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Created January 5, 2010 03:20
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# A simple web server that just listens for textarea filter requests
# and runs an editor to manipulate the text. Is intended to be
# used with the TextAid extention for Chrome.
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Socket;
use IO::Select;
use File::Temp;
our $PORT = 8888;
our $EDITOR_CMD = '/usr/bin/gvim -f %s';
#our $EDITOR_CMD = '/usr/bin/emacsclient -c %s';
our $TMPDIR = '/tmp';
$| = 1;
local *S;
socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM , getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "couldn't open socket: $!\n";
setsockopt(S, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
bind(S, sockaddr_in($PORT, INADDR_ANY));
listen(S, 5) or die "listen failed: $!\n";
my $ss = IO::Select->new();
while (1) {
my @con = $ss->can_read();
foreach my $con (@con) {
my $fh;
my $remote = accept($fh, $con);
my($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in($remote);
my $addr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
my $t = threads->create(\&do_edit, $fh);
# Read the text from the content body, edit it, and write it back as our output.
sub do_edit
my($fh) = @_;
binmode $fh;
local $_ = <$fh>;
my($method, $path, $ver) = /^(GET|POST)\s+(.*?)\s+(HTTP\S+)/;
unless (defined $ver) {
http_header($fh, 500, 'Invalid request.');
close $fh;
if ($method eq 'GET') {
http_header($fh, 200, 'Server is up and running.');
close $fh;
my %header;
while (<$fh>) {
last if $_ eq '';
my($name, $value) = /^(.*?): +(.*)/;
$header{lc($name)} = $value;
my $len = $header{'content-length'};
unless (length $len) {
http_header($fh, 500, 'Invalid request -- no content-length.');
close $fh;
my $tmp = new File::Temp(
TEMPLATE => 'edit-server-XXXXXX',
SUFFIX => '.txt',
UNLINK => 0,
my $name = $tmp->filename;
my $got = read($fh, $_, $len);
if ($got != $len) {
http_header($fh, 500, 'Invalid request -- wrong content-length.');
close $fh;
print $tmp $_;
close $tmp;
my $cmd = sprintf($EDITOR_CMD, $name);
system $cmd;
open FILE, '<', $name or die "Unable to re-open $name: $!\n";
http_header($fh, 200);
print $fh <FILE>;
close FILE;
close $fh;
# Clean-up old tmp files that have been around for a few hours.
if (opendir(DP, $TMPDIR)) {
foreach my $fn (grep /^edit-server-......\.txt$/, readdir DP) {
$fn = "$TMPDIR/$fn";
if (-M $fn > $CLEAN_AFTER_HOURS/24) {
unlink $fn;
sub http_header
my $fh = shift;
my $status = shift;
print $fh "HTTP/1.0 $status\r\n",
"Server: edit-server\r\n",
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n",
"\r\n", @_;
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