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Created August 20, 2023 09:24
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twitch-videoad.js text/javascript
(function() {
if ( /(^|\.)twitch\.tv$/.test(document.location.hostname) === false ) { return; }
//This stops Twitch from pausing the player when in another tab and an ad shows.
try {
Object.defineProperty(document, 'visibilityState', {
get() {
return 'visible';
Object.defineProperty(document, 'hidden', {
get() {
return false;
const block = e => {
const process = e => {
//This corrects the background tab buffer bug when switching to the background tab for the first time after an extended period.
doTwitchPlayerTask(false, false, true, false, false);
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', block, true);
document.addEventListener('webkitvisibilitychange', block, true);
document.addEventListener('mozvisibilitychange', block, true);
document.addEventListener('hasFocus', block, true);
if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
Object.defineProperty(document, 'mozHidden', {
get() {
return false;
} else {
Object.defineProperty(document, 'webkitHidden', {
get() {
return false;
} catch (err) {}
//Send settings updates to worker.
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if (event.source != window) {
if ( && == 'SetTwitchAdblockSettings' && {
TwitchAdblockSettings =;
}, false);
function declareOptions(scope) {
scope.AdSignifier = 'stitched';
scope.ClientID = 'kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko';
scope.ClientVersion = 'null';
scope.ClientSession = 'null';
scope.PlayerType2 = 'embed'; //Source
scope.PlayerType3 = 'autoplay'; //360p
scope.CurrentChannelName = null;
scope.UsherParams = null;
scope.WasShowingAd = false;
scope.GQLDeviceID = null;
scope.IsSquadStream = false;
scope.StreamInfos = [];
scope.StreamInfosByUrl = [];
scope.MainUrlByUrl = [];
scope.EncodingCacheTimeout = 60000;
scope.DefaultProxyType = null;
scope.DefaultForcedQuality = null;
scope.DefaultProxyQuality = null;
scope.ClientIntegrityHeader = null;
scope.AuthorizationHeader = null;
var TwitchAdblockSettings = {
BannerVisible: true,
ForcedQuality: null,
ProxyType: null,
ProxyQuality: null,
var twitchMainWorker = null;
var adBlockDiv = null;
var OriginalVideoPlayerQuality = null;
var IsPlayerAutoQuality = null;
const oldWorker = window.Worker;
window.Worker = class Worker extends oldWorker {
constructor(twitchBlobUrl) {
if (twitchMainWorker) {
var jsURL = getWasmWorkerUrl(twitchBlobUrl);
if (typeof jsURL !== 'string') {
var newBlobStr = `
self.TwitchAdblockSettings = ${JSON.stringify(TwitchAdblockSettings)};
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
if ( == 'UpdateIsSquadStream') {
IsSquadStream =;
} else if ( == 'UpdateClientVersion') {
ClientVersion =;
} else if ( == 'UpdateClientSession') {
ClientSession =;
} else if ( == 'UpdateClientId') {
ClientID =;
} else if ( == 'UpdateDeviceId') {
GQLDeviceID =;
} else if ( == 'UpdateClientIntegrityHeader') {
ClientIntegrityHeader =;
} else if ( == 'UpdateAuthorizationHeader') {
AuthorizationHeader =;
super(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([newBlobStr])));
twitchMainWorker = this;
this.onmessage = function(e) {
if ( == 'ShowAdBlockBanner') {
if (!TwitchAdblockSettings.BannerVisible) {
if (adBlockDiv == null) {
adBlockDiv = getAdBlockDiv();
adBlockDiv.P.textContent = 'Blocking ads'; = 'block';
} else if ( == 'HideAdBlockBanner') {
if (adBlockDiv == null) {
adBlockDiv = getAdBlockDiv();
} = 'none';
} else if ( == 'PauseResumePlayer') {
doTwitchPlayerTask(true, false, false, false, false);
} else if ( == 'ForceChangeQuality') {
//This is used to fix the bug where the video would freeze.
