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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: Bruno Bowden
* Description:
* This is gradle script for j2objc (Java to Objective-C translator). This allows you to
* share code between Android and iOS plaforms. The plugin works well with Android Studio
* (which uses Gradle by default). The system works best if you have a large shared codebase
* with NO Android dependencies (built with gradle). Have your main Android application depend
* on that shared project. Within Xcode, you add the translated code and compile it.
* j2objc by design doesn't translate UI code and expects you to write that in the
* native language of each platform.
* Please submit gradle plugin patches here:
* j2objc:
* Basic Usage:
* 1) Download a j2objc release and unzip it to a directory:
* 2) Copy this file (j2objc.gradle) next to the build.gradle file of the project to be translated
* 3) Copy and paste the following to your project's build.gradle file
* (it's currently best to run "gradlew clean" when changing this configuration)
apply from: 'j2objc.gradle'
j2objcConfig {
// MODIFY to where your unzipped j2objc directory is located
j2objcHome null // e.g. "${projectDir}/../../j2objc or absolute path
// MODIFY to where generated objc files should be put for Xcode project
// NOTE these files should be checked in to the repository and updated as needed
// NOTE this should contain ONLY j2objc generated files, other contents will be deleted
destDir null // e.g. "${projectDir}/../Xcode/j2objc-generated"
// Uncomment each of the following to use. The flags are set to the plugin defaults.
// Translate flags for j2objc
// This is where to add "-classpath" for jar dependencies, note that the
// translated and compiled libraries also needs to be added to compileFlags as well
// translateFlags "--no-package-directories"
// Compile flags for j2objcc
// compileFlags "-ObjC -ljre_emul -ljunit -lmockito"
// Test flags for translated test
// testFlags ""
// J2objc libraries, must be available in $J2OBJC_HOME/lib/..., e.g. add guava here
// translateJ2objcLibs "junit-4.10.jar", "mockito-core-1.9.5.jar"
// Filter on files to translate or test, ignored if null
// Matches on path, not filename or Class name
// Must match IncludeRegex and NOT match ExcludeRegex
// You can remove the "()" in "*()/" - it's a workaround to avoid closing the '/*' comment
// translateExcludeRegex ".*()/src/(main|test)/java/com/example/EXCLUDE_DIR/.*"
// translateIncludeRegex ".*()/TranslateOnlyMeAnd(|Test)\\.java"
// Test filter also applies the translate filter
// testExcludeRegex ".*()/(IgnoreOneTest|IgnoreTwoTest)\\.java"
// testIncludeRegex ".*()/OnlyThisTest\\.java"
// Helpful checks that you can disable
// boolean filenameCollisionCheck = true
// boolean testExecutedCheck = true
* 4) Run command to generate and copyfiles. This will only succeed if all steps succeed.
* $ gradlew <SHARED_PROJECT>:j2objcCopy
* Commands:
* Each one depends on the previous command
* j2objcTranslate - Translate all files to Objective-C, builds java or Android project if found
* j2objcCompile - Compile Objective-C files and build Objective-C binary (named 'runner')
* j2objcTest - Run all java tests against the Objective-C binary
* j2objcCopy - Copy generated Objective-C files to Xcode project
* Note that you can use the Gradle shorthand of "$ gradlew jCop" to do the j2objcCopy task.
