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Last active April 20, 2020 23:47
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import ApolloCodegenLib
import FileProvider
let parentFolderOfScriptFile = FileFinder.findParentFolder()
//1) Get some directory references
//This is the directory that the entire project lives in.
let projectDirectory = parentFolderOfScriptFile.deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent()
//This is the directory for the Codegen
let codegenDirectory = projectDirectory.appendingPathComponent("Codegen")
//This will tack on a directory in the Codegen folder called "ApolloCLI". This is where the Apollo Node tools get downloaded and stored. I have told my .gitignore file to ignore this folder.
let cliFolderURL = codegenDirectory.appendingPathComponent("ApolloCLI")
//This is the folder in my Xcode project that I want the schema.json file to be downloaded and the API.swift file to be generated. All my <file>.graphql files are here.
let graphQLFolder = projectDirectory.appendingPathComponent("GraphQLSwiftUI").appendingPathComponent("GraphQL")
//2) Make the objects to hold the Yelp API information
let yelpGraphQLURL = URL(string: "")!
let yelpAPIKey: String = "<MY YELP API KEY>"
//3) Make the ApolloSchemaOptions that will help accomplish our two tasks.
let schemaDownloadOptions: ApolloSchemaOptions = ApolloSchemaOptions.init(endpointURL: yelpGraphQLURL, header: "Authorization: Bearer \(yelpAPIKey)", outputFolderURL: graphQLFolder)
let codeGenerationOption: ApolloCodegenOptions = ApolloCodegenOptions.init(targetRootURL: graphQLFolder)
do {
//3) Perform our two tasks.
//Do the schema download
try cliFolderURL, options: schemaDownloadOptions)
//Do the code generation
try graphQLFolder, with: cliFolderURL, options: codeGenerationOption)
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