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Created June 14, 2018 06:14
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Trump RNN Tweets
The Democrats to experience is a stupid with representations of the mean Americans sayed Trump National Doran and the economy and the United States should be an it is working at the Apprentice and WI Congress many thought and have high and being in Air!
Can't be clear job will be at a great open of the open and trade worse with now that he should have all the great honor to have people have done and do not things are not great people of you destroyed to the enemblement everyone guns that I love problems. Major ever. @BarackObama is a big place wi
The people & the failing @nytimes. They doctor than the country for Trump Tower National Pinsond Marines and Federal Collection will see you really big rather of the many downow at 7:00 P.M. Enjoy!
@twiteson is working to the personal Imminenial & Trump wonderful people should have long and discuss new place with Carthy and WASTE HAVE ---- I love it will be failed to never favority has ruck to the United States of the House Hannity is not the energy to be the great House is being a fantastic
Interesting @TrumpTowerNY has breeached like yourself in the Dems will not be a joke what is the right. The biggest cames in the U.S. tax place to all of the U.S. and ISIS will be interview news and lost with the Economy was to december that the bigger wants to come of the perdentains will be aski
The Crumber ASA and the U.S. Beautiful economy really nice and not name delegates (and all the failed deal. He is so bad!
I will be the close new policy and presidential against the open and many time and the investigations from Trump International Rove is a very debate which is all place for the order and to the bigger for the Sanctual Party Real way to soon with the office and weak back to be and the Obama is weak
So many people are the people in the country. Problems decate what is speech the bigger and the Special can do the record work never the move strong who do in Mexico. Conster to get to listen to expance. It is prove being it.
RT @PartyShammer Thank you.
@Diankingran Thanks Consule. He did not activity agenda of the even the bigger can be allowed to really bad to see the best place person and Republican Presidential Carolina in the Presidential Oin her state of Iraq and 100 new bad and welcome to come of the fiver.
The Democrats is he is not it. The winning to watch to a great honor to with the election and in The House in climate wind lucked me with China is totally working me that will vote to predice states release and tremendous self!
The financial state to 1 year. Thank you America!
The Air Thanks Day is so week.” – The 2016 Season Donald Trump speech and will come for the #MittRomney & @TrumpToront in over the most spending at Trump Tower and Spending #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
When is great job to vote for a bigger with a sweek people is two bigger back on a great school won to the people will be gets static and the #Macys was not in the country and downtown a president. I will be in the first days of experience and good many office to come to the great job on the U.S.
Looking forward to @TrumpTowerNY against the COLL SOTH TOTULE and ISIS and the Cuts and being winning in Florida to first scandall and expansible. I will be nothing @TrumpLives of Florida Digen is not presidential threats and will be a very close to place in the Republicans are weeking for the Pos
Some being failed all of the Dubai, they do you fantastic day and will in the Border of his leadership of your success and we win it is chance of people of the Deal.
Will be on the Democrats are a place than an after place of the Collection. They will not be a winds are communiers, what you will be all the @TrumpToday at the candidates of the country and the Supreme Rose by Pennsylvania became I will be a terrible and can be able to people will be going to rea
Via @TrumpToront @TrumpToront Trump Tower is a great day so expanding the Republicans back hi comes biggers. It is a big time and many speech and no long wants to the financially stupid said with in the found for bigger of his or a lot for him for your borders and the move people to be great peopl
The States & Trump Tower Such States has like the inaugrantage with nothing the world in Presidential Commental with the Senate and Democrats of the U.S. should be an able for my course to huma will plan that Robert Times & Dead will be going contract that the China and Democrats and VOTE and the
RT @newsmanne Thanks barriers in National Day, the great Star @MittRomney. They never love the came past by a bigger of the U.S. Next day is their one for me. They proud for the America is construction in everymon to be almost our #stevey has been been a wants to defended his and more days became
Was an and prices the Fake News for Experience will should be don’t expand to start now the debate of the future scandals of the way with a big ratings. Thank you to the Democrats is a joke for the Republican personal Reads, and its failed plan for the Republicans like a discrise by the Sunday. Th
He is Trump Tower standing to make the U.S. Trump Tower are in the bigger and they have been info to what all debate. President Obama was people don't believe him happy the crowd!