* The other shorthand expressions are "jTr", "jCom" and "jTe"
* Thanks to Peter Niederwieser and 'bigguy' from Gradleware
// TODO: add plugin tests
// TODO: 'apply' should be done in build.gradle, move there as this becomes a proper plugin
apply plugin: j2objc
class J2objcPluginExtension {
// Where to copy generated files (excludes test code and executable)
String destDir = null
// Path to j2objc distribution
String j2objcHome = null
// Additional command line flags for each stage, last thing added to command:
String translateFlags = "--no-package-directories"
String compileFlags = "-ObjC -ljre_emul -ljunit -lmockito"
String testFlags = ""
// Additional libraries that are part of the j2objc release
// TODO: warn if different versions than testCompile from Java plugin
String[] translateJ2objcLibs = ["junit-4.10.jar", "mockito-core-1.9.5.jar"]
// See "FILTER" comment above
// TODO: consider moving to include(s) / exclude(s) structure as used for filetree
String translateExcludeRegex = null
String translateIncludeRegex = null
String testExcludeRegex = null
String testIncludeRegex = null
boolean filenameCollisionCheck = true
boolean testExecutedCheck = true
class J2objcUtils {
// TODO: ideally bundle j2objc binaries with plugin jar and load at runtime with
// TODO: ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(), extract, chmod and then execute
static isWindows() {
return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows")
static def j2objcHome(Project proj) {
def result = proj.j2objcConfig.j2objcHome
if (result == null) {
def message =
"j2objcHome not set, this should be configured in the parent gradle file with " +
"this syntax:\n" +
"\n" +
"j2objcConfig {\n" +
" j2objcHome null // e.g. \"\${projectDir}/../j2objc\"\n" +
" ..."
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"It must be the path of the unzipped j2objc release. Download releases here:\n" +
throw new InvalidUserDataException(message)
if (!proj.file(result).exists()) {
def message = "j2objc directory not found, expected location: ${result}"
throw new InvalidUserDataException(message)
return result
// Filters a FileCollection by path:
// must match includeRegex and NOT match excludeRegex, regex ignored if null
static def fileFilter(FileCollection files, String includeRegex, String excludeRegex) {
return files.filter { file ->
if (includeRegex == null)
return true
return file.path.matches(includeRegex)
}.filter { file ->
if (excludeRegex == null)
return true
return ! file.path.matches(excludeRegex)
// Reads both settings from translateFlags (last flag takes precedence)
// --prefixes dir/ --prefix com.ex.dir=Short --prefix com.ex.dir2=Short2
static def prefixProperties(Project proj) {
Properties props = new Properties()
def matcher = proj.j2objcConfig.translateFlags =~ /--prefix(|es) +([^-]+)/
def start = 0
while (matcher.find(start)) {
start = matcher.end()
def newProps = new Properties()
if ( == "es") {
// --prefixes
// remove trailing space that confuses FileInputStream
def prefixesPath =
newProps.load(new FileInputStream(proj.file(prefixesPath).path))
} else {
// --prefix (this will be a single property)
newProps.load(new StringReader(;
// for (key in props.keys()) {
// println key + ": " + props.getProperty(key)
// }
return props
static def filenameCollisionCheck(FileCollection files) {
def nameMap = [:]
for (file in files) {
if (nameMap.containsKey( {
def prevFile = nameMap.get(
def message =
"File name collision detected:\n" +
" " + prevFile.path + "\n" +
" " + file.path + "\n" +
"\n" +
"To disable this check (which may overwrite output files):\n" +
"j2objcConfig {\n" +
" filenameCollisionCheck false\n" +
" ...\n" +
throw new InvalidUserDataException(message)
nameMap.put(, file)
// TODO: do translations and other tasks incrementally
class J2objcTranslateTask extends DefaultTask {
@InputFiles FileCollection srcFiles
@OutputDirectory File destDir
def translate() {
def isWindows = J2objcUtils.isWindows()
def j2objcHome = J2objcUtils.j2objcHome(getProject())
def j2objcExec = j2objcHome + "/j2objc"
def firstArgs = ""
if (isWindows) {
j2objcExec = "java"
// "-Xbootclasspath:${j2objcHome}/lib/jre_emul.jar"
firstArgs = "-jar ${j2objcHome}/lib/j2objc.jar"
// Clean build directory to delete files that are no longer generated
// Print command before operation to be helpful log if operation fails
println "Deleting j2objc build dir: " + destDir.path
project.delete destDir.path
srcFiles = J2objcUtils.fileFilter(srcFiles,
if (project.j2objcConfig.filenameCollisionCheck) {
try {
project.exec {
executable j2objcExec
args firstArgs.split()
