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Created July 31, 2023 10:26
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WIP Haskell solution to Exercism problem 'change'
module Change (findFewestCoins) where
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List (minimumBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Debug.Trace
smallestLengthList :: [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
smallestLengthList = minimumBy (compare `on` length)
largestCoin :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
largestCoin target coins
| target == 0 = 0
| otherwise = case find (<= target) (reverse coins) of
Just value -> value
Nothing -> 0
findCoins :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Maybe [Integer]
findCoins target coins
| target < 0 = Nothing
| target == 0 = Just []
| otherwise = case res of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just (concat res)
res = [ coin : rest | coin <- [largestCoin target coins],
let chg = target - coin,
let rest = fromMaybe [] (findCoins chg coins)
dropCoin :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [Integer]
dropCoin coins n = (reverse (drop (fromIntegral n) (reverse coins)))
ffcDrop :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer -> [Integer]
ffcDrop target coins n = case findCoins target (dropCoin coins n) of
Nothing -> []
Just [] -> []
Just [value] -> [value]
Just (x:xs) -> (x:xs)
findFewestCoins :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Maybe [Integer]
findFewestCoins target coins
| target < 0 = Nothing
| target == 0 = Just []
| target < minimum coins = Nothing
| otherwise = do
let r = [0..((fromIntegral (length coins))-1)]
let opts = map (ffcDrop target coins) r
-- traceShow "lists:" (pure ())
-- traceShow opts (pure ())
let res = smallestLengthList (filter (not . null) opts)
case res of
[] -> Nothing
[x] -> Just [x]
(x:xs) -> Just (x:xs)
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe def Nothing = def
fromMaybe _ (Just x) = x
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