try {
//if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') == -1) {
var autoQuality = doTwitchPlayerTask(false, false, false, true, false);
var currentQuality = doTwitchPlayerTask(false, true, false, false, false);
if (IsPlayerAutoQuality == null) {
IsPlayerAutoQuality = autoQuality;
if (OriginalVideoPlayerQuality == null) {
OriginalVideoPlayerQuality = currentQuality;
if (!currentQuality.includes('360') || != null) {
if (!OriginalVideoPlayerQuality.includes('360')) {
var settingsMenu = document.querySelector('div[data-a-target="player-settings-menu"]');
if (settingsMenu == null) {
var settingsCog = document.querySelector('button[data-a-target="player-settings-button"]');
if (settingsCog) {;
var qualityMenu = document.querySelector('button[data-a-target="player-settings-menu-item-quality"]');
if (qualityMenu) {;
var lowQuality = document.querySelectorAll('input[data-a-target="tw-radio"');
if (lowQuality) {
var qualityToSelect = lowQuality.length - 2;
if ( != null) {
if ('original')) { = OriginalVideoPlayerQuality;
if (IsPlayerAutoQuality) { = 'auto';
if ('160p')) {
qualityToSelect = 5;
if ('360p')) {
qualityToSelect = 4;
if ('480p')) {
qualityToSelect = 3;
if ('720p')) {
qualityToSelect = 2;
if ('822p')) {
qualityToSelect = 2;
if ('864p')) {
qualityToSelect = 2;
if ('900p')) {
qualityToSelect = 2;
if ('936p')) {
qualityToSelect = 2;
if ('960p')) {
qualityToSelect = 2;
if ('1080p')) {
qualityToSelect = 2;
if ('source')) {
qualityToSelect = 1;
if ('auto')) {
qualityToSelect = 0;
var currentQualityLS = window.localStorage.getItem('video-quality');
window.localStorage.setItem('video-quality', currentQualityLS);
if ( != null) {
OriginalVideoPlayerQuality = null;
IsPlayerAutoQuality = null;
doTwitchPlayerTask(false, false, false, true, true);
} catch (err) {
OriginalVideoPlayerQuality = null;
IsPlayerAutoQuality = null;
function getAdBlockDiv() {
//To display a notification to the user, that an ad is being blocked.
var playerRootDiv = document.querySelector('.video-player');
var adBlockDiv = null;
if (playerRootDiv != null) {
adBlockDiv = playerRootDiv.querySelector('.adblock-overlay');
if (adBlockDiv == null) {
adBlockDiv = document.createElement('div');
adBlockDiv.className = 'adblock-overlay';
adBlockDiv.innerHTML = '<div class="player-adblock-notice" style="color: white; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; padding: 5px;"><p></p></div>'; = 'none';
adBlockDiv.P = adBlockDiv.querySelector('p');
return adBlockDiv;
function getWasmWorkerUrl(twitchBlobUrl) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', twitchBlobUrl, false);
return req.responseText.split("'")[1];
function hookWorkerFetch() {
console.log('Twitch adblocker is enabled');
var realFetch = fetch;
fetch = async function(url, options) {
if (typeof url === 'string') {
if (url.includes('video-weaver')) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var processAfter = async function(response) {
//Here we check the m3u8 for any ads and also try fallback player types if needed.
var responseText = await response.text();
var weaverText = null;
weaverText = await processM3U8(url, responseText, realFetch, PlayerType2);
if (weaverText.includes(AdSignifier)) {
weaverText = await processM3U8(url, responseText, realFetch, PlayerType3);
resolve(new Response(weaverText));
var send = function() {
return realFetch(url, options).then(function(response) {
})['catch'](function(err) {
} else if (url.includes('/api/channel/hls/')) {
var channelName = (new URL(url)).pathname.match(/([^\/]+)(?=\.\w+$)/)[0];
UsherParams = (new URL(url)).search;
CurrentChannelName = channelName;
//To prevent pause/resume loop for mid-rolls.
