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Last active April 11, 2016 23:37
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Australian version of the 52Vis Week 2 Challenge
## 52vis challenges, week 2 -- adapted for Australian statistics
## otherwise follows procedures found at
## this version blogged @
## This script produces a chloropleth for the Australian homeless population
## as a per mille proportion of each state's population, with the
## colorscale set to the same as the USA homeless graph (white at the national
## median, blue at the lowest value, and capped at 3x the national median in red).
## The graph is repeated with a scale more suitable for the Australian statistics.
## The yearly data is looped over in a .gif
## load relevant packages
pacman::p_load(magrittr, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, httr, readxl, purrr)
pacman::p_load(data.table, maptools, broom, ggthemes, ggalt, viridis, httr)
## and new folder created
## load the data from (download once)
# URL <- ""
# GET(URL, write_disk("homeless_AUS.xls", overwrite=TRUE))
## load the sheets into a list (by sheet name, a.k.a. year) of data.frames via map
AUSdata <- read_excel("homeless_AUS.xls", sheet="Table_1", skip=5)[27:35,] %>% setNames(c("State",
"n2001", "pc2001", "p10k2001",
"n2006", "pc2006", "p10k2006",
"n2011", "pc2011", "p10k2011"))
## gather, and add a year column
AUSdataDF <- AUSdata %>%
gather(Year, nHomeless, c(n2001, n2006, n2011)) %>%
dplyr::select(-c(pc2001, pc2006, pc2011, p10k2001, p10k2006, p10k2011)) %>%
## save a copy so we don't have to do that again
save(AUSdataDF, file="AUSdata_data.frame_2016-14.RData")
## merge with statep opulation statistics
auspop <- read.csv("auspop.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
auspop %<>% gather(Year, Population, -State) %>% mutate(Year=as.integer(substr(Year,2,5)))
AUSdataDF %<>% merge(auspop, by=c("State", "Year"))
## normalise the total homeless population as a proportion of 1000 persons (per mille) in each state population
AUSdataDF %<>% group_by(Year, State) %>% mutate(HomelessProp=1e3L*nHomeless/Population)
pacman::p_load(rgdal, maptools, ggplot2)
aus <- readOGR(dsn=".", layer="STE_2011_AUST")
aus@data$id = rownames(aus@data)
aus_map <- tidy(aus, region="id")
aus_map.df = merge(aus_map, aus@data, by="id")
## merge the aus_map data with ours
map_with_data <- AUSdataDF %>% merge(aus_map.df, by.x="State", by.y="STE_NAME11")
## make more than 3x the US national median value as a 'plus' group
map_with_data$HomelessProp[map_with_data$HomelessProp > 4.89] <- 4.89
## save a copy so we don't have to do that again
save(map_with_data, file="map_with_data_aus_2016-14.RData")
## build the animated plot
gg <- ggplot(map_with_data)
gg <- gg + labs(subtitle=paste0("AUS Homeless population scaled by state population,\ncapped at 3x USA national median (4.89/1000)"),
caption="Data: ")
gg <- gg + geom_map(map=aus_map,
aes(x=long, y=lat, map_id=id, fill=HomelessProp, frame=Year),
color="#2b2b2b", size=0.1)
gg <- gg + theme_map()
gg <- gg + scale_fill_gradient2(name="Homeless\npopulation \u2030",
low="steelblue", high="firebrick",
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position=c(0.86, 0.3), legend.key.size=unit(2,"cm"))
gg <- gg + theme(text=element_text(size=30, family="Arial Narrow"))
