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Created August 28, 2015 16:46
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'use strict';
.factory('LoansFactory', LoansFactory);
LoansFactory.$inject = ['$http', '$q', 'API_URL', 'AppFactory'];
/* @ngInject */
function LoansFactory($http, $q, API_URL, AppFactory) {
var user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'));
var publicAPI = {
getLoan: getLoan,
getLoans: getLoans,
getPrerequisites: getPrerequisites
return publicAPI;
function getLoan(id) {
return getLoans().
then(function(loans) {
return _.find(loans, function(i) {
return == id;
function getLoans() {
return $http.get(API_URL + 'loans').then(getLoansData);
function getLoansData(response) {
var allLoans =;
return $q.all(;
function updateLoanData(loan) {
return $q.all({
collateral: processCollateral(loan.other_collateral),
crops: getCrops(loan),
expenses: getExpenses(loan),
insurance: getInsurance(loan),
parsedComments: structureComments(loan),
priorlien: processPriorLien(loan.prior_liens),
xcols: processXCols(loan.xcols)
.then(function (updatedData) {
angular.extend(loan, updatedData);
if(testComments(loan, user) === 0) {
loan.has_comment = false;
} else if(testComments(loan, user) === 1){
loan.has_comment = true;
if(testVote(loan, user) != 0) {
loan.vote_pending = true;
} else {
loan.vote_pending = false;
//console.log('FromLoanFactory', loan);
return loan;
function checkStax(policies) {
var added = _.each(policies, function(item) {
item.stax = !!~item.options.indexOf('STAX');
item.showStax = false;
return item;
return added;
function flattenExpenses(expenses, loan) {
var flattened = [];
var all_acres = loan.fins.crop_acres;
//console.log('ACRES', all_acres );, function(item){
var crop = item.crop.crop;
var acres = all_acres[Number(].acres;
//console.log('ACRES IN MAP', acres, all_acres, item);
var stub = _.pick(item, [
stub.arm = Number(stub.arm_adj);
stub.dist = Number(stub.dist_adj);
stub.other = Number(stub.other_adj);
stub.per_acre = stub.arm + stub.dist + stub.other;
stub.crop = crop;
stub.acres = acres;
stub.calc_arm = stub.arm * acres;
stub.calc_dist = stub.dist * acres;
stub.calc_other = stub.other * acres;
stub.calc_total = stub.per_acre * acres;
var finalpass = _.omit(stub, [
'arm_adj', 'dist_adj', 'other_adj'
//console.log('FINAL PASS', finalpass);
//console.log('FLAT', flattened );
return flattened;
function getCountiesInLoan(loan) {
var parishes = [];
_.each(loan.farms, function(item){
//console.log('FARMS', item);
var newbie = {
county_id: item.county_id,
county: item.county.county,
state_id: item.county.state_id,
state_abr: item.county.state.abr,
state: item.county.state.state,
locale: item.county.locale
if(!_.some(parishes, {'county_id' : newbie.county_id})) {
var counties = _.chain(parishes)
return counties;
function getCountyCrops(loan) {
return 999999;
function getCrops(loan) {
var crops = [];
_.each(loan.loancrops, function(item){
var newbie = {
crop: item.crop.crop
return crops;
function getExpenses(loan) {
var expenses = loan.expenses;
var farmexpenses = loan.farmexpenses;
var exps = {
byCat: processExpsByCat(flattenExpenses(expenses, loan)),
byCrop: processExpsByCrop(flattenExpenses(expenses, loan)),
byEntry: flattenExpenses(expenses, loan),
totals: processExpsTotals(flattenExpenses(expenses, loan), farmexpenses)
//console.log('Expenses: ', exps);
return (exps);
function getInsurance(loan) {
var policyList = loan.inspols;
//console.log('Policies', policyList);
var ins = {
agencies: processAgencies(policyList),
byCrop: processInsByCrop(loan),
