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Last active January 18, 2021 18:06
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Another Sky

This band is interesting, the vocalist voice is pretty interesting —

Phoebe Bridgers

I couldn’t get into her first album at first. But then this cover of Manchester Orchestra’s Gold and this collab album with Conor Oberst changed something and then I couldn’t get enough and got a bit obessessed.

Her second album is proper good too


Have a new album out coming later this year, they have released a couple of singles, this one has like proper singing on!

Pedro the Lion

This album was also like one of my most listened to in 2019 too

Jeff Rosenstock

I got proper into Jeff Rosenstock too the later three albums are my faves

And this live album is good too, would love to see him live one day.

Lastly the latest Future Island and Sufjan albums are great too

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