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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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  • Save jonhurlock/f8549fca73474d8944f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jonhurlock/f8549fca73474d8944f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Imagine you have a stream of data.
As long as the stream keeps streaming you must keep reading the data.
You can only read in x bytes of data at a time.
You must count all occurances of a search term y in the stream until
the stream stops.
Edge cases:
search term is empty
search term is larger than the number of bytes currently being read.
need to account for partial matches
multiple matches - stream: "aaa" term: "aa", how many times does aa appear?
do we need to hand "aa\na" as a match for "aa"?
do you want case and white space sensitivity?
I used a file as my stream of data, where consume_stream, reads in a file
'stream_source', we can specify x bytes by using byte_size, and the search
term y.
It will print out found n occurences of the term y.
and return the number of matches as an integer.
To run
>>> print consume_stream('mytest.txt',1,'jon')
I have purposesly not used 'str.count()' or 'in' or regex's
as i wanted to use arrays only. I have used slicing, however,
this i feel can quickly be achieved in other langues.
see: for a quick explanation of slicing
# we've set this as a global variable
previous_buffer_data = ""
def consume_stream(stream_source, byte_size, search_term):
global stream_size
occurences = 0
# we are using a file here just for testing rather
# than using an actual 'stream' of data.
f = open(stream_source, "rb")
byte =
occurences += read_stream_buffer(byte,search_term)
while(byte != ""):
byte =
occurences += read_stream_buffer(byte,search_term)
print 'Found %d occurences of the term \'%s\' found in the stream'%(occurences,search_term)
return occurences
def read_stream_buffer(buffer_data, search_term):
occurences = 0
# if the stream has not ended,
if (len(buffer_data) != 0):
# if there was a partial match in the previous buffers
if len(previous_buffer_data) != 0:
occurences = search_for_term(previous_buffer_data+buffer_data, search_term)
occurences = search_for_term(buffer_data, search_term)
return occurences
# if the stream has ended return the number
# of occurences of the string we found in the stream
return occurences
def search_for_term(content_to_search, search_term):
#print "searching:%s"%content_to_search
length_of_content = len(content_to_search)
length_of_search_term = len(search_term)
# we need access to previous_buffer incase we
# have a partial match at the end of the buffer
global previous_buffer_data
# lets just make sure its empty as we've already
# passed the previous buffer throuvh via
# the content_to_search variable
previous_buffer_data = ""
# how many matches did we find within this buffer
occurances = 0
# if the search term is longer than the
# content append the context to the previous_buffer_data
if length_of_search_term > length_of_content:
previous_buffer_data = content_to_search
# there should be enough data to search through
# counter is like a pivot for the content_to_search
# we've searched everything to the left of it, if
# we find a match, we then move the pivot to the end
# of the match, this stop having sub matches such as
# how many times does 'aa' occur in 'aaa', should be
# once, not twice.
counter = 0
# try looping through each letter in content
while counter < length_of_content:
# character we are trying to match with
# with the first item of the search string
c = content_to_search[counter]
# this is used for tracking the progress of
# the search with the current pivot point
matched_letters_from_pivot = 0
# if the letter matches the first letter in the search term
if (c == search_term[0]):
# now for each letter in the search term
for i in range(0,length_of_search_term):
# if search term length is still within content length
if counter+i<length_of_content:
# if characters match, plus matched items
if content_to_search[counter+i]==search_term[i]:
#print 'match so far'
# if number of matched characters equals the
# length of search term, its a full match
if matched_letters_from_pivot == length_of_search_term:
occurances +=1
#print 'match found in:',content_to_search
# now move the counter to the end of the match
previous_buffer_data = ""
counter = counter+length_of_search_term-1
# if the counter postion + search term length exceeds
# the content add the content to previous buffer data
previous_buffer_data = content_to_search[counter:]
return occurances
counter +=1
return occurances
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