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Created February 16, 2022 22:55
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Handle (some of) the annoyances of working with SObjects
Account acct = [SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate FROM Account LIMIT 1];
Datetime fakeCreatedDate =;
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Id, LastName, AccountId FROM Contact LIMIT 5];
acct = (Account) new SObjectAnnoyanceHelper(acct)
.setReadOnlyField(Schema.Account.CreatedDate, fakeCreatedDate)
.appendChildren(contacts, 'Contacts')
System.debug('The updated account: ' + acct);
System.debug('The new CreatedDate: ' + acct.CreatedDate);
System.debug('Number of children contacts: ' + acct.Contacts.size());
for (Contact con : acct.Contacts) {
System.debug('A child contact: ' + con);
public without sharing class SObjectAnnoyanceHelper {
private SObject record;
public SObjectAnnoyanceHelper(SObject record) {
this.record = record;
public SObjectAnnoyanceHelper appendChildren(List<SObject> children, String relationshipName) {
// Credit to James Simone for this method!
String endOfObject = '}';
String serializedParent = JSON.serialize(this.record).removeEnd(endOfObject);
JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(false);
gen.writeNumberField('totalSize', children.size());
gen.writeBooleanField('done', true);
gen.writeObjectField('records', children);
String childrenJson = '"' + relationshipName + '" : ' + gen.getAsString();
serializedParent = serializedParent += ',' + childrenJson + endOfObject;
this.record = (SObject) JSON.deserialize(serializedParent, SObject.class);
return this;
public SObjectAnnoyanceHelper setReadOnlyField(Schema.SObjectField field, Object value) {
return this.setReadOnlyField(field.getDescribe().getName(), value);
public SObjectAnnoyanceHelper setReadOnlyField(String fieldName, Object value) {
Map<String, Object> untypedRecord = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(JSON.serialize(record));
untypedRecord.put(fieldName, value);
this.record = (SObject) JSON.deserialize(JSON.serialize(untypedRecord), SObject.class);
return this;
public SObject getRecord() {
return this.record;
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