var isPBYPRequest = url.includes('picture-by-picture');
if (isPBYPRequest) {
url = '';
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var processAfter = async function(response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
encodingsM3u8 = await response.text();
var streamInfo = StreamInfos[channelName];
if (streamInfo == null) {
StreamInfos[channelName] = streamInfo = {};
streamInfo.ChannelName = channelName;
streamInfo.Urls = [];// xxx.m3u8 -> { Resolution: "284x160", FrameRate: 30.0 }
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache = [];
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8 = encodingsM3u8;
var lines = encodingsM3u8.replace('\r', '').split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (!lines[i].startsWith('#') && lines[i].includes('.m3u8')) {
streamInfo.Urls[lines[i]] = -1;
if (i > 0 && lines[i - 1].startsWith('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF')) {
var attributes = parseAttributes(lines[i - 1]);
var resolution = attributes['RESOLUTION'];
var frameRate = attributes['FRAME-RATE'];
if (resolution) {
streamInfo.Urls[lines[i]] = {
Resolution: resolution,
FrameRate: frameRate
StreamInfosByUrl[lines[i]] = streamInfo;
MainUrlByUrl[lines[i]] = url;
resolve(new Response(encodingsM3u8));
} else {
var send = function() {
return realFetch(url, options).then(function(response) {
})['catch'](function(err) {
return realFetch.apply(this, arguments);
function getStreamUrlForResolution(encodingsM3u8, resolutionInfo, qualityOverrideStr) {
var qualityOverride = 0;
if (qualityOverrideStr && qualityOverrideStr.endsWith('p')) {
qualityOverride = qualityOverrideStr.substr(0, qualityOverrideStr.length - 1) | 0;
var qualityOverrideFoundQuality = 0;
var qualityOverrideFoundFrameRate = 0;
var encodingsLines = encodingsM3u8.replace('\r', '').split('\n');
var firstUrl = null;
var lastUrl = null;
var matchedResolutionUrl = null;
var matchedFrameRate = false;
for (var i = 0; i < encodingsLines.length; i++) {
if (!encodingsLines[i].startsWith('#') && encodingsLines[i].includes('.m3u8')) {
if (i > 0 && encodingsLines[i - 1].startsWith('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF')) {
var attributes = parseAttributes(encodingsLines[i - 1]);
var resolution = attributes['RESOLUTION'];
var frameRate = attributes['FRAME-RATE'];
if (resolution) {
if (qualityOverride) {
var quality = resolution.toLowerCase().split('x')[1];
if (quality == qualityOverride) {
qualityOverrideFoundQuality = quality;
qualityOverrideFoundFrameRate = frameRate;
matchedResolutionUrl = encodingsLines[i];
if (frameRate < 40) {
//console.log(`qualityOverride(A) quality:${quality} frameRate:${frameRate}`);
return matchedResolutionUrl;
} else if (quality < qualityOverride) {
//if (matchedResolutionUrl) {
// console.log(`qualityOverride(B) quality:${qualityOverrideFoundQuality} frameRate:${qualityOverrideFoundFrameRate}`);
//} else {
// console.log(`qualityOverride(C) quality:${quality} frameRate:${frameRate}`);
return matchedResolutionUrl ? matchedResolutionUrl : encodingsLines[i];
} else if ((!resolutionInfo || resolution == resolutionInfo.Resolution) &&
(!matchedResolutionUrl || (!matchedFrameRate && frameRate == resolutionInfo.FrameRate))) {
matchedResolutionUrl = encodingsLines[i];
matchedFrameRate = frameRate == resolutionInfo.FrameRate;
if (matchedFrameRate) {
return matchedResolutionUrl;
if (firstUrl == null) {
firstUrl = encodingsLines[i];
lastUrl = encodingsLines[i];
if (qualityOverride) {
return lastUrl;
return matchedResolutionUrl ? matchedResolutionUrl : firstUrl;
async function getStreamForResolution(streamInfo, resolutionInfo, encodingsM3u8, fallbackStreamStr, playerType, realFetch) {
var qualityOverride = null;
if (playerType === 'proxy') {
qualityOverride = TwitchAdblockSettings.ProxyQuality ? TwitchAdblockSettings.ProxyQuality : DefaultProxyQuality;
if (streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType].Resolution != resolutionInfo.Resolution ||
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType].RequestTime < - EncodingCacheTimeout) {
console.log(`Blocking ads (type:${playerType}, resolution:${resolutionInfo.Resolution}, frameRate:${resolutionInfo.FrameRate}, qualityOverride:${qualityOverride})`);
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType].RequestTime =;
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType].Value = encodingsM3u8;
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType].Resolution = resolutionInfo.Resolution;
var streamM3u8Url = getStreamUrlForResolution(encodingsM3u8, resolutionInfo, qualityOverride);
var streamM3u8Response = await realFetch(streamM3u8Url);
if (streamM3u8Response.status == 200) {
var m3u8Text = await streamM3u8Response.text();
WasShowingAd = true;
key: 'ShowAdBlockBanner'
key: 'ForceChangeQuality'
if (!m3u8Text || m3u8Text.includes(AdSignifier)) {
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType].Value = null;
return m3u8Text;
} else {
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType].Value = null;
return fallbackStreamStr;
function stripUnusedParams(str, params) {
if (!params) {
params = [ 'token', 'sig' ];
var tempUrl = new URL('https://localhost/' + str);
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
return tempUrl.pathname.substring(1) +;
async function processM3U8(url, textStr, realFetch, playerType) {
//Checks the m3u8 for ads and if it finds one, instead returns an ad-free stream.
