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Created July 21, 2011 12:16
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Elvis loves Options
implicit def elvisSyntax[A](o: Option[A]) = new {
def ?[B](f: A => Option[B]) = o flatMap f
def :?[B](f: A => B) = o map f
def ??(default: => A) = o getOrElse default
case class Head(name: String)
case class Department(head: Option[Head])
case class Employee(department: Option[Department])
scala> val bob: Option[Employee] = None
scala> val alice: Option[Employee] = Some(Employee(Some(Department(Some(Head("foo"))))))
scala> (bob ? (_.department) ? (_.head) :? ( ?? "no name"
res6: String = no name
scala> (alice ? (_.department) ? (_.head) :? ( ?? "no name"
res7: String = foo
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