database: processForInsDB(policyList),
//not Working
nonrp: processNonRPInsurance(policyList),
policies: checkStax(policyList),
//not Working
totals: processInsTotals(processInsByCrop(policyList))
//console.log('LoanInsurance: ', ins);
return ins;
function getPrerequisites(id) {
return $http.get(API_URL + 'loans/' + id + '/prereqs');
function makeFarmPractice(obj, crop, loan) {
console.log('MFP', obj, crop);
var xps = {
//TODO: Not working
arm: loan.fins.arm_crop_commit[obj.crop_crop],
dist: loan.fins.dist_crop_commit[obj.crop_crop],
other: loan.fins.other_crop_commit[obj.crop_crop]
var retro = {
expenses: xps,
c_crop_disc: Number(loan.fins.discounts.percent_crop), //√
c_fsa_disc: Number(loan.fins.discounts.percent_fsa), //√
c_cropins_disc: Number(loan.fins.discounts.percent_ins), //√
c_nonrp_disc: Number(loan.fins.discounts.percent_nonrp), //√
c_sco_disc: Number(loan.fins.discounts.percent_suppins), //√
c_acres: Number(obj.acres), //√
c_share_rent: Number(obj.share_rent), //√
c_aph: Number(obj.aph), //√
c_ins_type: obj.ins_type, //√
c_ins_level: Number(obj.ins_level), //√
c_ins_share: Number(obj.ins_share), //√
c_ins_price: Number(obj.ins_price), //√
c_ins_premium: Number(obj.ins_premium), //√
c_supp_coverage: 'STAX', //√
c_loss_trigger: 'Loss', //√
c_cov_range: 'Cov', //√
c_prot_factor: 'Prot', //√
c_exp_yield: 'XYld', //√
c_exp_revenue: 'XRev', //√
c_prod_yield: Number(obj.prod_yield), //√
c_prod_share: Number(obj.prod_share), //√
c_prod_price: Number(obj.prod_price), //√
c_var_harv: Number(obj.var_harv), //X
c_rebate: Number(obj.rebate) //X
//console.log('RETRO', retro);
return retro;
function makePractice(crop_id) {
return {
expenses: {
arm: 0,
dist: 0,
other: 0
c_crop_id: crop_id,
c_acres: 0,
c_aph: 0,
c_arm_fee: 0,
c_budget_arm: 0,
c_budget_dist: 0,
c_budget_other: 0,
c_cf: 0,
c_commit_arm: 0,
c_commit_dist: 0,
c_crop_disc: 0,
c_cropins_disc: 0,
c_disc_collateral: 0,
c_disc_crop: 0,
c_disc_fsa: 0,
c_disc_ins: 0,
c_disc_sco: 0,
c_fsa_disc: 0,
c_ins_disc_crop: 0,
c_ins_guarantee: 0,
c_ins_level: 0,
c_ins_premium: 0,
c_ins_price: 0,
c_ins_share: 0,
c_ins_type: "",
c_ins_value: 0,
c_interest_arm: 0,
c_interest_dist: 0,
c_nonrp_disc: 0,
c_prod_price: 0,
c_prod_rev: 0,
c_prod_rev_adj: 0,
c_prod_share: 0,
c_prod_yield: 0,
c_rebate: 0,
c_rm: 0,
c_sco_disc: 0,
c_sco_max: 0,
c_share_rent: 0,
c_var_harv: 0
function processAgencies(policies) {
var result = [];
var exists = {};
var arrayOfFinalProduct = [];
var agentExists = {};
var firstPass = _.forEach(policies, function (policy) {
if (!exists[policy.agent_id]) {
exists[policy.agent_id] = true;
//console.log('RESULT', result);
var secondPass = _.forEach(result, function (policy) {
var idealProduct = {};
var allreadyHappend = _.find(arrayOfFinalProduct, {'id': policy.agency_id});
if (!_.isUndefined(allreadyHappend)) {
id: policy.agent_id,
agent: policy.agent.agent,
agent_email: policy.agent_email,
agent_phone: policy.agent_phone
} else if (!agentExists[policy.agent_id]) {
idealProduct.agents = []; = policy.agent.agency_id; =;
idealProduct.agency_address = policy.agency_address;
idealProduct.agency_city = policy.agency_city;
idealProduct.agency_state = policy.agency_state;
idealProduct.agency_zip = policy.agency_zip;
idealProduct.agency_email = policy.agency_email;
idealProduct.agency_phone = policy.agency_phone;
id: policy.agent_id,
agent: policy.agent,
agent_email: policy.agent_email,
agent_phone: policy.agent_phone
agentExists[policy.agent_id] = true;
return arrayOfFinalProduct;
function processCollateral(obj) {
var all = _.chain(obj).groupBy('type').value();
