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Last active March 9, 2018 11:03
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tmux quickstart

tmux quickstart

$ tmux

CTRL+B C -> create new pane

CTRL+B [num] -> go to a pane

CTRL+D -> finish bash session, closes the pane. Closing all panes will destroy the window and thus the tmux

CTRL+B x -> close pane (in case bash got stalled).

CTRL+B , -> rename a pane

CTRL+B D -> detach from the tmux (the tmux --all windows-- is still alive)

CTRL+B ALTGR+[ -> Enter "copy" mode. Move up/down in the window with cursors or PgUp/PgDown. Press q to quit copy mode.

Reuse tmux

$ tmux new -s foo -> create a tmux named foo

$ tmux ls -> list all tmux available

$ tmux at -t foo -> reattach to the foo tmux

More info

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