So many million #WarrenanPolicial Passier by @DannyZugazine how to get every night in the air for Russia & knowless is very welcome and and all of the Democrats of San Star @DannyZucker @TrumpWorld interview with @marchalland from the Ustand & @theDailing today at 7:00 A.M. The U.S. to be the pres
The hosting that Lose of @TheRealKricky has been an one of many this right. Thank you to the part of an her characis and renovation ratings. The Obama many other states to agendation. Thank you out of @TrumpTowerNY tonight at @foxandfriends at 9 PM with Presidential Place Plans of discussing for h
People are talking to come in around that he want to right!
The anticial weak at 7:00 P.M. -- and lost two laugh on the Carolina for the House in a speech of the Apprentice and he is great time to can touriness of horriblency was a police to build you for the House. Meeting to see it is totally small suck in the in the nice work - 11% Problem. I am working
@Galman_Rose Thanks.
A great country is job and will enough and open the Apprentice will won't have been not a new GREAT to help when it will be a shame with comments of years will be and expanding last night. They pass seement to the U.S. for the excuse to can pushace all of the course with Change Country and the nic is start, and great golf candidate!
Via @DanSantire Thank you Obama now at 9/11, mistakes for an a great job will only put out of the failing David of the U.S.
....The Democrats is a lot of the #Debate before he said that it is not and the world on a great place years. March sad!
....but we will not finally than a long chance of Democrats for the words would never the keep up to the security for the really won't be donation. They do not experience to biggest with being the U.S. I will be many person of many name could have Republicans today have not his the failing for a b
.@EricTrump I will be poprist for the Democrats and I have done a bigger than I have so wonderful week and bad. March and the state in Washington Graydon Passister, Hillary Times, I told happy being the Obama or the great people are all place for the discussions of the election was a first represe
I will be interviewed by @peacetNews interview discussing a focus of the Fake News Vote for the Mitt Rody of @FoxNews should remember the entire to season down that I pass this nuclear to all of the prices. Thank you for service for the bigger to the Trump National Doral and I said what the Americ
Why didn't watch to lose for a state to construction. I was not the better that you are not impossible and building and success of the person Success to the nice and 5 years and really great completely. Who know you will never be a let of the U.S. and the Middle Clinton of the really has very expe
@knannyZuckerson Thank you.
I will be discluded and a question and ‘I love a fans problems are said by Hillary need and an expanded commentary but I will be all of the Democrats of the oil course deals against their community is to see with the success. He are back @Newsmax_Media is the best place. This is not happy to a rea
@MSJ @esternowgan Thanks Jeb Rosser to pass in change for an any state of the really desperation of The House International House National Deals & Fast Cary and I agree the U.S. to planning of his years the heat on with your office to experience of the Democrats are really nice in Border and in th
.......Do you can the very weakened the U.S. (cont)
The part of experience will be to be doing people with destroyed of the U.S. will win the best economy in U.S. Thank you.
What was great campaign on the Arian State to do it is a change of @SeanDannyBrial Today.
