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Created March 17, 2018 11:47
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Barak's Charts
import os
import re
import csv
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import ceil
MATCH_REGEX = re.compile('(?P<type>PM|QM|QF|SF|F)[ -]?(?P<num>[0-9]+)')a
SUCCESS = 'Successful'
FAIL = 'Failed'
class Data(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.full_name = data[0]
self.team_number = int(data[1])
stripped_name = data[2].strip().upper()
parsed_match_id = MATCH_REGEX.match(stripped_name)
if parsed_match_id is None:
print "Failed to parse match id: {}".format(stripped_name)
self._match_id = {'type': None, 'num': None}
self._match_id = parsed_match_id.groupdict()
self.auto_run = data[3] == TRUE_STRING
self.auto_exchange = data[4] == TRUE_STRING
self.auto_switch = int(data[5] or 0)
self.auto_switch_fail = int(data[6] or 0)
self.auto_scale = int(data[7] or 0)
self.auto_scale_fail = int(data[8] or 0)
self.collection = data[9]
self.tele_switch = int(data[10] or 0)
self.tele_switch_fail = int(data[11] or 0)
self.tele_scale = int(data[12] or 0)
self.tele_scale_fail = int(data[13] or 0)
self.tele_exchange = int(data[14] or 0)
self.tele_exchange_fail = int(data[15] or 0)
self.platform = data[16] == TRUE_STRING
self.climb = data[17]
self.partner_climb = data[18]
self.tech_foul = data[19] == TRUE_STRING
self.defence_comments = data[20]
self.comments = data[21]
def __repr__(self):
return "<Data Team {} | Match {}>".format(self.team_number, self.match_name)
def match_name(self):
return "{type} {num}".format(**self._match_id)
def match_key(self):
if self._match_id['type'] == 'PM':
return int(self._match_id['num']) - 100
elif self._match_id['type'] == 'QM':
return int(self._match_id['num'])
elif self._match_id['type'] == 'QF':
return 1000 + int(self._match_id['num'])
elif self._match_id['type'] == 'SF':
return 2000 + int(self._match_id['num'])
elif self._match_id['type'] == 'F':
return 3000 + int(self._match_id['num'])
return 4000
def exchange(self):
return self.tele_exchange
def switch(self):
return self.tele_switch + self.auto_switch
def scale(self):
return self.tele_scale + self.auto_scale
def get_data():
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fh:
rd = csv.reader(fh) # ignore headers
return map(Data, rd)
def keep_data(data, top_pct=0.75):
return int(ceil(len(data) * top_pct))
def average(data, keep=None):
# Keep all.
if keep is None:
keep = len(data)
# Average over that data
data_sum = sum(sorted(data, reverse=True)[:keep])
return float(data_sum) / keep
def plot_cube_handling(team_number):
records = data_by_team[team_number]
x = range(len(records))
matches = [d.match_name for d in records]
exchange = [ for d in records]
switch = [d.switch for d in records]
scale = [d.scale for d in records]
total = map(sum, zip(exchange, switch, scale))
keep = keep_data(total)
total_average = average(total, keep)
if keep < len(total):
ignored_x = zip(*sorted(enumerate(total), key=lambda d: d[1])[:-keep])[0]
ignored_x = []
auto_run = [(1 if d.auto_run else 0) for d in records]
auto_run_fail = [(1 if not d.auto_run else 0) for d in records]
auto_switch = [(2 if d.auto_switch > 0 else 0) for d in records]
auto_switch_fail = [(2 if d.auto_switch_fail > 0 else 0) for d in records]
auto_scale = [(3 if d.auto_scale > 0 else 0) for d in records]
auto_scale_fail = [(3 if d.auto_scale_fail > 0 else 0) for d in records]
platform = [(6 if d.platform else 0) for d in records]
climb = [(5 if d.climb == SUCCESS else 0) for d in records]
climb_fail = [(5 if d.climb == FAIL else 0) for d in records]
partner_climb = [(4 if d.partner_climb == SUCCESS else 0) for d in records]
partner_climb_fail = [(4 if d.partner_climb == FAIL else 0) for d in records]
plt.title('Team {}'.format(team_number))
lines = plt.stackplot(x, exchange, switch, scale)
plt.plot([x[0], x[-1]], [total_average, total_average], 'r--', ignored_x, [5 for _ in ignored_x], 'rx')
plt.xticks([], [])
plt.xlim(x[0], x[-1])
plt.ylabel('Number of Cubes')
plt.figlegend(lines, ['Exchange', 'Switch', 'Scale'])
plt.plot(x, auto_run, 'gv', x, auto_run_fail, 'rx',
x, auto_switch, 'gv', x, auto_switch_fail, 'rx',
x, auto_scale, 'gv', x, auto_scale_fail, 'rx',
x, platform, 'bo',
x, climb, 'gv', x, climb_fail, 'rx',
x, partner_climb, 'gv', x, partner_climb_fail, 'rx')
plt.yticks([1,2,3,4,5,6], ['[A] Run', '[A] Switch', '[A] Scale', 'Partner', 'Climb', 'Platform'])
plt.ylim(0.5, 7.0)
plt.xticks(x, matches, rotation=90)
plt.xlim(x[0], x[-1])
if not os.path.isdir('graphs'):
with open('graphs\\{}.txt'.format(team_number), 'wb') as fh:
fh.write("Team {}\r\n".format(team_number))
for record in records:
fh.write("Match {}:\r\n".format(record.match_name))
fh.write("Tech Fouls? {}\r\n".format(record.tech_foul))
data_by_team = defaultdict(list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
all_data = get_data()
[data_by_team[data.team_number].append(data) for data in all_data]
sorted_teams = []
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(9, 6)
for team in sorted(data_by_team.keys()):
data_by_team[team].sort(key=lambda data: data.match_key)
records = data_by_team[team]
exchange = [ for d in records]
switch = [d.switch for d in records]
scale = [d.scale for d in records]
total = map(sum, zip(exchange, switch, scale))
keep = keep_data(total)
exchange = average(exchange, keep)
switch = average(switch, keep)
scale = average(scale, keep)
total = average(total, keep)
sorted_teams.append((team, exchange, switch, scale, total))
matches = [d.match_name for d in records]
if len(records) == 1:
print "WARNING: only one record for team {}! typo?".format(team)
elif len(set(matches)) < len(records):
dupes = {match for match in matches if matches.count(match) > 1}
print "WARNING: Duplicates for team {}: {}".format(team, dupes)
print "Parsed team {}.".format(team)
with open("Results.txt", 'w') as fh:
fh.write("Top Exchange Teams:\n")
for i, (team, exchange, _, _, _) in enumerate(sorted(sorted_teams, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:16]):
fh.write("{:2}. {} - {:.2f}\n".format(i+1, team, exchange))
fh.write("\nTop Switch Teams:\n")
for i, (team, _, switch, _, _) in enumerate(sorted(sorted_teams, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)[:16]):
fh.write("{:2}. {} - {:.2f}\n".format(i+1, team, switch))
fh.write("\nTop Scale Teams:\n")
for i, (team, _, _, scale, _) in enumerate(sorted(sorted_teams, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True)[:16]):
fh.write("{:2}. {} - {:.2f}\n".format(i+1, team, scale))
fh.write("\nTop Total Teams:\n")
for i, (team, _, _, _, total) in enumerate(sorted(sorted_teams, key=lambda x: x[4], reverse=True)[:16]):
fh.write("{:2}. {} - {:.2f}\n".format(i+1, team, total))
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