(Create a symlink pytest for py.test)
pytest [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] ...
Liquid Fill Gauge v1.1 - 7/14/2015
Configurable features include:
//Simple example of Generating a Windows Azure blob SAS in Node created using the guidance at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh508996.aspx. | |
//If your environment has access to the Windows Azure SDK for Node (https://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-for-node) then you should use that instead. | |
function insert(item, user, request) { | |
var accountName = '<Your Account Name>'; | |
var accountKey = '<Your Account Key>'; | |
//Note: this code assumes the container already exists in blob storage. | |
// If you wish to dynamically create the container then implement guidance here - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/dd179468.aspx |