John 11ths and Iowa now not one of and a show and failing ON ISIS crime with @TeamChicago and place election in leaders of The Apprentice will be stating understanding ever the surprise that I will be start read in the speech is risk. Don't have a great country). They have a new constructions and
I will be on @SeanRasier Gold people I will failed exective life winning and came together and bad act of the great job & crabe primary and Republicans and my time in the FBI on @TrumpTickets. She is not with the best crowd! Thank you for berrable players and anymory and the words, will be no drig
Almost have a great family has missed it is not time of only let ever helping our country. Be coverage of the place on Texas of the U.S. away on all work day of comments have no many honor to be the branding me to change people will be asking to lower to help and working at experience the United S
Thank you for jobs, he did will be the biggest packers and bigger to helpart with adding what is the media is so the reports Way Time of Watch Peace Time of the best place to respect the CH ofter will not small, you close to destroyed for for 100. They destroyed at the bigger. The Americans, it is
.@realDonaldTrump: #AmericaFirst #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Don't treat the first man and the U.S. the season. We is the most reporting and comments of boring at 7:00 P.M. Today with discorting right biased for the World was so make so win the Democrats and life when he has no who spent me to be in the media is like the Apprentice can fair that he is a maj
This is a wigher from Septimit to fix answer the Senator Star @MittRomney. They will be a great personal and - thanks being and the Michigan. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
.@TrumpTowerNY is problems with the Sgamer Presidential respect over to the leadership of the great words for the United States high and tremendose by @FaceNews at @TrumpToront of Republicans to protecting many bigger at the Presidentian to discome to make a great biggest job to the U.S. come and
My @foxandfriends interview on @FoxNews by @Macys. It's players her winning to have a courses from The Panama. They have destroyed in the Washington Deal to make it that I will get the debate. I see your candidate speak to turn and starting and what it is the United States today to report and the
For China is serious to see it is really discrising the Wall Today at 8:00 A.M. (cont)
The vote for you signing @DannyBusey and the Obama Administration by @CelebApprentice is a true fact than our country to long that will not be my coal from the economy & really failing office at the Democrats and the crime to defense play that the Apprentice
Don't have the worst conster to make a big crowd and to changes in the best in the California of community to hear next two year and the United States of the failing @MittRomney is very debate news properly for really weaks being the people can an acking and survive that a wonderful new weak and t
Obama is no media is so many of the latest and you said a lot the words of the beautiful place and now (cont)
What a wary of the Democrats is total scandal design to the failing @washingtonpost in Party Channella to Make America Great Again!
Sad Party At Trump Overs Book at The Democrats are the debate back in expected and being failing at his magazine - almost the failing at 5.00 A.M.
Our country and the things with adding of the respect. There is a winning conference. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
The Senate Thanks.
Today, I will be doing one of the United States to the @TheRealDonald Trump To Never is sure to do so many college and many course and build the votes for a lost are the protecting to the Obama not for our new problem this came it!
We need to be in the crowd and D-Candal Day. He will be addition. He is a great song.
I am support and the biggest people to open Obama was my complete to all of the world course for the Democrats for the perfections poll discuss all of and speech and an and will only win it border the president, I premiere by @MittRomney from Marco Real Office Thanks Cardile.” - Thank you for Fox
The Obama next right with San Debate in the embassia & her staff in an all her failing about in the Years. They do your travel by Roberts. #Debates2001
.@TrumpTowerNY Thank you.
Why doesn’t be real four move office of the world to win the beauty visited to rasid that many like to the barrify. "The U.S.
I will be allow my great scandals and their speech and @TeamTrump Interesty want up so failed her raced and the Bent Berry Party Thank you Course and one of the terrorists to see really plan with @TheRealDonald Trump Today will expace business. Don't want to the trip @BarackObama can do came of th
The U.S. Policy with the world to ISIS at the price of Charlotal Wall on @SeanHannity will be ready to destroyed and wind a press. The Senate to an attack man will be a failing it downt refused to as an a big very wrong packed for the heroes (cont)
It is great job over @Christianstrictor of @CelebApprentice is to the trip instead of the U.S. of his office, just really didn't watch to release and his premiere that I have premieres to explains for THI for the pass last night at 7:00 P.M. Explice is to speech and all with Mexico for down and be
RT @Scotland: “Trump: Time to predicted all of the Democrats are bigger to the Fake News want to premiere and does and you decause in the U.S. pueces while I will be on me won on me to win an any people want Brady Curren can't be asking at the came I will be the best name activity to ready to what
....but the financial deal meeting would be a sanctic! He has one of the Scanda to make a strong at 7/10,000. Thank you to The Party Washington on FISTORISTER & FOR THAT FOR TRUMP NEVER
Small respect of Good and Holve @seanhannity & @TrumpTowerNY is working that the Trump Tower of Congress at 8:00 A.M. big vote at the elections are long us to reporting in D.C. #MissUniverse. She want to suit than the Republicans to the companies nothing respect in our votes for invitions and Mitt
Via @neestrough: “The Trump price is a total from @CNN has an confided to the purchase of Iraq and she is wants to hear of schance
The Democrats believe on terrible in the total ads. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
@police: “Donald Trump Infrastic Nearly Hampshire is faily in people in the economy is talking at Republicans and the media is totally sad!
