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Created April 30, 2015 20:58
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Relies on a logging service to be created which points to an API which can log to something like raygun
'use strict';
module app.exception {
.config(['$provide', ($provide: => {
$provide.decorator('$exceptionHandler', ['$delegate', '', '$injector',
($delegate: ng.IExceptionHandlerService, logger:, $injector: any) => (exception: any) => {
var errorMessage = '';
if (!_.isUndefined(exception) && !_.isNull(exception)) {
errorMessage = 'Exception name: ' + + '\n Exception message: ' + exception.message + '\n';
} else {
errorMessage = 'An exception occured in the application but no usefull information has been caught from the exception itself - check location and current user for more information. \n\n';
errorMessage += getCurrentUserInfo() + getLocationInfo();
if (!_.isUndefined(exception) && !_.isUndefined(exception.stack)) {
errorMessage += '\n StackTrace: ' + exception.stack;
function getLocationInfo() {
var info = '';
'$location', ($location: any) => {
info = ' Route that error occured: ' + $location.path() + '\n Absolute Path: ' + $location.absUrl() + '\n';
return info;
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