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kind: Cluster
name: operator-cluster
  - role: control-plane
      - |
        kind: InitConfiguration
Redraw issue of screen causing character overlap. Tested on multiple tmux sessions.
description = [[
Attempts to detect the Kubernetes API version.
categories = {"safe", "version"}
author = "Jon Mosco"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
test do
assert_equal "zsh", shell_output("zsh -c '. #{opt_share}/ && echo $KUBE_PS1_SHELL'")
$ brew test kube-ps1
Testing kube-ps1
==> zsh -c '. /usr/local/opt/kube-ps1/share/ && echo $KUBE_PS1_SHELL'
/usr/local/opt/kube-ps1/share/ character not in range
test do
kubeon = ". #{opt_share}/ && echo $KUBE_PS1_SHELL"
assert_equal "zsh", shell_output("zsh -c '#{kubeon}'").chomp
==> zsh -c '. /usr/local/opt/kube-ps1/share/ && echo $KUBE_PS1_SHELL'
/usr/local/opt/kube-ps1/share/ character not in range
Error: kube-ps1: failed
An exception occurred within a child process:
Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError: <0> expected but was
2017/09/22 13:08:52 [INFO] (telemetry) ending vsphere
2017/09/22 13:08:52 ui: ==> ubuntu-16.04-x86_64: Running post-processor: vsphere-template
2017/09/22 13:08:52 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting post-processor vsphere-template
==> ubuntu-16.04-x86_64: Running post-processor: vsphere-template
2017/09/22 13:08:52 [INFO] (telemetry) ending vsphere-template
2017/09/22 13:08:52 [INFO] (telemetry) found error: Unknown artifact type, can't build box:
2017/09/22 13:08:52 Deleting original artifact for build 'ubuntu-16.04-x86_64'
2017/09/22 13:08:54 ui error: Build 'ubuntu-16.04-x86_64' errored: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Post-processor failed: Unknown artifact type, can't build box:
2017/09/22 12:15:26 [INFO] Packer version: 1.1.1-dev
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Built with Go Version: go1.9
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/jmosco
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Using internal plugin for oneandone
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Using internal plugin for profitbricks
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Using internal plugin for qemu
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Using internal plugin for docker
2017/09/22 12:15:26 Using internal plugin for oracle-oci
"provisioner": "vmware",
"vsphere_password": "",
"template_name": "ubuntu-16.04-x86_64",
"template_os": "ubuntu-64",
2017/09/21 20:31:18 ui: ==> ubuntu-16.04-x86_64: Running post-processor: vsphere-template
2017/09/21 20:31:18 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting post-processor vsphere-template
==> ubuntu-16.04-x86_64: Running post-processor: vsphere-template
2017/09/21 20:31:18 [INFO] (telemetry) ending vsphere-template
2017/09/21 20:31:18 [INFO] (telemetry) found error: Unknown artifact type, can't build box:
2017/09/21 20:31:18 Deleting original artifact for build 'ubuntu-16.04-x86_64'
2017/09/21 20:31:21 ui error: Build 'ubuntu-16.04-x86_64' errored: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Post-processor failed: Unknown artifact type, can't build box:
2017/09/21 20:31:21 Builds completed. Waiting on interrupt barrier...
ubuntu-16.04-x86_64 (vsphere): Uploading output-ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/packer-ubuntu-16.04-x86_64.vmx to vSphere
2017/09/21 13:48:49 [INFO] (telemetry) ending vsphere
2017/09/21 13:48:49 ui: ==> ubuntu-16.04-x86_64: Running post-processor: vsphere-template
2017/09/21 13:48:49 [INFO] (telemetry) Starting post-processor vsphere-template
==> ubuntu-16.04-x86_64: Running post-processor: vsphere-template
2017/09/21 13:48:49 [INFO] (telemetry) ending vsphere-template
2017/09/21 13:48:49 [INFO] (telemetry) found error: Unknown artifact type, can't build box:
2017/09/21 13:48:49 Deleting original artifact for build 'ubuntu-16.04-x86_64'
2017/09/21 13:48:52 ui error: Build 'ubuntu-16.04-x86_64' errored: 1 error(s) occurred: