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Created March 3, 2021 15:34
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A PowerShell script to organize photos by date taken
[string]$format = "yyyy/yyyy_MM/yyyy_MM_dd"
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
function Get-File-Date {
Param (
$dir = $shell.NameSpace( $object.Directory.FullName )
$file = $dir.ParseName( $object.Name )
# First see if we have Date Taken, which is at index 12
$date = Get-Date-Property-Value $dir $file 12
if ($null -eq $date) {
# If we don't have Date Taken, then find the oldest date from all date properties
0..287 | ForEach-Object {
$name = $dir.GetDetailsof($dir.items, $_)
if ( $name -match '(date)|(created)') {
# Only get value if date field because the GetDetailsOf call is expensive
$tmp = Get-Date-Property-Value $dir $file $_
if ( ($null -ne $tmp) -and (($null -eq $date) -or ($tmp -lt $date))) {
$date = $tmp
return $date
function Get-Date-Property-Value {
Param (
$value = ($dir.GetDetailsof($file, $index) -replace "`u{200e}") -replace "`u{200f}"
if ($value -and $value -ne '') {
return [DateTime]::ParseExact($value, "g", $null)
return $null
Get-ChildItem -Attributes !Directory $source -Recurse |
Foreach-Object {
Write-Host "Processing $_"
$date = Get-File-Date $_
if ($date) {
$destinationFolder = Get-Date -Date $date -Format $format
$destinationPath = Join-Path -Path $dest -ChildPath $destinationFolder
# See if the destination file exists and rename until we get a unique name
$newFullName = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $_.Name
if ($_.FullName -eq $newFullName) {
Write-Host "Skipping: Source file and destination files are at the same location. $_"
$newNameIndex = 1
$newName = $_.Name
while (Test-Path -Path $newFullName) {
$newName = ($_.BaseName + "_$newNameIndex" + $_.Extension)
$newFullName = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $newName
$newNameIndex += 1
# If we have a new name, then we need to rename in current location before moving it.
if ($newNameIndex -gt 1) {
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newName
Write-Host "Moving $_ to $newFullName"
# Create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
if (!(Test-Path $destinationPath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $destinationPath
robocopy $_.DirectoryName $destinationPath $newName /mov
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0xMLNK commented Mar 3, 2022

Hm, I am only getting a load of red errors.

Exception calling "ParseExact" with "3" argument(s): "The string was not identified as a valid DateTime string."
At Q:\PhotoOrganizer.ps1:50 char:16
+         return [DateTime]::ParseExact($value, "g", $null)
+                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FormatException

I downloaded and ran the script as it was. Thoughts?

Could be something with delimiter. Sweden uses komma for decimals, 3,1415. And semi-colon for string delimiter. value1;value2

I have had the same issue, so i pass script a bit. mby this will be helpful. I just pass the Unicode symbols and Format for ParseExact so that it passed for German Date.

function Get-Date-Property-Value {

    Param (

    $value = ($dir.GetDetailsof($file, $index) -replace "\u200E") -replace "\u200F" 
    if ($value -and $value -ne '') {
        return [DateTime]::ParseExact($value, 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm', $null)
    return $null

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Thank you @jongio! This was exactly what I was looking for! I had the same problems as @0xMLNK and @tamelander did, so I took @0xMLNK 's edit and made a additional minor change in the Get-Date-Property-Value function to make it work with Swedish date format. Posted as a fork here:

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Dopudop commented Jul 14, 2022


Hm, I am only getting a load of red errors.

Exception calling "ParseExact" with "3" argument(s): "The string was not identified as a valid DateTime string."
At Q:\PhotoOrganizer.ps1:50 char:16
+         return [DateTime]::ParseExact($value, "g", $null)
+                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FormatException

I downloaded and ran the script as it was. Thoughts?

Could be something with delimiter. Sweden uses komma for decimals, 3,1415. And semi-colon for string delimiter. value1;value2

for me the solution was to change the Regional settings and to have the ofrmat of the date dd/mm/yyyy and the hour hh:mm

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0xMLNK commented Jul 14, 2022

for me the solution was to change the Regional settings and to have the ofrmat of the date dd/mm/yyyy and the hour hh:mm
kinda wrong way, its simple to pass the script and not the system xD

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cooltig commented Jan 20, 2023

Thank you very much, really appreciate your work.

I have a question: The script generates in the target new folders like "yyyy.yyyy_mm.yyyy_mm_dd"
How is it possible to change that for every month it creates a subfolder like "yyyy\mm"

Thank you in advance!

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jongio commented Jan 20, 2023

You can pass in a custom format to the script

[string]$format = "yyyy/yyyy_MM/yyyy_MM_dd"

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cooltig commented Jan 20, 2023

Thanks but I already tried that and in the destination folder it creates a folder called "" instead of "yyyy/mm"

.\PhotoOrganizer.ps1 -source "E:" -dest "C:\test"

It seems that the slash "/" doesn't create a subfolder, it will used as . in foldername.

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jongio commented Jan 20, 2023

.\PhotoMover.ps1 -source "C:\temp\phototest\source" -dest "C:\temp\phototest\dest" -format "yyyy/MM"

Can you try with:

`.\PhotoMover.ps1 -source "C:\temp\phototest\source" -dest "C:\temp\phototest\dest" -format "yyyy\/MM"`

To escape the slash?

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cooltig commented Jan 20, 2023

Awesome, this works!

[string]$format = "yyyy\/MM"

Thank you so much!

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For some reason the EXIF Date taken in some of my files are formatted like this:
" 23/ 07/ 2023 15:37"

including some not specificly identified non-printable characters. Sigh....

So I ended in replacing all non ASCII characters with a space, and then preg replaced the result to gat a compliance date format:

function Get-Date-Property-Value {

    Param (

    $value = ($dir.GetDetailsof($file, $index) -replace "`u{200e}") -replace "`u{200f}"
    $value = (($value  -replace '[^ -~]+', ' ') -replace '[\s]*(\d{2})\/[\s]*(\d{2})\/[\s]*(\d{4})[\s]+([\d]{2}:[\d]{2})[\s]*', '$1/$2/$3 $4')
    if ($value -and $value -ne '') {
		Write-Host "Found ""$value"""
        return [DateTime]::ParseExact($value, "g", $null)
    return $null

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greiginsydney commented Sep 8, 2023

Thanks @LeoZandvliet , that did the trick for me!

EDIT: I also needed to replace the "g" "general date format specifier" with my specific format, which here in AU turned out to be "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mmtt".

This is my final "return" line:

return [DateTime]::ParseExact($value, "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mmtt", $null)

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