var streamInfo = StreamInfosByUrl[url];
//Ad blocking for squad streams is disabled due to the way multiple weaver urls are used. No workaround so far.
if (IsSquadStream == true) {
return textStr;
if (!textStr) {
return textStr;
//Some live streams use mp4.
if (!textStr.includes('.ts') && !textStr.includes('.mp4')) {
return textStr;
var haveAdTags = textStr.includes(AdSignifier);
if (haveAdTags) {
var isMidroll = textStr.includes('"MIDROLL"') || textStr.includes('"midroll"');
//Reduces ad frequency. TODO: Reduce the number of requests. This is really spamming Twitch with requests.
if (!isMidroll) {
try {
} catch (err) {}
var currentResolution = null;
if (streamInfo && streamInfo.Urls) {
for (const [resUrl, resInfo] of Object.entries(streamInfo.Urls)) {
if (resUrl == url) {
currentResolution = resInfo;
// Keep the m3u8 around for a little while (once per ad) before requesting a new one
var encodingsM3U8Cache = streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType];
if (encodingsM3U8Cache) {
if (encodingsM3U8Cache.Value && encodingsM3U8Cache.RequestTime >= - EncodingCacheTimeout) {
try {
var result = getStreamForResolution(streamInfo, currentResolution, encodingsM3U8Cache.Value, null, playerType, realFetch);
if (result) {
return result;
} catch (err) {
encodingsM3U8Cache.Value = null;
} else {
streamInfo.EncodingsM3U8Cache[playerType] = {
Value: null,
Resolution: null
if (playerType === 'proxy') {
try {
var proxyType = TwitchAdblockSettings.ProxyType ? TwitchAdblockSettings.ProxyType : DefaultProxyType;
var encodingsM3u8Response = null;
/*var tempUrl = stripUnusedParams(MainUrlByUrl[url]);
const match = /(hls|vod)\/(.+?)$/gim.exec(tempUrl);*/
switch (proxyType) {
case 'TTV LOL':
encodingsM3u8Response = await realFetch('' + CurrentChannelName + '.m3u8%3Fallow_source%3Dtrue'/* + encodeURIComponent(match[2])*/, {headers: {'X-Donate-To': ''}});
/*case 'Purple Adblock':// Broken...
encodingsM3u8Response = await realFetch('' + CurrentChannelName);*/
case 'Falan'://
encodingsM3u8Response = await realFetch(atob('aHR0cHM6Ly9qaWdnbGUuYmV5cGF6YXJpZ3VydXN1LndvcmtlcnMuZGV2') + '/hls/' + CurrentChannelName + '.m3u8%3Fallow_source%3Dtrue'/* + encodeURIComponent(match[2])*/);
if (encodingsM3u8Response && encodingsM3u8Response.status === 200) {
return getStreamForResolution(streamInfo, currentResolution, await encodingsM3u8Response.text(), textStr, playerType, realFetch);
} catch (err) {}
return textStr;
var accessTokenResponse = await getAccessToken(CurrentChannelName, playerType);
if (accessTokenResponse.status === 200) {
var accessToken = await accessTokenResponse.json();
try {
var urlInfo = new URL('' + CurrentChannelName + '.m3u8' + UsherParams);
var encodingsM3u8Response = await realFetch(urlInfo.href);
if (encodingsM3u8Response.status === 200) {
return getStreamForResolution(streamInfo, currentResolution, await encodingsM3u8Response.text(), textStr, playerType, realFetch);
} else {
return textStr;
} catch (err) {}
return textStr;
} else {
return textStr;
} else {
if (WasShowingAd) {
console.log('Finished blocking ads');
WasShowingAd = false;
//Here we put player back to original quality and remove the blocking message.
key: 'ForceChangeQuality',
value: 'original'
key: 'PauseResumePlayer'
key: 'HideAdBlockBanner'
return textStr;
return textStr;
function parseAttributes(str) {
return Object.fromEntries(
.map(x => {
const idx = x.indexOf('=');
const key = x.substring(0, idx);
const value = x.substring(idx + 1);
const num = Number(value);
return [key, Number.isNaN(num) ? value.startsWith('"') ? JSON.parse(value) : value : num];
async function tryNotifyTwitch(streamM3u8) {
//We notify that an ad was requested but was not visible and was also muted.
