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Created May 11, 2011 23:55
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Wicket component for a tabbed panel that gets tab definitions from a model thus allowing tabs to be defined dynamically
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxFallbackLink;
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs.ITab;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import java.util.List;
* Ajax based extension of the dynamic tabbed panel
* @author Jonny Wray
public class AjaxDynamicTabbedPanel extends DynamicTabbedPanel{
public AjaxDynamicTabbedPanel(final String id, final IModel<List<ITab>> tabModel){
super(id, tabModel);
protected WebMarkupContainer newLink(final String linkId, final int index){
return new AjaxFallbackLink<Void>(linkId)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick(final AjaxRequestTarget target)
if (target != null){
* A template method that lets users add additional behavior when ajax update occurs. This
* method is called after the current tab has been set so access to it can be obtained via
* {@link #getSelectedTab()}.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong> Since an {@link AjaxFallbackLink} is used to back the ajax update the
* <code>target</code> argument can be null when the client browser does not support ajax and
* the fallback mode is used. See {@link AjaxFallbackLink} for details.
* @param target
* ajax target used to update this component
protected void onAjaxUpdate(final AjaxRequestTarget target)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xmlns:wicket="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<div wicket:id="tabs-container" class="tab-row">
<li wicket:id="tabs">
<a href="#" wicket:id="link"><span wicket:id="title">[[tab title]]</span></a>
<div wicket:id="panel" class="tab-panel">[panel]</div>
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException;
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs.ITab;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.Loop;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.LoopItem;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.EmptyPanel;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.AbstractReadOnlyModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
import java.util.List;
* Copy and paste extension of the standard Wicket TabbedPanel but using
* a model object to provide the tabs rather than a list. This allows the
* specific tabs to be dynamic and depend on model data rather than being
* hard-coded.
* @author Jonny Wray
public class DynamicTabbedPanel extends Panel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** id used for child panels */
public static final String TAB_PANEL_ID = "panel";
private IModel<List<ITab>> tabModel;
private transient Boolean[] tabsVisibilityCache;
public DynamicTabbedPanel(final String id, final IModel<List<ITab>> tabModel){
super(id, new Model<Integer>(-1));
this.tabModel = tabModel;
final IModel<Integer> tabCount = new AbstractReadOnlyModel<Integer>(){
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Integer getObject(){
return tabModel.getObject().size();
WebMarkupContainer tabsContainer = newTabsContainer("tabs-container");
// add the loop used to generate tab names
tabsContainer.add(new Loop("tabs", tabCount)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void populateItem(final LoopItem item)
final int index = item.getIndex();
final ITab tab = tabModel.getObject().get(index);
final WebMarkupContainer titleLink = newLink("link", index);
titleLink.add(newTitle("title", tab.getTitle(), index));
protected LoopItem newItem(final int iteration)
return newTabContainer(iteration);
public boolean isVisible(){
return tabCount.getObject() > 0;
* Generates the container for all tabs. The default container automatically adds the css
* <code>class</code> attribute based on the return value of {@link #getTabContainerCssClass()}
* @param id
* container id
* @return container
protected WebMarkupContainer newTabsContainer(final String id)
return new WebMarkupContainer(id)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag)
tag.put("class", getTabContainerCssClass());
* Generates a loop item used to represent a specific tab's <code>li</code> element.
protected LoopItem newTabContainer(final int tabIndex)
return new LoopItem(tabIndex)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag)
String cssClass = (String)tag.getString("class");
if (cssClass == null)
cssClass = " ";
cssClass += " tab" + getIndex();
if (getIndex() == getSelectedTab())
cssClass += " selected";
if (getIndex() == getTabs().size() - 1)
cssClass += " last";
tag.put("class", cssClass.trim());
public boolean isVisible()
return getTabs().get(tabIndex).isVisible();
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void onBeforeRender()
if (tabModel.getObject().size() == 0)
// force an empty container to be created every time if we have no tabs
else if(getSelectedTab() > tabModel.getObject().size()){
else if ((getSelectedTab() == -1) || (isTabVisible(getSelectedTab()) == false))
// find first visible selected tab
int selected = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tabModel.getObject().size(); i++)
if (isTabVisible(i))
selected = i;
if (selected == tabModel.getObject().size())
* none of the tabs are selected...