args "-d", "${destDir}"
args "-sourcepath", project.file("src/main/java").path
project.j2objcConfig.translateJ2objcLibs.each { library ->
def libPath = J2objcUtils.j2objcHome(getProject()) + "/lib/" + library
args "-classpath", project.file(libPath).path
args "${project.j2objcConfig.translateFlags}".split()
srcFiles.each { file ->
args file.path
} catch (e) {
// Warn and explain typical case of Android application, then rethrow error
if (! project.plugins.findPlugin('java')) {
if (project.j2objcConfig.translateIncludeRegex == null &&
project.j2objcConfig.translateIncludeRegex == null) {
def message =
"\n" +
"J2objc by design will not translate your entire Android application.\n" +
"It focuses on the business logic, the UI should use native code:\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"The best practice over time is to separate out the shared code to a\n" +
"distinct java project with NO android dependencies.\n" +
"\n" +
"As a step towards that, you can configure the j2objc plugin to only\n" +
"translate a subset of files that don't depend on Android. The settings\n" +
"are regular expressions on the file path. For example:\n" +
"\n" +
"j2objcConfig {\n" +
" translateIncludeRegex \".*/src/main/java/com/example/translateThisDir/.*\n" +
" translateExcludeRegex \".*/(CantTranslateYet|NotThisEither)\\.java\"\n" +
" ...\n" +
print message
throw e
class J2objcCompileTask extends DefaultTask {
@InputDirectory File srcDir
@OutputFile File destFile
def compile() {
if (J2objcUtils.isWindows()) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException(
"Windows only supports j2objc translation. To compile and test code, " +
"please develop on a Mac.");
def binary = J2objcUtils.j2objcHome(getProject()) + "/j2objcc"
// TODO: copy / reference test resources
// No include / exclude regex as unlikely for compile to fail after successful translation
println "Compiling test binary: " + destFile.path
project.exec {
executable binary
args "-I${srcDir}"
args "-o", "${destFile.path}"
args "${project.j2objcConfig.compileFlags}".split()
def srcFiles = project.files(project.fileTree(
dir: srcDir, includes: ["**/*.h", "**/*.m"]))
srcFiles.each { file ->
args file.path
class J2objcTestTask extends DefaultTask {
@InputFile File srcFile // testrunner
@InputFiles FileCollection srcFiles // *
// TODO: is it possible for the task to declare an output for "up to date" logic (e.g. destDir)
def test() {
// Generate list of tests from the source java files
// src/test/java/com/example/dir/ => "com.example.dir.ClassTest"
// Already filtered by ".*" before it arrives here
srcFiles = J2objcUtils.fileFilter(srcFiles,
srcFiles = J2objcUtils.fileFilter(srcFiles,
// Generate Test Names
def prefixesProperties = J2objcUtils.prefixProperties(project)
def testNames = srcFiles.collect { file ->
def testName = project.relativePath(file)
.replace('src/test/java/', '')
.replace('/', '.')
.replace('.java', '')
// Need to translate test name according to prefixes
def namespaceRegex = /^(([^.]+\.)+)[^.]+$/
def matcher = testName =~ namespaceRegex
if (matcher.find()) {
def namespace = matcher[0][1] // com.example.dir.
def namespaceChopped = namespace[0..-2] // com.example.dir
if (prefixesProperties.containsKey(namespaceChopped)) {
def value = prefixesProperties.getProperty(namespaceChopped)
testName = testName.replace(namespace, value)
return testName
def binary = "${srcFile.path}"
println "Testing with: " + srcFile.path
def output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
project.exec {
executable binary
args "org.junit.runner.JUnitCore"
args "${project.j2objcConfig.testFlags}".split()
testNames.each { testName ->
args testName
standardOutput = output;
// 0 tests => warn by default
def out = output.toString()
print out
if (project.j2objcConfig.testExecutedCheck) {
if (out.contains("OK (0 tests)")) {
def message =
"Zero unit tests were run. Tests are strongly encouraged with J2objc:\n" +
"\n" +
"To disable this check (which is against best practice):\n" +
"j2objcConfig {\n" +
" testExecutedCheck false\n" +
" ...\n" +
throw new InvalidUserDataException(message)
class j2objcCopyTask extends DefaultTask {
@InputDirectory File srcDir
// TODO: is it possible for the task to declare an output for "up to date" logic (e.g. destDir)
def destCopy() {
if (project.j2objcConfig.destDir == null) {
def message = "You must configure the location where the generated files are " +
"copied for Xcode. This is done in your build.gradle, for example:\n" +
"\n" +
"j2objcConfig {\n" +
" destDir null // e.g. \"\${" + "projectDir}/../Xcode/j2objc-generated\"\n" +
" ..."