return all;
function processExpsByCat(expenses) {
//_.mapValues(my_obj, 'field')
//console.log('XPS', expenses);
if(!expenses) { return []; }
var grped = _.chain(expenses).groupBy('expense').value();
var cats = _.uniq(_.pluck(expenses, 'expense'));
//corn.arm*corn.acres + bean.arm*bean.acres etc
var totsByCat = [];
angular.forEach(cats, function (cat) {
if (!grped[cat]) {
} else {
var col = grped[cat];
//console.log('ColTots', col);
var colTots = {
cat_id: _.pluckuniq(col, 'cat_id'),
expense: _.pluckuniq(col, 'expense'),
acre_dist: _.sumCollection(col, 'dist'),
acre_other: _.sumCollection(col, 'other'),
acre_total: _.sumCollection(col, 'per_acre'),
calc_arm: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_arm'),
calc_dist: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_dist'),
calc_other: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_other'),
calc_total: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_total')
return totsByCat;
function processExpsByCrop(expenses) {
var grped = _.chain(expenses).groupBy('crop').value();
var byCrop = [];
angular.forEach(grped, function (crop) {
var byExp = [];
angular.forEach(crop, function (exp) {
}, byExp);
}, byCrop);
return byCrop;
function processExpsTotals(expenses, farmexpenses) {
return {
byCat: processExpsTotalsByCat(expenses),
byCrop: processExpsTotalsByCrop(expenses),
byLoan: processExpsTotalsByLoan(expenses, farmexpenses)
function processExpsTotalsByCat(expenses) {
if(!expenses) {return []; }
var grped = _.chain(expenses).groupBy('expense').value();
//console.log('GRPED', grped);
var cats = _.uniq(_.pluck(expenses, 'expense'));
var totsByCat = [];
angular.forEach(cats, function (cat) {
if (!grped[cat]) {
calc_arm: 0,
calc_dist: 0,
calc_other: 0,
calc_total: 0
} else {
var col = grped[cat];
//console.log('TOTbyCAT', cat, col);
var colTots = [
expense: cat,
calc_arm: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_arm'),
calc_dist: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_dist'),
calc_other: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_other'),
calc_total: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_total')
//console.log('ProcessedTotsByCat', totsByCat);
return totsByCat;
function processExpsTotalsByCrop(expenses) {
var grped = _.chain(expenses).groupBy('crop').value();
var crops = AppFactory.getAllCrops();
var totsByCrop = [];
angular.forEach(crops, function (crop) {
if (!grped[crop]) {
acre_arm: 0,
acre_dist: 0,
acre_other: 0,
acre_total: 0,
calc_arm: 0,
calc_dist: 0,
calc_other: 0,
calc_total: 0
} else {
var col = grped[crop];
var colTots = [
acre_arm: _.sumCollection(col, 'arm'),
acre_dist: _.sumCollection(col, 'dist'),
acre_other: _.sumCollection(col, 'other'),
acre_total: _.sumCollection(col, 'per_acre'),
calc_arm: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_arm'),
calc_dist: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_dist'),
calc_other: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_other'),
calc_total: _.sumCollection(col, 'calc_total')
return totsByCrop;
function processExpsTotalsByLoan(expenses, farmexpenses) {
//console.log(expenses, farmexpenses);
return {
arm: _.sumCollection(expenses, 'calc_arm'),
dist: _.sumCollection(expenses, 'calc_dist'),
other: _.sumCollection(expenses, 'calc_other'),
total: _.sumCollection(expenses, 'calc_total')
function processFins(loan) {
var fins = loan.fins;
var crops_in_loan = getCrops(loan);
var counties_in_loan = getCountiesInLoan(loan);
// var farms = getCropAcresInCounty('6', '1310', loan);
var gpd_crops = _.chain(crops_in_loan)