var matches = streamM3u8.match(/#EXT-X-DATERANGE:(ID="stitched-ad-[^\n]+)\n/);
if (matches.length > 1) {
const attrString = matches[1];
const attr = parseAttributes(attrString);
var podLength = parseInt(attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-LENGTH'] ? attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-LENGTH'] : '1');
var podPosition = parseInt(attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-POSITION'] ? attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-POSITION'] : '0');
var radToken = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-RADS-TOKEN'];
var lineItemId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-LINE-ITEM-ID'];
var orderId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-ORDER-ID'];
var creativeId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-CREATIVE-ID'];
var adId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-ADVERTISER-ID'];
var rollType = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-ROLL-TYPE'].toLowerCase();
const baseData = {
stitched: true,
roll_type: rollType,
player_mute: true,
player_volume: 0.0,
visible: false,
for (let podPosition = 0; podPosition < podLength; podPosition++) {
const extendedData = {
ad_id: adId,
ad_position: podPosition,
duration: 0,
creative_id: creativeId,
total_ads: podLength,
order_id: orderId,
line_item_id: lineItemId,
await gqlRequest(adRecordgqlPacket('video_ad_impression', radToken, extendedData));
for (let quartile = 0; quartile < 4; quartile++) {
await gqlRequest(
adRecordgqlPacket('video_ad_quartile_complete', radToken, {
quartile: quartile + 1,
await gqlRequest(adRecordgqlPacket('video_ad_pod_complete', radToken, baseData));
function adRecordgqlPacket(event, radToken, payload) {
return [{
operationName: 'ClientSideAdEventHandling_RecordAdEvent',
variables: {
input: {
eventName: event,
eventPayload: JSON.stringify(payload),
extensions: {
persistedQuery: {
version: 1,
sha256Hash: '7e6c69e6eb59f8ccb97ab73686f3d8b7d85a72a0298745ccd8bfc68e4054ca5b',
function getAccessToken(channelName, playerType, realFetch) {
var body = null;
var templateQuery = 'query PlaybackAccessToken_Template($login: String!, $isLive: Boolean!, $vodID: ID!, $isVod: Boolean!, $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login, params: {platform: "ios", playerBackend: "mediaplayer", playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature __typename } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID, params: {platform: "ios", playerBackend: "mediaplayer", playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature __typename }}';
body = {
operationName: 'PlaybackAccessToken_Template',
query: templateQuery,
variables: {
'isLive': true,
'login': channelName,
'isVod': false,
'vodID': '',
'playerType': playerType
return gqlRequest(body, realFetch);
function gqlRequest(body, realFetch) {
if (ClientIntegrityHeader == null) {
console.warn('ClientIntegrityHeader is null');
//throw 'ClientIntegrityHeader is null';
var fetchFunc = realFetch ? realFetch : fetch;
if (!GQLDeviceID) {
var dcharacters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var dcharactersLength = dcharacters.length;
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
GQLDeviceID += dcharacters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * dcharactersLength));
return fetchFunc('', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(body),
headers: {
'Client-ID': ClientID,
'Client-Integrity': ClientIntegrityHeader,
'Device-ID': GQLDeviceID,
'X-Device-Id': GQLDeviceID,
'Client-Version': ClientVersion,
'Client-Session-Id': ClientSession,
'Authorization': AuthorizationHeader
function doTwitchPlayerTask(isPausePlay, isCheckQuality, isCorrectBuffer, isAutoQuality, setAutoQuality) {
//This will do an instant pause/play to return to original quality once the ad is finished.
//We also use this function to get the current video player quality set by the user.
//We also use this function to quickly pause/play the player when switching tabs to stop delays.
try {
var videoController = null;
var videoPlayer = null;
function findReactNode(root, constraint) {
if (root.stateNode && constraint(root.stateNode)) {
return root.stateNode;
let node = root.child;
while (node) {
const result = findReactNode(node, constraint);
if (result) {
return result;
node = node.sibling;
return null;
var reactRootNode = null;
var rootNode = document.querySelector('#root');
if (rootNode && rootNode._reactRootContainer && rootNode._reactRootContainer._internalRoot && rootNode._reactRootContainer._internalRoot.current) {
reactRootNode = rootNode._reactRootContainer._internalRoot.current;
videoPlayer = findReactNode(reactRootNode, node => node.setPlayerActive && node.props && node.props.mediaPlayerInstance);
videoPlayer = videoPlayer && videoPlayer.props && videoPlayer.props.mediaPlayerInstance ? videoPlayer.props.mediaPlayerInstance : null;
if (isPausePlay) {
if (isCheckQuality) {
if (typeof videoPlayer.getQuality() == 'undefined') {
var playerQuality = JSON.stringify(videoPlayer.getQuality());
if (playerQuality) {
return playerQuality;
} else {
if (isAutoQuality) {
if (typeof videoPlayer.isAutoQualityMode() == 'undefined') {
return false;
var autoQuality = videoPlayer.isAutoQualityMode();
if (autoQuality) {
return autoQuality;
} else {
return false;
if (setAutoQuality) {
//This only happens when switching tabs and is to correct the high latency caused when opening background tabs and going to them at a later time.
