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Created October 4, 2017 14:42
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gulp 4 gulpfile w/babel!
import gulp from 'gulp';
import gulpLoadPlugins from 'gulp-load-plugins';
import {exec} from 'child_process';
import browserSync from 'browser-sync';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import webpackStream from 'webpack-stream';
import webpackConfig from './webpack.config.babel.js'
const plugins = gulpLoadPlugins();
const loc = 'node_modules/';
const reload = browserSync.reload;
const appsPath = 'project_root';
const staticPath = `${appsPath}/static`;
const destPath = `${staticPath}/public`;
/* Line command to clean .tmp caches */
export const cleanCache = () => gulp
/* Copy font-awesome webfonts to static location */
export const fonts = () => gulp
/* The Sass data is concatenated and minified then outputed. */
export const scss = () => gulp
/* Compiles Vendor Css Files.
* CSS is concatenated and minified.
* A cache file is create.
* Minified CSS is outputed. */
export const vendorCss = () => {
let cssFsCache = plugins.fsCache(`${staticPath}/.tmp/csscache`);
return gulp
/* Compiles JavaScript.
* JS is concatenated and minified.
* A cache file is create.
* Minified JS is outputed. */
export const vendorScripts = () => {
let jsFsCache = plugins.fsCache(`${staticPath}/.tmp/jscache`);
return gulp
.pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.init({largeFile: true}))
mangle: false,
compress: false
export const scripts = () => gulp
.pipe(webpackStream(webpackConfig, webpack))
export const watch = done => {
/* Trigger a reload on any Django template change */
let templateWatcher =`${appsPath}/templates/**`);
templateWatcher.on('change', (event, path, stats) => {
/* Trigger a SCSS injection (no reload) on a scss file change */`${staticPath}/sass/*.scss`, gulp.parallel(scss));
/* Trigger a reaload on a js file change */
let scriptsWatcher =`${staticPath}/js/**/*.js`, gulp.parallel('scripts'));
scriptsWatcher.on('change', (event, path, stats) => {
/* Main development server command
* Runs other gulp tasks to minify CSS and JS files.
* Moves font-awesome webfonts files to static.
* Runs the Watch task.
* BrowserSync loads hot-reload. */
gulp.task('start-dev', gulp.series(
gulp.parallel(scss, vendorCss, vendorScripts, scripts, fonts, watch),
() => {
browserSync.init(null, {
proxy: "localhost:5000",
port: 8080,
reloadDelay: 1000,
reloadDebounce: 2000,
reloadOnRestart: true,
open: false
export const build = () => gulp.parallel(scss, fonts, vendorCss, vendorScripts, scripts);
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