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jonleung / gist:8345e59add5180cd5b4533aa977fc629
Last active September 19, 2022 20:17 — forked from vnorby/gist:4116565
Bookmarklet to embed Paul Graham's essay footnotes inline
javascript:(function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
if (!(i = e.jQuery) || n > i.fn.jquery || r(i)) {
s = t.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "" + n + "/jquery.min.js";
s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (!o && (!(u = this.readyState) || u == "loaded" || u == "complete")) {
r((i = e.jQuery).noConflict(1), o = 1);
## Week's Issue
- Positive 10% Slack growth(@hellyeah)
- Upload last week's metrics to spreadsheet(@hellyeah)
- Create metrics repo(@hellyeah)
- Discuss with club leaders what curriculum they will run in their meeting and create any materials that are needed (@jonleung, hackedu/meta#313)
- Plan (or cancel) 6 pairing calls(@hellyeah)
- Plan (or cancel) weekly calls(@jonleung, #304)
- Chatting with club leaders who haven't filled in data in the spreadsheet(@MaxWofford)
- Collect curriculum and attendance data from meetings this week(@MaxWofford)
jonleung /
Created October 4, 2013 01:12 — forked from phlco/

Emergency WDI Pick me up


For today's drill, we're going to be creating a site like Emergency Compliment, except it will be WDI themed.

When a user visits the site, they'll be greeted with a WDI pick me up that will hopefully cheer them up.

Create a basic Sinatra app inside your drills folder called pick_me_up Create your main.rb file and a views folder. In your views folder, you'll have a layout.erb file and a compliment.erb file.