//We check that this is a live stream by the page URL, to prevent vod/clip pause/plays.
try {
var currentPageURL = document.URL;
var isLive = true;
if (currentPageURL.includes('videos/') || currentPageURL.includes('clip/')) {
isLive = false;
if (isCorrectBuffer && isLive) {
//A timer is needed due to the player not resuming without it.
setTimeout(function() {
//If latency to broadcaster is above 5 or 15 seconds upon switching tabs, we pause and play the player to reset the latency.
//If latency is between 0-6, user can manually pause and resume to reset latency further.
if (videoPlayer.isLiveLowLatency() && videoPlayer.getLiveLatency() > 5) {
} else if (videoPlayer.getLiveLatency() > 15) {
}, 3000);
} catch (err) {}
} catch (err) {}
var localDeviceID = null;
localDeviceID = window.localStorage.getItem('local_copy_unique_id');
function hookFetch() {
var realFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = function(url, init, ...args) {
if (typeof url === 'string') {
//Check if squad stream.
if (window.location.pathname.includes('/squad')) {
if (twitchMainWorker) {
key: 'UpdateIsSquadStream',
value: true
} else {
if (twitchMainWorker) {
key: 'UpdateIsSquadStream',
value: false
if (url.includes('/access_token') || url.includes('gql')) {
//Device ID is used when notifying Twitch of ads.
var deviceId = init.headers['X-Device-Id'];
if (typeof deviceId !== 'string') {
deviceId = init.headers['Device-ID'];
//Added to prevent eventual UBlock conflicts.
if (typeof deviceId === 'string' && !deviceId.includes('twitch-web-wall-mason')) {
GQLDeviceID = deviceId;
} else if (localDeviceID) {
GQLDeviceID = localDeviceID.replace('"', '');
GQLDeviceID = GQLDeviceID.replace('"', '');
if (GQLDeviceID && twitchMainWorker) {
if (typeof init.headers['X-Device-Id'] === 'string') {
init.headers['X-Device-Id'] = GQLDeviceID;
if (typeof init.headers['Device-ID'] === 'string') {
init.headers['Device-ID'] = GQLDeviceID;
key: 'UpdateDeviceId',
value: GQLDeviceID
//Client version is used in GQL requests.
var clientVersion = init.headers['Client-Version'];
if (clientVersion && typeof clientVersion == 'string') {
ClientVersion = clientVersion;
if (ClientVersion && twitchMainWorker) {
key: 'UpdateClientVersion',
value: ClientVersion
//Client session is used in GQL requests.
var clientSession = init.headers['Client-Session-Id'];
if (clientSession && typeof clientSession == 'string') {
ClientSession = clientSession;
if (ClientSession && twitchMainWorker) {
key: 'UpdateClientSession',
value: ClientSession
//Client ID is used in GQL requests.
if (url.includes('gql') && init && typeof init.body === 'string' && init.body.includes('PlaybackAccessToken')) {
var clientId = init.headers['Client-ID'];
if (clientId && typeof clientId == 'string') {
ClientID = clientId;
} else {
clientId = init.headers['Client-Id'];
if (clientId && typeof clientId == 'string') {
ClientID = clientId;
if (ClientID && twitchMainWorker) {
key: 'UpdateClientId',
value: ClientID
//Client integrity header
ClientIntegrityHeader = init.headers['Client-Integrity'];
key: 'UpdateClientIntegrityHeader',
value: init.headers['Client-Integrity']
//Authorization header
AuthorizationHeader = init.headers['Authorization'];
key: 'UpdateAuthorizationHeader',
value: init.headers['Authorization']
//To prevent pause/resume loop for mid-rolls.
if (url.includes('gql') && init && typeof init.body === 'string' && init.body.includes('PlaybackAccessToken') && init.body.includes('picture-by-picture')) {
init.body = '';
var isPBYPRequest = url.includes('picture-by-picture');
if (isPBYPRequest) {
url = '';
return realFetch.apply(this, arguments);
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