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Last active December 14, 2015 13:48
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Save jonforums/5095788 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automate building zlib on Windows with mingw/mingw-w64
#requires -version 2.0
# Author: Jon Maken
# License: 3-clause BSD
# Revision: 2013-03-11 01:39:59 -0600
# - extract generics into a downloadable utils helper module
# - add proper try-catch-finally error handling
# - support x86 and x64 builds
HelpMessage='zlib version to build (eg - 1.2.7)')]
[string] $version,
[parameter(HelpMessage='Path to 7-Zip command line tool')]
[string] $7ZA = 'C:/tools/7za.exe',
[parameter(HelpMessage='Path to DevKit root directory')]
[string] $DEVKIT = 'C:/Devkit'
$msg_color = 'Yellow'
$root = Split-Path -parent $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$libname = 'zlib'
$source = "${libname}-${version}.tar.gz"
$source_dir = "${libname}-${version}"
$repo_root = ''
$archive = "${repo_root}${source}"
$hash_uri = "${libname}.md5"
# download and verify
# TODO implement progress bar when extracted to util helper module
if(-not (Test-Path $source)) {
Import-Module BitsTransfer
Write-Host "[INFO] downloading $archive" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
Start-BitsTransfer $archive "$PWD\$source"
# download hash data and validate downloaded source archive
Write-Host "[INFO] validating $source" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$hash = ConvertFrom-StringData $client.DownloadString($hash_uri)
try {
$hasher = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.MD5Cng
$fs = New-Object System.IO.FileStream "$PWD\$source", 'Open', 'Read'
$test_hash = [BitConverter]::ToString($hasher.ComputeHash($fs)).Replace('-','').ToLower()
} finally {
if ($test_hash -ne $hash[$version].ToLower()) {
Write-Host "[ERROR] $source validation failed, exiting" -foregroundcolor red
# extract
Write-Host "[INFO] extracting $source" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
$tar_file = "$($source.Substring(0, $source.LastIndexOf('-')))*.tar"
(& "$7ZA" "x" $source) -and (& "$7ZA" "x" $tar_file) -and (rm $tar_file) | Out-Null
# patch, configure, build, archive
Push-Location "${source_dir}"
# activate toolchain
Write-Host "[INFO] activating toolchain" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
. "$DEVKIT/devkitvars.ps1" | Out-Null
# configure
Write-Host "[INFO] configuring ${source_dir}" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
$install_dir = "$($PWD.ToString().Replace('\','/'))/my_install"
# build
Write-Host "[INFO] building ${source_dir}" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
sh -c "make -f win32/Makefile.gcc" | Out-Null
# install
$install_opts = @("BINARY_PATH=${install_dir}/bin",
sh -c "make install -f win32/Makefile.gcc $(${install_opts} -join ' ')" | Out-Null
# archive
Push-Location "$install_dir"
Write-Host "[INFO] creating binary archive for ${source_dir}" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
$bin_archive = "${source_dir}-x86-windows-bin.7z"
& "$7ZA" "a" "-mx=9" "-r" $bin_archive "*" | Out-Null
# hoist binary archive and cleanup
Write-Host "[INFO] cleaning up" -foregroundcolor $msg_color
mv "$install_dir\$bin_archive" "$PWD"
rm -recurse -force "${source_dir}"
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