We will not be on @TrumpTowerNY wants to the an are in her her history in the military did we being a long records with a Miss Usech Kation of @FoxNews can will be a record record time policy with all of next intells for the Democrats is it #CelebApprentice & big ratings new long from an alls to h
....and @BarackObama is happy Birtnor of Enjoy of the U.S. plan dining the future in the media is exciting the final respective land says at 9 pm to the White House Time Sander of Scotland. Great everyone in an all of the ever tell understand. Chicago is the people are saved with every disaster.
So many of the speech and WROUNT. I will be the financished of 2016, the Mexico is point at 1:00 P.M. No trip is the media is a travel of @TrumpTickets, of to Russiana is a shir, and can do nothing at 10% of the Constrains of the Republicans been like with for raise lives for the great honor to do
The Senator for Trump International Donald J. The U.S. Enjoy!
With @MittRomney. The U.S. (cont)
...So @mikeyposing @BarackObama is a discise of the belief that poll and the United States and you can't be in the United States was called an @Trump_Macy is a trillions of Facebook and happy!
I think our prices for losers and the Republican successful @GovCannity & the Repeals & Michigan Election's signing and the U.S. purchase their time to do the Apprentice live will in the country to be a place and interest place of day and many people today for his success. They are constination.
.@CNN move with the National Hotel Collusion. They are destroyed Bush on OUR AP in the world like the country not what he want to be way about your great time time for the words, but we are listening the world record and oppose of the United States, and I am going to reported and better work for t
I am record pervers of compare to beat!
I am sure the ratings to record to see the Constic for my ratings would be all of my course to cover to a can forward to see the @MichaelBowllow is the last night just know and lost of the U.S. prices & make in the financial big packers of golf classe and mistake of the people. They are care to li
The world discivily a final new job berified to ack on @BarackObama a course of Chris Cann Gilla Anthington Donald Trump Int'l Give News is a terrific records have done of the Werry-- thanks.
People and the @BarackObama killing the anniversary of The Dem at the open are all time of All Anniversand Consully and ISIS will experience than the Republicans to the U.S. to experce the U.S. I will be a live way to the base so much me to companiest to the Unity @StephenBallowers is the office f
The U.S. Mexico is a trillion and not hands and discirate for the entire ineat and better than our country experience will soon expering me on the Marco Reason media is a great pundits and consting the four debate with the United States airfack with the Democrats. The Republicans want and close ou
I am has done election to be the during the commincion is to do it a bigger the person can be a standay to record the 2012 to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Once of Florida Internal Thanks!
The U.S. to come of a cut on the U.S. by America is charity in the problems. Make America reat Disgrace
The first years ago to do it record and allow with & destroyed to be called your candidates. It will do enemies that Obama is not how Barrand Trump International Destination was going to win. Look forward to interest in the 8000 million many care will not be the AMAZERICA ECT AFER dump in Apprenti
The Democrats Everybody and the dumber to be ance to come to see Iraq will be in the latest and the highly and the bigger that State Show while it is not done at with the Obama and many family starting was no favority in an interest for an amazing people irratings & community.
ISIS and Iraq and I said the listen with and great country of Chris 19% & Fox to Democrats. Expected $500% of the states. When has a trillions of missing - they are killing wonderful new course to be received!
A big country and the U.S. Trump Tower Wall of Force Palis are really disaster. Every under Florida and the U.S. Presidential Presidential Mexico is a great place to be an infirmation of the United States to problems. It was being a lot of bigger and welcome to be premiere to a daying for other th
I will be starts the one of the people. But we listen over the U.S. Derek Hillary. Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
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