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Last active July 13, 2021 20:32
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Save jonesor/6dc4d3c490e8080cf793 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An R function and code to estimate parameters of mortality models with maximum likelihood.
#A likelihood function for GOMPERTZ, GOMPERTZ-MAKEHANM and SILER models.
likeLT <- function(lifetable,pars,type="GO"){
# Extract data from life table
Dx = lifetable$Dx
Nx = lifetable$Nx
StartInt = lifetable$StartAge
EndInt = lifetable$EndAge
LT.Type = as.character(lifetable$Type[1])
# Read in parameters.
if(type=="GM"){a = pars[1]; b = pars[2]; c = pars[3]}
if(type=="GO"){a = pars[1]; b = pars[2]}
if(type=="SI"){a1 = pars[1]; b1 = pars[2]; c = pars[3]; a2 = pars[1]; b2 = pars[2]}
# Calculated cumulative hazard
if(type=="GO"){ H = (a / b) * (exp(b * EndInt) - exp(b * StartInt))}
if(type=="GM"){ H = (a / b) * (exp(b * EndInt) - exp(b * StartInt)) + (c * (EndInt - StartInt))}
if(type=="SI"){ H = -(a1 / b1) * (exp(-b1 * EndInt) - exp(-b1 * StartInt)) + c * (EndInt-StartInt) + (a2 / b2) * (exp(b2 * EndInt) - exp(b2 * StartInt))}
# Calculate Likelihood
if(LT.Type == "Cohort"){ LH = -sum(dbinom(Dx,Nx,H,log=TRUE))}
if(LT.Type == "Period"){ LH = -sum(dpois(Dx,H*Nx,log=TRUE))}
#You can use optim() to optimes to get a maximum likelihood fit.
out = optim(par=c(0.1,0.1,0.05), likeLT, lifetable=lifetable, type="GO")
MLE = out$par
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