get_angle(int n);
double computePID(float inp);
float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max);
void steerVehicle();
void checkSafety();
void printInfo();
void getInputParms();
void blink_LED();
void left_to_right();
int steer_angle_pin = 38; // pin for steer angle sensor
int Kp_pot_pin = 39; // MODE pin position for Kp
int Ki_pot_pin = 36; // THROTTLE pin position for Ki
int Kd_pot_pin = 34; // LED pin position for Kd
int target_pot_pin = 37; // STEERING pin position for Kp
int PWMPin = 25;
int DIRPin = 12; // pin 36, and 12 works; 32 does not work, compiles but signal is misinterpreted
int ledState = LOW; // ledState used to set the LED
//variables for testing to the right and back again
int test_sw = 0; // turn the wheel all the way to the left before starting this test
unsigned long test_start_time = 0;
float test_duration = 0;
/////////////////// PID variables ///////////////////////
float kp=0;
float ki=0.0;
float kd=0;
unsigned long currentTime, previousTime;
float elapsedTime;
float error;
float lastError;
float output, setPoint;
float cumError, rateError;
///////////////////Steering variables///////////////////////
float safety_margin_pot = 400; // reduce this once I complete field testing
float left_limit_pot = 3499 - safety_margin_pot; // the actual extreme limit is 3499
float left_limit_angle = -45; // this is a guess - change based on field testing
float right_limit_pot = 431 + safety_margin_pot; // the actual extreme limit is 431
float right_limit_angle = 45; // this is a guess - change based on field testing
float steering_target_angle = 0;
float steering_target_pot = 0;
float steering_actual_angle = 0;
float steering_actual_pot = 0;
float steer_effort = 0;
float tolerance = 0.4; // need to adjust this based on angles
const int motor_power_limit = 150;
/////////////////////Loop Timing variables///////////////////////
const long steerInterval = 50; // 100 10 HZ, 50 20Hz, 20 = 50 Hz
const long infoInterval = 500; // 100 = 1/10 of a second (i.e. 10 Hz) 3000 = 3 seconds
const long safetyInterval = 1000;
const long paramsInterval = 50;
unsigned long prev_safety_time = 0;
unsigned long prev_time_steer = 0;
unsigned long prev_time_printinfo = 0;
unsigned long prev_time_params = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(PWMPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIRPin, OUTPUT);
if (test_sw == 1){
Serial.println("pausing before test starts...");
test_start_time = millis();
void loop() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if ((currentMillis - prev_time_params) >= paramsInterval) {getInputParms();}
if (test_sw == 1){left_to_right();}
if ((currentMillis - prev_time_steer) >= steerInterval) {steerVehicle();}
if ((currentMillis - prev_safety_time) >= safetyInterval) {checkSafety();}
if ((currentMillis - prev_time_printinfo) >= infoInterval) {printInfo();}
} // end of main loop
void getInputParms(){
steering_actual_pot = get_angle(1);
steering_target_pot = analogRead(target_pot_pin);
steering_target_angle = mapfloat(steering_target_pot, 0, 4095, left_limit_angle, right_limit_angle);
setPoint = steering_target_angle;
kp = mapfloat(analogRead(Kp_pot_pin), 0, 4095, 13, 39);
ki = mapfloat(analogRead(Ki_pot_pin), 0, 4095, 0.001, 0.1);
kd = mapfloat(analogRead(Kd_pot_pin), 0, 4095, 2000, 4000);
prev_time_params = millis();
void steerVehicle(){
//Serial.print("e: "); Serial.println(error);
/* The next statement is used to convert the analog potentiometer value to an angle, based on the steering
characteristics of the vehicle. */
steering_actual_angle = mapfloat(steering_actual_pot, left_limit_pot, right_limit_pot, left_limit_angle, right_limit_angle);
steer_effort = computePID(steering_actual_angle);
/* Safety clamp: The max_power_limit could be as high as 255 which
would deliver 12+ volts to the steer motor. I have reduced the highest setting that allows the wheels
to be moved easily while sitting on concrete (e.g. motor_power_limit = 150 ) */
if (steer_effort < (motor_power_limit*-1)){steer_effort = (motor_power_limit*-1);} //clamp the values of steer_effort
