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Created August 17, 2017 20:05
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export function fromObject<T extends jspb.Message, U>(c: new () => T, obj: U): T {
const instance = new c();
.forEach(key => {
const setterName = makeSetterFuncName(key);
(instance as any)[setterName] = (obj as any)[key];
return instance;
function makeSetterFuncName(key: string): string {
switch (key) {
case "pb_abstract":
case "pb_boolean":
case "pb_break":
case "pb_byte":
case "pb_case":
case "pb_catch":
case "pb_char":
case "pb_class":
case "pb_const":
case "pb_continue":
case "pb_debugger":
case "pb_default":
case "pb_delete":
case "pb_do":
case "pb_double":
case "pb_else":
case "pb_enum":
case "pb_export":
case "pb_extends":
case "pb_false":
case "pb_final":
case "pb_finally":
case "pb_float":
case "pb_for":
case "pb_function":
case "pb_goto":
case "pb_if":
case "pb_implements":
case "pb_import":
case "pb_in":
case "pb_instanceof":
case "pb_int":
case "pb_interface":
case "pb_long":
case "pb_native":
case "pb_new":
case "pb_null":
case "pb_package":
case "pb_private":
case "pb_protected":
case "pb_public":
case "pb_return":
case "pb_short":
case "pb_static":
case "pb_super":
case "pb_switch":
case "pb_synchronized":
case "pb_this":
case "pb_throw":
case "pb_throws":
case "pb_transient":
case "pb_try":
case "pb_typeof":
case "pb_var":
case "pb_void":
case "pb_volatile":
case "pb_while":
case "pb_with":
key = key.substr(3);
const upperKey = key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substr(1);
return `set${upperKey}`;
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jonnyreeves commented Aug 17, 2017

@MarcusLongmuir WDYT? Usage is a little clunky as you need to provide both generic types (although my TS is weak, can you express this better?)

const book = fromObject<Book, Book.AsObject>(Book, {
  title: "Hello",
  author: "Dave",
  isbn: 1234,

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