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Created May 22, 2016 22:34
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#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* groovy script to migrate (export) repositories to GitHub Enterprise
* Automates steps in
* Run 'groovy MigrateRepositories.groovy' to see the list of command line options
* First run may take some time as required dependencies have to get downloaded, then it should be quite fast
* If you do not have groovy yet, run 'brew install groovy'
@Grab(group='org.kohsuke', module='github-api', version='1.75')
import org.kohsuke.github.GitHub
import static*
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams
opt = parseArgs(args)
if(!opt) {
token = opt.t?opt.t:System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
sleepInterval = opt.s?1000*new Long(opt.s):5000
outputFileName = opt.f?opt.f:"migration_archive.tgz"
org = opt.o
lockRepos = opt.l
repositories = getRepositoriesToMigrate(opt)
if (repositories.empty) {
println "No repository for org ${org} specified, exiting ..."
println "Going to export the following repositories "+(lockRepos?"with":"without") + " locking to file ${outputFileName}:"
repositories.each { println it}
RESTClient restClient = getGithubApi("" , token)
if (!opt.d) {
resp =
path: "orgs/${org}/migrations",
body: JsonOutput.toJson( [lock_repositories: lockRepos, repositories: repositories]),
requestContentType: URLENC )
assert resp.status == 201
assert resp.contentType == JSON.toString()
migrationID =
assert migrationID != null
println "Got migration ID: ${migrationID}, waiting for migration to finish ..."
waitForExportToFinish(sleepInterval, restClient, org, migrationID)
println "Figuring out migration archive URL: /orgs/${org}/migrations/${migrationID}/archive"
resp = restClient.get(path: "/orgs/${org}/migrations/${migrationID}/archive")
assert resp.status == 302
println "Downloading migration archive and storing it as ${outputFileName} ..."
file = new File(outputFileName).newOutputStream()
file << new URL(
deleteMigrationArchive(restClient, org, migrationID)
def OptionAccessor parseArgs(args) {
CliBuilder cli = new CliBuilder(usage: 'groovy MigrateRepositories.groovy -o <organization> [options] [reps in org]')
cli.t(longOpt: 'token', 'personal access token (or use GITHUB_TOKEN env variable)', required: false , args: 1 )
cli.o(longOpt: 'organization', 'organization, if no repositories are specified, all repositories will be migrated', required: true , args: 1 )
cli.l(longOpt: 'lock', 'lock repositories (defaults to false)', required: false , args: 1 )
cli.s(longOpt: 'sleep', 'sleep interval between checking export status (defaults to 5 seconds)', required: false , args: 1 )
cli.f(longOpt: 'file', 'file to store exported tgz file (defaults to migration_archive.tar.gz)', required: false , args: 1 )
cli.d(longOpt: 'dry', 'dry-run only, only print what would happen without performing anything', required: false , args: 1 )
OptionAccessor opt = cli.parse(args)
return opt
def getRepositoriesToMigrate(opt) {
if (opt.arguments().size() != 0) {
return opt.arguments().findAll {
} else {
githubCom = GitHub.connectUsingOAuth(token);
return githubCom.getOrganization(org).listRepositories().collect { it.getFullName(); }
def RESTClient getGithubApi(url, token) {
restClient = new RESTClient(url).with {
headers['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)"
headers.'Accept' = 'application/vnd.github.wyandotte-preview+json'
headers['Authorization'] = "token ${token}"
// we need to disable redirects as GitHub redirects to Amazon S3 for the download
restClient.client.setParams(new BasicHttpParams().setParameter("http.protocol.handle-redirects",false))
return restClient
def waitForExportToFinish(sleepInterval, restClient, org, migrationID) {
String status
while ("exported" != status) {
println "Sleeping ${sleepInterval} ms ..."
sleep sleepInterval
println "Checking migration process ..."
resp = restClient.get( path: "/orgs/${org}/migrations/${migrationID}" )
assert resp.status == 200
assert resp.contentType == JSON.toString()
println "Migration status: ${status}"
def deleteMigrationArchive(restClient, org, migrationID) {
println "Deleting archive on the server"
resp = restClient.delete(path: "/orgs/${org}/migrations/${migrationID}/archive")
assert resp.status == 204
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