if (steer_effort > motor_power_limit){steer_effort = motor_power_limit;} // motor_power_limit
if(error > 0){
//Serial.print("e-r: "); Serial.print(error);
//Serial.print("s-r: "); Serial.println(steer_effort);
digitalWrite(DIRPin, HIGH); // steer right - channel B led is lit; Red wire (+) to motor; positive voltage
if ((steering_actual_pot > left_limit_pot) || (steering_actual_pot < right_limit_pot)) {steer_effort = 0;} // safety check
analogWrite(PWMPin, steer_effort);
else if(error < 0){
//Serial.print("e-l: "); Serial.print(error);
//Serial.print("s-l: "); Serial.println(steer_effort);
digitalWrite(DIRPin, LOW); // steer left - channel A led is lit; black wire (-) to motor; negative voltage
if ((steering_actual_pot > left_limit_pot) || (steering_actual_pot < right_limit_pot)) {steer_effort = 0;} // safety check
analogWrite(PWMPin, abs(steer_effort));
else {
steer_effort = 0;
analogWrite(PWMPin, steer_effort); // Turn the motor off
prev_time_steer = millis();
} // end of steerVehicle
double computePID(float inp){
// ref:
currentTime = millis(); // get current time
elapsedTime = (double)(currentTime - previousTime); // compute time elapsed from previous computation
error = setPoint - inp; // determine error
cumError += error * elapsedTime; // compute integral
rateError = (error - lastError)/elapsedTime; // compute derivative
float out = ((kp*error) + (ki*cumError) + (kd*rateError)); // PID output
lastError = error; // remember current error
previousTime = currentTime; // remember current time
return out; // have function return the PID output
void checkSafety(){ //checkSafety
/* not yet written - placeholder for safety check
- check for LoRa radio connectivity (i.e. is the RSSI strong)
- check for serial communication coming from the Tractor CPU (i.e. laptop)
prev_safety_time = millis();
void printInfo(){
Serial.print("p: "); Serial.print(kp,2);
Serial.print(", i: "); Serial.print(ki,5);
//Serial.print(", Ki_pot: "); Serial.print(Ki_pot,2);
Serial.print(", d: "); Serial.print(kd,2);
Serial.print(", actual: "); Serial.print(steering_actual_angle);
//Serial.print(", act_pot: "); Serial.print(steering_actual_pot);
//Serial.print(", PID output: "); Serial.print(output);
Serial.print(", target: "); Serial.print(steering_target_angle);
Serial.print(", PID error: "); Serial.print(error);
Serial.print(", steer_effort: "); Serial.print(steer_effort);
Serial.println(" ");
prev_time_printinfo = millis();
float get_angle(int n){ // read the steering angle and average readings (i.e. pot value)
long sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
float adc=sum/n;
float mapfloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max){
return (x - in_min)*(out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
void blink_LED(){
// this helps with debugging to visually show the microcontroller is functioning
if (ledState == LOW) {ledState = HIGH;} else {ledState = LOW;} // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState); // set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
void left_to_right(){
/* this is used to see how fast the steering takes to go from full left to full right and back again
10/7/22 - with Kp at 18.7 and power at 120 it takes 3.9 seconds left to right to left
- manually set target to left extreme (i.e. steer the wheels to extreme left)
- set test_sw in program to "1"
- recompile and upload
- use stopwatch and start when wheels start moving
- Note time reported for the move to the right
- stop stopwatch when wheels return to left position
- set test_sw in program to "0"
- recompile and upload
setPoint = 45; // the furthest right position
test_duration = (millis() - test_start_time)/1000;
/* if actual_pot is close to end (at full right the pot is ~900), then print duration */
if (steering_actual_pot < 980){
Serial.println(" ");
Serial.print("test_sw: "); Serial.print(test_sw);
Serial.print(", act_pot: "); Serial.print(steering_actual_pot);
Serial.print(", test_duration: "); Serial.println(test_duration);
test_sw = 0;
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