//console.log('GPD', gpd_crops);
fins.total_income = 10000000;
var loan_crops_acres = {
working: true
fins.loan_crops_acres = loan_crops_acres;
fins.counties_in_loan = counties_in_loan;
fins.loan_crops_acres = loan_crops_acres;
return fins;
function processForInsDB(policies) {
//console.log('A POLICY', policies[2]);
var onlyPractices = [];
_.each(policies, function(item){
if(item.databases.length > 0) {
return onlyPractices;
function processInsByCrop(loan) {
var policies = loan.inspols;
//console.log('POLS', policies);
var grped = _.chain(policies).groupBy('loancrop_id').value();
//console.log('grped', grped);
var byCrop = [];
angular.forEach(grped, function (row) {
var calcer = {
level: _.pluckuniq(row, 'level'),
price: _.pluckuniq(row, 'price'),
yield: _.weighted(row, 'yield', 'acres'),
premium: _.pluckuniq(row, 'premium'),
share: _.weighted(row, 'share', 'acres'),
acres: _.sumCollection(row, 'acres'),
disc_prod_percent: loan.fins.disc_prod_percent
var crop = {
loancrop_id: _.pluckuniq(row, 'loancrop_id'),
crop: _.pluckuniq(row, 'crop'),
name: _.pluckuniq(row, 'name'),
type: _.pluckuniq(row, 'type'),
option: _.pluckuniq(row, 'option'),
price: _.pluckuniq(row, 'price'),
premium: _.pluckuniq(row, 'premium'),
acres: _.sumCollection(row, 'acres'),
share: _.weighted(row, 'share', 'acres'),
level: _.pluckuniq(row, 'level'),
ins_yield: _.weighted(row, 'yield', 'acres'),
proj_crop_discount: Number(loan.fins.disc_prod_percent),
guarantee: Number(AppFactory.calcInsuranceGuaranty(calcer)),
value: Number(AppFactory.calcCropValue(calcer))
}, byCrop);
return byCrop;
function processInsTotals(obj) {
var lone = {acres: 0, value: 0};
var byLoan = _.forEach(obj, function (item) {
lone.acres += Number(item.acres);
lone.value += Number(item.value);
return byLoan;
function processLC(loan) {
//console.log('L', loan);
var lci = [];
var loancrops = getLoanCrops(loan);
_.each(loancrops, function(item){
var prac = item.practices;
var newbie = _.chain(prac).flatten().groupBy('type').value();
return lci;
function processNonRPInsurance(obj) {
var nonrp = _.filter(obj, function (item) {
if (item.type !== 'RP') {
return item;
if (!nonrp) {
return {
acres: 0,
value: 0
} else {
var lone = {acres: 0, value: 0};
// TODO: Does nonrp have value to accumulate?
var byLoan = _.forEach(nonrp, function (item, key) {
lone.acres += Number(item.acres);
lone.value += Number(item.value);
return lone;
function processPriorLien(liens) {
var merged = {
lienholder: 'Total',
projected_crops: _.sumCollection(liens, 'projected_crops'),
insurance: _.sumCollection(liens, 'ins_over_discount'),
lientotal: _.sumCollection(liens, 'total')
}; = merged;
return liens;
function processXCols(xcols) {
_.each(xcols, function(x){
var loan =;
console.log('X_LOAN', loan);
x.arm_commit = loan.fins.commit_arm;
x.cash_flow = 99999;
x.exposure = 99999;
return xcols;
function structureComments(loan) {
if(!loan.comments) {return []; }
var parsed = AppFactory.parseComments(loan.comments);
return parsed;
function testComments(loan, user) {
if(loan.comments.length === 0) { return 0; }
var result = 0;
_.each(loan.comments, function(it){
return _.each(it.status, function(i){
if(i.recipient_id === && i.status === 'pending') {
result = 1;
return result;
function testVote(loan, user) {
if (loan.committee.length !== 0) {
_.each(loan.committee, function(i){
if(i.vote_status === 'pending' && Number(i.user_id) === Number( {
loan.vote_pending = true;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
} // end factory
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