## view the animation
## output the animation
gg_animate(gg, interval=1, ani.width=1600, ani.height=1200, file="HomelessPopulation_AUSversion_USscale.gif")
## optimise the gif using Imagemagick
system("convert HomelessPopulation_AUSversion_USscale.gif -fuzz 10% -layers OptimizePlus -layers OptimizeTransparency HomelessPopulation_optim_AUSversion_USscale.gif")
## now repeat, but for our own median
## merge the aus_map data with ours
map_with_data <- AUSdataDF %>% merge(aus_map.df, by.x="State", by.y="STE_NAME11")
## make more than 3x the US national median value as a 'plus' group
map_with_data$HomelessProp[map_with_data$HomelessProp > 3*median(map_with_data$HomelessProp, na.rm=TRUE)] <- 3*median(map_with_data$HomelessProp, na.rm=TRUE)
## save a copy so we don't have to do that again
save(map_with_data, file="map_with_data_aus2_2016-14.RData")
## build the animated plot
gg <- ggplot(map_with_data)
gg <- gg + labs(subtitle=paste0("AUS Homeless population scaled by state population,\ncapped at 3x AUS national median (10.57/1000)"),
caption="Data: ")
gg <- gg + geom_map(map=aus_map,
aes(x=long, y=lat, map_id=id, fill=HomelessProp, frame=Year),
color="#2b2b2b", size=0.1)
gg <- gg + theme_map()
gg <- gg + scale_fill_gradient2(name="Homeless\npopulation \u2030",
low="steelblue", high="firebrick",
midpoint=median(map_with_data$HomelessProp, na.rm=TRUE),
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position=c(0.86, 0.3), legend.key.size=unit(2,"cm"))
gg <- gg + theme(text=element_text(size=30, family="Arial Narrow"))
## view the animation
## output the animation
gg_animate(gg, interval=1, ani.width=1600, ani.height=1200, file="HomelessPopulation_AUSversion_AUSscale.gif")
## optimise the gif using Imagemagick
system("convert HomelessPopulation_AUSversion_AUSscale.gif -fuzz 10% -layers OptimizePlus -layers OptimizeTransparency HomelessPopulation_optim_AUSversion_AUSscale.gif")
## for clarity, add a lollipop graph (courtesy of hrbrmstr)
AUSdataDF %<>% mutate(StateYear=paste0(State,", ",Year))
gg2 <- ggplot(AUSdataDF %>% ungroup %>% filter(State!="Northern Territory") %>% arrange(HomelessProp), aes(y=reorder(StateYear, HomelessProp), x=HomelessProp))
gg2 <- gg2 + geom_lollipop(aes(color=factor(Year)), horizontal=TRUE)
gg2 <- gg2 + labs(x="Homeless population \u2030",
y="State, Year",
title="Australian Homeless Population",
subtitle="Excluding Northern Territory",
caption="Data: ")
gg2 <- gg2 + theme_bw()
gg2 <- gg2 + theme(legend.key=element_blank())
gg2 <- gg2 + scale_color_discrete(guide=FALSE)
gg2 <- gg2 + facet_wrap(~Year, nrow=1)
gg2 <- gg2 + theme(text=element_text(family="Arial Narrow"))
ggsave(gg2, filename="HomelessPopulation_AUSbyStateNONT.png", width=7, height=7, units="in", dpi=600)
gg2NT <- ggplot(AUSdataDF %>% ungroup %>% arrange(HomelessProp), aes(y=reorder(StateYear, HomelessProp), x=HomelessProp))
gg2NT <- gg2NT + geom_lollipop(aes(color=factor(Year)), horizontal=TRUE)
gg2NT <- gg2NT + labs(x="Homeless population \u2030",
y="State, Year",
title="Australian Homeless Population",
# subtitle="Excluding Northern Territory",
caption="Data: ")
gg2NT <- gg2NT + theme_bw()
gg2NT <- gg2NT + theme(legend.key=element_blank())
gg2NT <- gg2NT + scale_color_discrete(guide=FALSE)
gg2NT <- gg2NT + theme(text=element_text(family="Arial Narrow"))
ggsave(gg2NT, filename="HomelessPopulation_AUSbyState.png", width=7, height=7, units="in", dpi=600)
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