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Last active March 15, 2021 16:23
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Optimal Control
using DifferentialEquations
using ModelingToolkit
# Time and time derivative
@parameters t
D = Differential(t)
# Forced Duffing oscillator
function Duffing(; name)
@parameters α β
@variables x[1:2](t) u(t)
eqs = [
D(x[1]) ~ x[2]
D(x[2]) ~ -α*x[1] - β*x[1]^3 + u
ODESystem(eqs, t, [x..., u], [α, β]; name)
# Nonlinear optimal control via Pontryagin Maximum Principle
function Pontryagin(; name, sys, L)
# Ugly stuff
f = [eq.rhs for eq in sys.eqs]
x = sys.states[findall(startswith('x'), string.(sys.states))]
u = sys.states[findall(startswith('u'), string.(sys.states))]
# Lagrange multipliers / costate variables
@variables λ[eachindex(x)](t)
# Hamiltonian
H = λ'*f + L(x, u, t)
# Costate equations
λ_eqs = map(λ, x) do λᵢ, xᵢ
∂H_∂xᵢ = expand_derivatives(Differential(xᵢ)(H))
D(λᵢ) ~ -∂H_∂xᵢ
# Control optimality
opt_eqs = map(u) do uᵢ
∂H_∂uᵢ = expand_derivatives(Differential(uᵢ)(H))
0.0 ~ ∂H_∂uᵢ
ODESystem([opt_eqs..., λ_eqs..., sys.eqs...], t, [u..., λ..., x...],; name)
# Boundary conditions -- free final state
function bc!(residual, vars, p, t)
vars0, varsf = @views vars[begin], vars[end]
λ⁺f, x⁺f, x⁺0 = @views varsf[1:2], varsf[3:4], vars0[3:4]
x0 = last.(@view ic[3:4])
# Initial condition of state variables
residual[1:2] .= x⁺0 .- x0
# Final condition of costate variables
residual[3:4] .= λ⁺f .- ∂Φ_∂xf(x⁺f, xf, p[3])
# Lagrangian
L(x, u, t) = 0.5sum(u.^2)
# Final state cost and derivative (should do this symbolically too)
Φ(x⁺f, xf, γ) = γ * 0.5*sum((x⁺f .- xf).^2)
∂Φ_∂xf(x⁺f, xf, γ) = γ * (x⁺f .- xf)
# Make the systems
@named duff = Duffing()
@named opt_duff = Pontryagin(; sys=duff, L)
simplified_duff = structural_simplify(opt_duff)
u, λ₁, λ₂, x₁, x₂ = opt_duff.states
x = [x₁, x₂]
α, β =
# Initial conditions
ic = [
λ₁ => 1.0
λ₂ => 1.0
x₁ => 0.0
x₂ => 0.0
# Parameters
p = [
α => 1.0
β => 0.5
# Desired final state
xf = [5.0, 2.0]
# Final state vs control cost weight (higher favors final state accuracy)
γ = 1.0
# Regular problem
prob = ODEProblem(simplified_duff, ic, (0.0, 2π), p)
# Boundary value problem
bvp = TwoPointBVProblem(prob.f, bc!, prob.u0, (0.0, 2π), [prob.p..., γ])
# Solve the boundary value problem
@time bvp_sol = solve(bvp, MIRK4(), dt=0.05)
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