throw new InvalidUserDataException(message)
// Warn if deleting non-generated objc files from destDir
def destDir = project.file(project.j2objcConfig.destDir)
def destFiles = project.files(project.fileTree(
dir: destDir, excludes: ["**/*.h", "**/*.m"]))
destFiles.each { file ->
def message =
"Unexpected files in destDir - this folder should contain ONLY j2objc\n" +
"generated files Objective-C. The folder contents are deleted to remove\n" +
"files that are nolonger generated. Please check the directory and remove\n" +
"any files that don't end with Objective-C extensions '.h' and '.m'.\n" +
"destDir: ${project.j2objcConfig.destDir}\n" +
"Unexpected file for deletion: ${file.path}"
throw new InvalidUserDataException(message)
// TODO: better if this was a sync operation as it does deletes automatically
println "Deleting destDir to fill with generated objc files... " + destDir.path
project.delete destDir
// TODO: setting to control whether to copy test files
project.copy {
includeEmptyDirs = false
from srcDir
into destDir
// Don't copy the test code and executable
exclude "**/*Test.h"
exclude "**/*Test.m"
exclude "**/testrunner"
class j2objc implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.with {
// TODO: dependency on project.j2objcConfig, so any setting change
// TODO: invalidates all tasks and causes a full rebuild
project.extensions.create("j2objcConfig", J2objcPluginExtension)
// Produces a modest amount of output
logging.captureStandardOutput LogLevel.INFO
// Dependency may be added in project.plugins.withType for Java or Android plugin
tasks.create(name: "j2objcTranslate", type: J2objcTranslateTask) {
description "Translates all the java source files in to Objective-C using j2objc"
srcFiles = files(
fileTree(dir: projectDir,
include: "**/*.java",
exclude: project.relativePath(buildDir)))
destDir = file("${buildDir}/j2objc")
println "destDir: " + destDir + ", " + destDir.path
project.tasks.create(name: "j2objcCompile", type: J2objcCompileTask,
dependsOn: 'j2objcTranslate') {
description "Compiles the j2objc generated Objective-C code to 'testrunner' binary"
srcDir = file("${buildDir}/j2objc")
destFile = file("${buildDir}/j2objc/testrunner")
project.tasks.create(name: "j2objcTest", type: J2objcTestTask,
dependsOn: 'j2objcCompile') {
description 'Runs all tests in the generated Objective-C code'
srcFile = file("${buildDir}/j2objc/testrunner")
// Doesn't use 'buildDir' as missing full path with --no-package-directories flag
srcFiles = files(fileTree(dir: projectDir, includes: ["**/*"]))
project.tasks.create(name: 'j2objcCopy', type: j2objcCopyTask,
dependsOn: 'j2objcTest') {
description 'Depends on j2objc translation and test, copies to destDir'
srcDir = file("${project.buildDir}/j2objc")
// Make sure the wider project builds successfully
if (project.plugins.findPlugin('java')) {
} else if (project.plugins.findPlugin('')) {
} else {
def message =
"j2objc plugin didn't find either 'java' or ''\n" +
"plugin (which was expected). When this is found, the j2objc plugin\n" +
"will build and run that first to make sure the project builds correctly.\n"
"This will not be done here as it can't be found."
println message
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