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Created November 30, 2022 10:03
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Explain a VAR model with shapr, using the branch output_size from my fork.
# Generate mock data (two variable which go from 1-100 and 101-200 with some random noise).
data <- matrix(rnorm(200, 1:200, 0.5), 100, 2)
K <- ncol(data) # Number of variables in model
horizon <- 12 # Forecast horizon
p <- 2 # Lag order of model
# Create the lagged matrix of data X
X <- embed(data, p+1)[,-seq_len(K)]
X <- cbind(X, 1)
colnames(X) <- c("x1_1", "x1_2", "x2_1", "x2_2", "intercept")
# Create the matrix for the dependent variable Y
Y <- tail(data, -p)
colnames(Y) <- c("x1", "x2")
# Estimate a basic VAR model
coefs <- qr.solve(X, Y)
#' Basic predict function for a VAR model.
#' @param model The model to use, should contain coefficients.
#' @param X The vector of data to use to start the prediction from, i.e. the last observation of the lagged data.
#' @param h The forecast horizon.
#' @return A matrix where each row contains subsequent steps ahead and the columns are the different variables.
pred_var <- function (model, X, h=1) {
res <- matrix(NA, h, model$k)
for (i in seq_len(h)) {
pred <- as.numeric(X) %*% model$coefs
res[i, ] <- pred
X <- c(pred, X[c(1, 2, 5)])
#' Predict a specific variable from a VAR model using multiple X vectors.
#' @param model The model to use for predictions.
#' Should have a property "step" to select forecast horizon and a property "variable" to select which variable to forecast.
#' @param newdata A data.table where each row contains an X vector to use for prediction.
#' @return A vector where each scalar is a prediction produced from a specific X vector.
pred_specific_var <- function (model, newdata) {
step <- model$step
variable <- model$variable
res <-, nrow(newdata), step))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(newdata))) {
res[i, ] <- pred_var(model, as.numeric(newdata[i, ]), step)[, variable]
# Assemble the "model" object
model <- list(coefs=coefs, k=K, step=horizon, variable=1)
class(model) <- "var"
# Create a matrix of the last observation seen before the prediction as the X we want to explain.
x_explain <- matrix(c(Y[nrow(Y), ], X[nrow(X), c(1, 2, 5)]), nrow=1)
colnames(x_explain) <- c("x1_1", "x1_2", "x2_1", "x2_2", "intercept")
# Group X by variable.
groups <- list(x1=c("x1_1", "x1_2"), x2=c("x2_1", "x2_2"), intercept="intercept")
# Load the shapr package on the branch output_size (you should be inside the shapr folder when running this).
# Create the explanation, note that prediction zero is of length "output_size" here, but not necessarily containing a repeated value.
explanation <- explain(
model = model,
x_explain = x_explain,
x_train = X,
approach = "empirical",
prediction_zero = rep(Y[98,1], 12),
predict_model = pred_specific_var,
group = groups,
output_size = 12,
parallel = FALSE
# Print the explanation (plotting does not work yet).
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