* we do not need to do anything special because the check in setSelectedTab() will
* replace the current tab panel with an empty one
selected = 0;
* @return the value of css class attribute that will be added to a div containing the tabs. The
* default value is <code>tab-row</code>
protected String getTabContainerCssClass()
return "tab-row";
* @return list of tabs that can be used by the user to add/remove/reorder tabs in the panel
public final List<? extends ITab> getTabs()
return tabModel.getObject();
* Factory method for tab titles. Returned component can be anything that can attach to span
* tags such as a fragment, panel, or a label
* @param titleId
* id of title component
* @param titleModel
* model containing tab title
* @param index
* index of tab
* @return title component
protected Component newTitle(final String titleId, final IModel<?> titleModel, final int index){
return new Label(titleId, titleModel);
* Factory method for links used to switch between tabs.
* The created component is attached to the following markup. Label component with id: title
* will be added for you by the tabbed panel.
* <pre>
* &lt;a href=&quot;#&quot; wicket:id=&quot;link&quot;&gt;&lt;span wicket:id=&quot;title&quot;&gt;[[tab title]]&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
* </pre>
* Example implementation:
* <pre>
* protected WebMarkupContainer newLink(String linkId, final int index)
* {
* return new Link(linkId)
* {
* private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* public void onClick()
* {
* setSelectedTab(index);
* }
* };
* }
* </pre>
* @param linkId
* component id with which the link should be created
* @param index
* index of the tab that should be activated when this link is clicked. See
* {@link #setSelectedTab(int)}.
* @return created link component
protected WebMarkupContainer newLink(final String linkId, final int index)
return new Link<Void>(linkId)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick()
* sets the selected tab
* @param index
* index of the tab to select
* @return this for chaining
public DynamicTabbedPanel setSelectedTab(final int index)
if ((index < 0) || ((index >= tabModel.getObject().size()) && (index > 0)))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
final Component component;
if ((tabModel.getObject().size() == 0) || !isTabVisible(index))
// no tabs or the currently selected tab is not visible
component = new EmptyPanel(TAB_PANEL_ID);
// show panel from selected tab
ITab tab = tabModel.getObject().get(index);
component = tab.getPanel(TAB_PANEL_ID);
if (component == null)
throw new WicketRuntimeException("ITab.getPanel() returned null. TabbedPanel [" +
getPath() + "] ITab index [" + index + "]");
if (!component.getId().equals(TAB_PANEL_ID))
throw new WicketRuntimeException(
"ITab.getPanel() returned a panel with invalid id [" +
component.getId() +
"]. You must always return a panel with id equal to the provided panelId parameter. TabbedPanel [" +
getPath() + "] ITab index [" + index + "]");
return this;
* @return index of the selected tab
public final int getSelectedTab()
return (Integer)getDefaultModelObject();
* @param tabIndex
* @return visible
private boolean isTabVisible(final int tabIndex)
if (tabsVisibilityCache == null)
tabsVisibilityCache = new Boolean[tabModel.getObject().size()];
if (tabsVisibilityCache.length < tabIndex + 1)
Boolean[] resized = new Boolean[tabIndex + 1];
System.arraycopy(tabsVisibilityCache, 0, resized, 0, tabsVisibilityCache.length);
tabsVisibilityCache = resized;
if (tabsVisibilityCache.length > 0)
Boolean visible = tabsVisibilityCache[tabIndex];
if (visible == null)
visible = tabModel.getObject().get(tabIndex).isVisible();
tabsVisibilityCache[tabIndex] = visible;
return visible;
return false;
protected void onDetach(){
tabsVisibilityCache = null;
div.tabpanel4 ul {
height: 20px;
margin: 0;
padding-left: 10px;
background: url( tabs4/tab_bottom.gif ) repeat-x bottom;
div.tabpanel4 li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline;
list-style-type: none;
div.tabpanel4 a:link, div.tabpanel4 a:visited {
float: left;
background: #f3f3f3;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px;
margin-right: 4px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
text-decoration: none;
color: #666;
div.tabpanel4 li.selected a:link, div.tabpanel4 {
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
background: #fff;
color: #000;
div.tabpanel4 a:hover {
background: #fff;
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