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Last active July 1, 2020 20:21
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NeuralODE example using DiffEqFlux and ComponentArrays
## This example comes from
using ComponentArrays
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
using UnPack
using DiffEqFlux: sciml_train
using Flux: glorot_uniform, ADAM, σ, relu
using Optim: LBFGS
# Problem setup
u0 = Float32[2.; 0.]
datasize = 40
tspan = (0.0f0, 7f0)
tspan2 = (0.0f0, 25f0)
# Make truth data
function trueODEfunc(du, u, p, t)
true_A = [-0.1 2.0; -2.0 -0.1]
du .= ((u.^3)'true_A)'
# t = range(tspan[1], tspan[2], length = datasize)
t = Float32.(vcat(0, 0.05, 10 .^ range(log10(tspan[1]+0.1), log10(tspan[2]), length=datasize)))
prob = ODEProblem(trueODEfunc, u0, tspan2)
ode_sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
ode_data = Array(ode_sol(t))
# Function for creating neural layer components
neural_layer(in, out) = ComponentArray{Float32}(W=glorot_uniform(out, in), b=zeros(out))
# Dense neural layer function
dense(layer, activation=identity) = u -> activation.(layer.W * u + layer.b)
# Neural ODE function
dudt(u, p, t) = u.^3 |> dense(p.L1, σ) |> dense(p.L2)
prob = ODEProblem(dudt, u0, tspan2)
# Create optimization parameter vector
n_hidden = 50
layers = (L1=neural_layer(2, n_hidden), L2=neural_layer(n_hidden, 2))
θ = ComponentArray(u=u0, p=layers)
# Prediction and loss functions
predict_n_ode(θ) = Array(solve(prob, Tsit5(), u0=θ.u, p=θ.p, saveat=t))
full_sol(θ) = solve(prob, Tsit5(), u0=θ.u, p=θ.p)
function loss_n_ode(θ)
pred = predict_n_ode(θ)
loss = sum(abs2, ode_data .- pred) #+ 0.01sum(abs, θ.p)
return loss, pred
anim = Animation()
# Callback function to observe training
cb = function (θ, loss, pred; doplot=false)
# plot current prediction against data
train_sol = full_sol(θ)
pl_1 = plot(train_sol, vars=1)
plot!(pl_1, ode_sol, vars=1)
scatter!(pl_1, t, pred[1,:])
scatter!(pl_1, t, ode_data[1,:], legend=false)
pl_2 = plot(train_sol, vars=2)
plot!(pl_2, ode_sol, vars=2)
scatter!(pl_2, t, pred[2,:])
scatter!(pl_2, t, ode_data[2,:], legend=false)
pl_3 = plot(train_sol, vars=(1,2), label = "prediction")
plot!(pl_3, ode_sol, vars=(1,2), label = "data")
scatter!(pl_3, pred[1,:], pred[2,:], label = false)
scatter!(pl_3, ode_data[1,:], ode_data[2,:], label = false)
plot!(pl_3, hcat(pred[1,:], ode_data[1,:])', hcat(pred[2,:], ode_data[2,:])', label = false, color=:lightgray)
display(plot(plot(pl_1, pl_2, layout=(2,1), size=(400,500)), pl_3, layout=(1,2), size=(950,500)))
return false
# Display the ODE with the initial parameter values.
cb(θ, loss_n_ode(θ)...)
data = Iterators.repeated((), 1000)
res1 = sciml_train(loss_n_ode, θ, ADAM(0.05); cb=cb, maxiters=100, save_best=true)
cb(res1.minimizer, loss_n_ode(res1.minimizer)...; doplot=true)
res2 = sciml_train(loss_n_ode, res1.minimizer, LBFGS(); cb=cb)
cb(res2.minimizer, loss_n_ode(res2.minimizer)...; doplot=true)
gif(anim, "DiffEqFlux.gif", fps=15)
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